
Ch. 81 Trust

With that annoying and good day passed, it was time for the years crescendo to begin. Harry was becoming twitcher the more time he spent with Riddle's diary, Ron wasn't too worried, and Hermione was close to figuring out that a Basilisk was the creature responsible for the attacks in the school.

To prepare for the inevitable confrontation, I had Scott send me a clear recording of a roosters cry. It won't kill the giant snake, but it should cause fear and pain. I've also asked Sol to give me a few tears just in case someone gets a dose of Basilisk poison.

My days passed busily, but peacefully. My weekdays were filled with polishing my ritual, teaching dueling, running the Exchange, holding my DADA 'review' class, and fulfilling my duties as Head Boy. Because no new incidents had occurred, students were no longer fearful and the norm returned to the castle. With the dueling club in place, conflicts became a lot more controlled. The fact that people could now challenge each other legitimately, gave a valid outlet for students to pour their grievances against one another. It reduced bullying, some types of rule breaking were reduced, it boosted many students desires to learn more skills in class and outside of it. As a whole, the dueling club has had a very positive impact on the quality of life in the school.

On a side note, our idiot of a DADA Professor still believes my 'review' is all about him. It's becoming increasingly ridiculous to watch the man strut around like a majestic peacock, when he's basically a gilded chicken at most. He was also over the moon at receiving so many letters during Valentine's Day that he decided to cut homework for a week, and since his homework assignments are usually all about how he defeated one creature or another, it was nice to have to do them. Even if I cheat with my quill.

Time passed, and it seemed that as May finally came along, it was time for things to begin.

The castle had once again been struck with fear as Hermione and Penelope Clearwater both became petrified. I could have stopped it sure, but this will let Harry follow the clues he's meant to. These adventures do more than make him learn about his and Tom's pasts. They teach him how to hunt for clues, look for secrets, heal his psychological trauma's and reinforce his positive qualities. They are things that he needs to face in order to grow into a proper chosen one. I know I'm acting like Dumbledore, but I'll at least do what I can to help him along the way more.

Some time after this new attack, I received my notice that the years events would end soon.

"Aedan Bones, the Headmaster wants to see you." A sixth year students from my house told me during my Charms class.

"Alright. Sorry Professor, I've got to go." I said to the mini professor.

"Oh, I think I can handle teaching without your assistance. You go ahead and have a nice chat with the Headmaster." He answered in his happy tone of voice as usual.

I left quickly after giving Christian and Victoria a nod to tell them it's ok before I did.

Arriving at the man's office door, I knocked. I don't get many chances to actually knock on the door since he always tells people to come in when they reach it, or I just go in when called for. But I could sense people and it wasn't good to be impolite.

"Come in Mr. Bones." Invited the old man in a lighthearted manner.

'Mr. Bones huh. So that means he doesn't want people to know our friendly relationship and that these are people he doesn't really trust. Also means I have to be polite and formal.' I thought as I opened the door.

As I expected, the Minister had come. He was wearing quite a ridiculous outfit today: a pinstriped suit, a scarlet tie, a long black cloak, and pointed purple boots. Under his arm he carried a lime-green bowler. He looked very nervous to be here.

"Hello Mr. Bones, thank you for coming so quickly." Greeted the old man with a smile.

"No problem at all Headmaster. It is good to see you again Minister. We haven't had the chance to talk since that ball a year and a half ago. I hope we can speak to each other more in the future, especially with my shop providing so many supplies to the Ministry itself." I say with a smile and 'sincere' tone, the one for politics.

"Ah, yes indeed. The ministry has been very happy with your products. Even helped with my work don't you know." He said awkwardly as he didn't know how to face me.

'Understandable since the last time I was near the man his Undersecretary almost lost her job and he looked like he'd seen a ghost when I was introduced.' I thought as I looked over the cowardly man.

"What I can I do for you sir?" I then ask as I turn my attention back to the Headmaster.

