
Chapter 63: Apologize To Catherine

She bit her tongue, wondering how he'd know what would help with the drug, but she let him feed her another spoonful and then another. The soup did taste good, and it made her throat hurt less.

"Who knew you were such a romantic, Sean," a laughing voice called from the door.

She turned and saw Brad and Leydon standing at the door, watching them. Her cheeks grew hot, and she looked away as they smirked at Sean. She wondered how long they'd been standing there.

"Oh, don't be shy, Catherine," Brad said. "This is quite a change for him. If you could have seen how he—"

"That's enough," Sean said. "Stop standing by the door, come in."

"Well, we were planning on dropping in for dinner, but it seems like you're already eating," Leydon said, looking embarrassed.

"No, don't go," Catherine said. She turned to Sean, "I want to go have a shower and lie down in bed. You can have dinner with your friends."

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