
Investigations: Part One

AN: I wrote this chapter when I was pretty depressed so if it seems that there is some negative writing or more swearing than usual. Hell, even when I add in some AN in the story and it seems a bit aggressive, please just accept my apology. I haven't changed them because I am lazy. That seems to be a routine in this story. Have a good day everyone!

Chapter 62: Investigations: Part One.

(Two days after lifesigns)

Ensign Baytart's POV


I stood behind Neelix's camera as he recorded the first episode of his new show "A briefing with Neelix." Wether this was to get back at the Captain because she wouldn't let him on the senior staff breifings, who knows?

He was in his chef's outfit, cooking lunch as he started the show with a big cheerful grin.

"Good day, Voyager and welcome to A Briefing With Neelix. It's a catchy title, isn't it? I'll be coming to you each and every day with news of general interest. Interviews with our fascinating crew members. Musical performances. Recommendations for new holodeck programmes. And of course, previews of upcoming meals. Everything from Hlaka soup to Zabee nuts. A Briefing With Neelix will help you stay informed about ship's activities, er, keep you abreast of your colleague's accomplishments and broaden your knowledge about a wealth of subjects. But most of all, it will make you feel good, because what you see here will always be the most uplifting, optimistic view of everything that happens on our ship. After all, as your morale officer, isn't it my job to bring a little joy into everyone's day? Hmm? Captain Janeway has agreed to appear on the show with regular updates about the ship's progress, and Commander Chakotay will commend outstanding crew members. So snap to and keep those boots polished to a shine. You never know when you might be featured on A Briefing With Neelix. Ready, Ensign?" He called out to me.

"All set, Neelix." I quickly replied, holding up my juggling balls.

"In just a moment, an amazing talent. Ensign Pablo Baytart will astound you with his juggling ability. He'll keep PADDs, hyposprays, even phasers in the air for minutes at a time. But before that, what makes people feel better than a little romance? And what Lieutenant in a gold uniform was recently huddled in the Mess Hall with what crewman in blue having a very intimate conversation over a carafe of Silmic wine? Well, I'd never name names, but you know who you are. Best wishes to a handsome pair of lovebirds. And now, ladies and gentlemen, Ensign Pablo Baytart."


(Meanwhile: The Episode aired live at the time.)

Bini Filters's POV

"Did Neelix just out a pair? Oh, he just pissed off someone!" I exclaimed as we watched the episode live from Micheal and Sarah's bedroom.

Micheal sat beside me on the floor, shoving popcorn in his mouth, trying to be quiet as the Captain was getting ready for work in the living room.

"Can this be our new source of gossip?" Micheal asked between munches that made Sarah laugh from her bed.

"No, no, no. We can't spread news if everyone already knows the same things we know! Besides, Neelix isn't giving much info anyway on the matter." I argued.

"Fine. Doesn't the program seem...A bit much?"

"Yeah. Without a doubt."

Suddenly, the door opened to reveal the Captain coming in as she put the last pin in her hair. She put her hands on her hips and glared at us.

"Micheal Janeway. Why are you eating popcorn so early in the mourning?"


"Bini. What are you doing in my quaters so early? Don't you have work?"

"W-Well, u-umm. Y-Yo-You see...I-um...Oh boy..." I stammered like a idiot.

She rolled her eyes and pointed to the door.

"You can come after your shift. Get moving, Ensign. That's an order." She said with her Captain tone. I nodded and followed her order, immediately running out. Almost collading with Chakotay once I entered the corridor.


(One Hour later)

Neelix's POV

"Ladies and gentlemen, Ensign Pablo Baytart." I announced on the Doctor's monitor from my show. I looked up at him with a smile. "Well? What did you think?"

He leaned over and turned it off before Baytart's juggling act appears.

"I'm a doctor, not a performer. I don't have time for such nonsense." He snapped.

"I can see Hints for Healthful Living becoming a very popular segment, Doctor. " I encouraged.

"I don't think so."

"You'd be lifted to a whole new level in the crew's eyes. They'd hang on your every word. You'd enjoy popularity, a celebrity that you've never known before."

"I would?"

"You don't have to answer right away. Just think about it." I said as I walked out. Confident that I had won him over.


Harry Kim's POV

"Ah, Mister Kim! Just the person I wanted to see." Neelix called out in the messhall. I abruptly got up and started for the door. Leaving a surprised Tom behind. Neelix caught up with me in the corridor.

"Did you watch A Briefing With Neelix this morning?"

"Uh, yes, yes, I did." I replied.

"Is there something about the programme you disliked?"

"I'm not sure I care for all the...frosting." I admitted as I stepped into the turbolift, Neelix following close.

"Frosting?" He repeated.