"It seems the Minister wishes to take Hagrid into temporary custody since he is said to be the one responsible for opening the Chamber 50 years ago-" Dumbledore started to say.

"You can't tell this to a students Albus!" Interrupted a very nervous Fudge.

"No need to worry Minister, young Mr. Bones actually already knows about this. He is exceedingly bright and researched it on his own." Reassured the Headmaster with his grandfatherly smile.

"I understand. The Ministry cannot allow this to keep happening so they want to prove that they are on the issue. Truly the right political move. But surely you won't send a man, who was pardoned and has lived the last 50 years without any law breaking, to Azkaban just for safety reasons yes? This seems to be an unjust punishment when no evidence points to the man." I said with a 'troubled' tone as I look to the minister. "How would it look to the people? The Ministry can send you to Azkaban at any time because of a past offense, with no trial or evidence as a precaution. The backlash would be tremendous."

"Wha-what do you mean? The Ministry can't be seen doing nothing!" Fudge nervously raised his voice as his face lost all color at the picture I just painted for him.

"Of course it can't Minister. I am completely on your side here." I answer seriously as I 'reassure' the man with a kind smile. "But we can ask the man to cooperate peacefully and send him to a secure environment until evidence of his guilt or innocence has been collected. This way the Ministry is doing what it can in its investigation of the issue and you will appear just as you uphold fairness."

"Yes...yes! That is perfect! I get what I need to keep those people of my back and you, Albus, won't have to worry about the man. But where could we put him? The only cells in use are in Azkaban." Pondered the minister seriously because this would actually be the best for everyone right now.

"I've heard that Fortress protection has holding cells and I'm sure if they are simply compensated for the issue they will be more than happy to cooperate. I'll even ask a contact I have in the company to see if everything could be handled properly." I finally say as i give him the final push.

"Yes! That would be perfect! Should I contact Madam Bones for this?" He then asked. That is actually a proper thought since it should logically be her that has the connection.

"I will be more than enough. And I'm sure the Headmaster would be more than willing to help in this matter Minister." I say with a bright smile as I write a message and send it through my vanishing box to Scott. A few moments later he says it will be arranged.

"And there you have it. Shall we sirs?" I say politely.

"We shall Mr. Bones." Replied a happier Dumbledore. He also knew how much better this would be than Azkaban, and I made sure to tell them that the man was a friend, so they should treat him more like a guest than inmate.

The three of us walk to Hagrid's Hut, arriving quickly enough due to the Minister really wanting to get this over with. So they knock on the door and explain the situation to him.

"Not Azkaban?" He asked in fright when he understood where this was going. He'd been there once, and no one wants to experience it again.

"No, not Azkaban Hagrid." Reassured Dumbledore. "Young Mr. Bones has helped arrange a more suitable place for you to be in precautionary custody. As long as you cooperate peacefully you will not go anywhere near Azkaban, you have my word."

The half-giant looked at me disbelieving what he just heard.

"You're a friend Hagrid. I can't just let you go to that horrid place for something you didn't do back then and certainly not now." I say gently to confirm the situation.

"Oooh, thank you Aedan. You have no idea how horrible that place is!" He gratefully said as relief washed over him.

"No problem Hagrid. I just hope we can resolve this issue once and for all. I'm also thinking that if Hagrid is once again innocent it shouldn't be too much to ask for him to be allowed to carry a wand again, right Minister." I say, startling the both of them. "After all, he was falsely accused last time and it should have already happened.

"Ye-yes, of course! No issue at all! Just a quick permit." He hurriedly answered.

"Wonderful! So don't you worry Hagrid, everything will be fine as long as you just cooperate ok?" I say to the large man.

"O' course I'll do it! No way I'm no' doin' it." He exclaimed as he was almost crying.

Then came a knock on the door and finally Lucius Malfoy came.

He instantly began to be condescending, greatly angering Hagrid with his presence and he was about to gleefully inform the Headmaster of his stupid success, but I decided to mess with him a bit.

