
Chapter 62: Are You Still In Pain?

Catherine held out her palm, and the doctor poured the antiseptic straight over the wound. She groaned and bit her tongue but held it steady.

"No, she shouldn't need stitches," the doctor said. "But that's only if she can keep a bandage on and avoid using the hand until it heals." 

"I'll make sure she doesn't," Sean said.

"Alright," the doctor said. "Her cuts are treated—most of them don't even need bandages, but her ankle looks pretty swollen. I'd say it's a sprain, but I'd have to check to be sure."

Cold fingers gripped her ankle and gently prodded at the skin. She winced slightly, while compared to the burning in her palm, the pain wasn't too bad.

"I didn't even notice her ankle," Sean said, sounding strained again. "Catherine, what happened?"

"I guess I sprained it when I tried to run," she said. "I'm not sure." 

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