"Deck four. Recipes, music, jugglers. It's sort of like a steady diet of dessert, which is fine, but pretty soon you want some meat and potatoes." I explained.

"You do?"

"When I was in school, I was editor of the Academy newspaper for a year. I monitored subspace transmissions. I got reports on some of the first activity by the Maquis against the Cardassians. I wrote an editorial about it, and the students became polarised on the issue. They debated the pros and cons, and gained an insight into the entire history of the political rebellion. Now, that's the power of journalism."

"What did your professors say when you told them you were going to publish the editorial?"

"I didn't tell them. It's the job of a journalist to be independent." I said.

"Bridge to Mister Neelix. You have an incoming transmission." A crewman called onto the com. I let out a sigh of relief as I knew the conversation was coming to an end.

"I'm heading for my quarters. Put it through there."

"Yes, sir." The crewman replied.


Neelix's POV

'Neelix, my friend. How are you?" Laxeth, one of my old Talaxian friends said after I turned on the communication.

"Laxeth, you old dilithium scrubber. It's good to see you. Calling to trade me some of your ill-gotten goods again? I promise you, I never want to see another wheel of Pendrashian cheese." I insisted on jokingly.

"Those days are behind me. I'm legitimate now. I'm communications master of a Talaxian convoy."

"Communications master? Well, you've certainly come up in the world. Congratulations."

"Looks like I'll be seeing you in a few days."

"How's that?"

"We've been asked to rendezvous with your ship. We're going to pick up a passenger." He said.

"Passenger? We don't carry any passengers."

"Apparently, it's a member of your crew. All I know is someone wants to leave your ship and come to work for us."


Captain Kathryn Janeway's POV

I cleared my throat and leaned over on the ready room desk. Looking at Neelix straight in the eye.

"Just how, exactly, did you hear that someone was leaving the ship?" I asked. Afraid that he would run our entire plan.

"An old friend of mine is serving with a Talaxian convoy. He told me they'd be rendezvousing with us in a few days."

"Janeway to Tuvok." I said over the comlink quickly.

"Yes, Captain?" Tuvok replied.

"Could you join us in my Ready room, please?"

"Right away. Tuvok out." Tuvok ended the comlink and then swiftly entered the Ready room seconds later. Moving to stand beside me.

"Lieutenant, Mister Neelix has heard on good authority that one of our crew will be leaving the ship in a few days. Naturally, he's curious about the identity of this person. What are the security issues here?"

"I don't believe there are any serious concerns, Captain. There is no need to withhold this information any longer." Tuvok agreed.

"Lieutenant Paris has asked to be put off the ship." I bluntly told Neelix.


"I'm sure you're aware that he's had some problems lately." I said.

"Well, yes."

"He has been disruptive, and often sets a bad example for the rest of the crew." Tuvok added.

"But he seemed so determined to get those things behind him. It means a lot to him to be respected by this crew."

"All I can tell you is that when he was relieved of duty, he asked me to make arrangements for him to leave the ship. I tried to talk him out of it, but he was adamant. We detected the Talaxian convoy, and they were more than happy to get a pilot of Tom's ability."

"I can't believe this. I never thought. Captain, may I speak with him?"

"Of course. He's in his quarters." I granted. He nodded and rushed out on a mission.


Tom Paris's POV

"Come in." I granted after the door bell rang. Allowing a disgruntled Neelix in. I continued to pack as I looked up to greet him.

"Hello, Tom."

"Neelix! How's it going?" I asked. His expression told me it is not going well. "Not good, it looks like. What's wrong?"

"I hear you're leaving the ship?" He asked.

"Good news travels fast, I guess. Yeah, I figured there was quite a bit more opportunity for advancement on a Talaxian convoy than there was on the only Starfleet ship in the quadrant."

"When did you make this decision?"

"Truthfully? About a minute and a half after I set foot on this ship a year ago. I knew it was a mistake to try to fit into Starfleet again, and I should have listened to myself. A few more months in that rehab colony would have been a hell of a lot better than being here." I explained.

"Tom, you and I have had our differences, but I thought we put those behind us. I just hope I haven't contributed to your decision?" He said. I shook my head and smiled.

"Neelix, no. This isn't about anybody except me. I've done this to myself, just like always. No matter where I go or who I'm with, I make a mess of things. The unmistakable conclusion has to be that deep down, I don't want any friends, or a family, or a home. Otherwise, I wouldn't keep sabotaging the possibilities."

"I thought you found those things here."

"I tried. Or maybe I just told myself I was trying. I'm not sure. Either way, it's just not working. Frankly, I'd like to get out before I completely destroy my image. There might actually be one or two people who still have a good opinion of me."

"I'm one of them, Tom. And I wish you wouldn't go." He pleaded.