"Lord Malfoy! Such a pleasure to see you again. I haven't seen you since last summer and I've so wanted to talk business with you. After all, you are one of the richest men in Britain." I say 'enthusiastically' as I greet the man.

He instantly lost his sneer as he became displeased at being reminded of what happened.

"What are you doing here young Heir Bones?" He asked through almost gritted teeth.

"I'm just helping the Headmaster and Minister talk Hagrid into going into precautionary custody since he is my friend and I am Head Boy. But I must say I am surprised at your presence. You've always said you disapproved of the running of the school, so I am sure you've come to reassure the students that additional security measures are going to be taken yes? I'm sure the illustrious Lucius Malfoy has come to protect all the students currently studying with his own son." I say with 'enthusiasm' as I'm rubbing into his face that he's doing something stupid and putting his own son in danger. Because even if he can't stand Dumbledore, he can't deny his strength and the safety he brings to the school.

"Of course." He replies with a very harsh glare towards me before turning his attention back to the Headmaster and taking out a piece of parchment. "This is an order of suspension signed by all twelve of the school Governors. I'm afraid we feel you're losing your touch. How many attacks have there been now? Two more this afternoon, wasn't it? At this rate, there'll be no Muggle-borns left at Hogwarts, and we all know what an awful loss that would be to the school."

And so Fudge and Hagrid began to argue about the stupidity of the decision until I spoke up.

"Surely you're not just taking away the most powerful wizard in Britain and not assigning anyone to replace him. The Governor's truly care for the school and would never do such a thing without a proper plan in place, right Lord Malfoy? You must have talked to my aunt about assigning some Aurors. Or took at least a squad of hit wizards to patrol the halls. Or even hired protection from the new defense agency Fortress Protection. Because if not, as a student, Head Boy and Heir of a noble family, I will have to have the decision investigated and properly explained. To take away the Headmaster in a time of crisis, without any actual back up to fill the gap, would be foolish beyond measure and I would have to lodge a formal complaint with the board and Ministry for gross mismanagement of one of the most important institutions in our country. I will only be able to assume they are compromised and bring legal actions against the endangerment of the student body instead of its betterment." I say to the man with 'indignation' and 'righteousness'.

Lucius looks at me with downright hatred, Fudge with scared witless at the confrontation and Dumbledore is very serious at the moment as he thinks.

"That will be enough Mr. Bones. If it is the Governors wish that I step aside, then I will of course step down." Dumbledore said as he looked into Malfoy's grey eyes. "However, you will find that I will only truly have left this school when none here are loyal to me. You will also find that help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who ask for it." He added as he looked to where Harry and Ron were hiding for a split second.

"And Mr. Bones, I trust you will continue to perform excellently." He said with a smile at me as Malfoy lead him away with a sneer.

'Really, like father like son. Both are obsessed with bringing down their own targets. No matter how stupid they act or what they have to do.' I thought as I saw the gloating git.

"Of course Headmaster. Everything will be as you left it when you return." I reply with a knowing smile.

He nodded and left with Lucius, and Fudge leading Hagrid away after he loudly said: "If anyone wanted ter find out some stuff, all they'd have ter do would be ter follow the spiders. That'd lead 'em right! That's all I'm sayin'." To the Ministers great confusion, but he just shrugged it off as he left.

I just smile at the man's 'subtlety' and I almost laugh when he yells out that someone will have feed his dog.

After everyone was leaving, I waited for them to get out of earshot and looked right where the two were hiding.

"Good luck you two. I'm sure you'll figure it out." I say with a bright smile as I exit the cabin and head back to the castle.

'Almost time for the final act.'

Wanted to show that Dumbledore is actually growing to trust Aedan’s judgment and that their relationship is growing.

Also wanted to poke at Lucius ‘innocently’.

Help Hagrid here and there.

And bam, one chapter.


Alexander_the_greycreators' thoughts
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