"Well, I thank you. But the truth is, I've always considered myself a drifter. You know what that's like, Neelix. Freedom to do what you want, when you want. No rules to follow, nobody depending on you, right?" I insisted. Neelix hobbled over and gave me a tearful bear hug.


Bini Filters's POV

The Doctor fixed my bruise as Micheal and Sarah stared back at me in concern, just minutes earlier we were all battered from a freak accident on the holodeck when someone (Obviously Micheal) decided to blow up the ship, causing the holodeck to drop us from a high height.

"Next time you have a bright idea like this, Ensign. Stop yourself!" The Doctor barked. I rolled my eyes and jumped off the biobed, followed by Mollie and the other two.

"Yes, yes, yes. I have heard it all before. Moving on..." I said, waving him away. Which he was obviously annoyed at. The sickbay door opened to reveal a distraught Neelix entering.

"Well, there you are. I've been waiting for what seems like hours." The Doc barked at Neelix, seeming to not notice him.

"Doctor-" He started but was quickly interrupted.

"I want to discuss the details of my participation on your programme. I've been giving it a great deal of thought, and I've come up with a number of ideas I think you'll find quite intriguing."

"Well, that's good news, I-I'm delighted you've decided to become a contributor. But I'm afraid I don't have time to discuss it right now."

"But I've already prepared today's topic. How to keep your nostrils happy.' The Doctor exclaimed, causing Micheal, Sarah and I to start laughing at how stupid that is.

"That is fascinating, but I'm afraid there's a more important story I have to work on today."

"You mean I'm not going to appear today?"

"When you see it, I'm sure you will understand."

EMH [on monitor]: Hmm. But I will be on tomorrow?

"Definitely. Without fail. I promise you."

"Very well. But tomorrow I'll want to cover two topics. I have a most entertaining idea. Uncovering the hidden mysteries of the adrenal gland."

"Fine. Fine. Good bye, Doctor."

"Wait, what is it that you needed Mr. Neelix anyhow?" The Doctor stopped him.



(Next Day)

Chakotay's POV

I stopped my work and stared at the screen in shock as Neelix's show played.


A Crewmember's POV

We all stopped in deafening silence as the news each hit us in different ways from Neelix's new show.


Captain Kathryn Janeway's POV

Tuvok and I watched Neelix inform the crew that Tom was leaving.


Bini Filters's POV

I stood in Janeway's living room. Staring at the screen in shock as the news continued on and Neelix let out a heart-wrenching speech. Micheal and Sarah couldn't speak and we could do nothing but stare in horror.


Kes's POV

Harry and I stood in front of Tom in the transporter room. Saying our last goodbye's.


"Good morning, Voyager." I started a "Briefing with Neelix" grimly. "I want to tell you about a friend of mine. I first met this man almost a year ago, and tell you the truth, I didn't like him much. He seemed a little too cocky, a little too sure of himself. A lot of people had questions about him. He'd proven he'd pretty much sell himself out to the highest bidder, go wherever the wind blew him, so people wondered, could you trust this person when things got tough? Would he stand side by side with you, or would he let you down when you needed him most? But the fact of the matter is, he proved himself right from the beginning. I wouldn't be alive right now if it weren't for him. And the same goes for many of you. It took me a while to realize it. Like a lot of people, I was too caught up in first impressions to see the truth that was right in front of me. I overlooked his bravery because I was focusing of his brashness. I ignored his courage because I saw it as arrogance. And I resented his friendliness because I mistook it for licentiousness. So while this man was giving us his best every minute of every day, I was busy judging him. And now he's leaving. I'm proud to say that in spite of my narrow-mindedness, Thomas Eugene Paris became my friend. I'm going to miss him. No more laughs over a game of pool. No more sitting up into the wee hours swapping stories. No more complaints about my cooking. Goodbye, Tom. I think I speak for more of us than you might imagine when I say you're going to leave an empty space when you go. I hope you find what you're looking for."


Captain Kathryn Janeway's POV

The rest of the senior staff were sitting in the briefing room for the usual day report.

"Lieutenant, Operations has detected a minute increase in the engine core temperature. Are you aware of it?" I asked B'Elanna as I quickly went over the report in my hand.

"Yes, Captain. There's a slight imbalance in the magnetic constrictors. It's causing the plasma stream to overheat. I have a team working on it."

"Keep me posted. Mister Neelix, I'm very pleased with your programme, especially your tribute to Lieutenant Paris." I said to Neelix. He nodded in respect.

"Thank you."

"Captain, have you decided who's going to replace Paris?" Chakotay asked.

"I have several people in mind. Baytart is one. Hamilton."

"Captain, do you think? I mean, it's possible Tom might change his mind to come back. Maybe you shouldn't replace him so quickly." Harry suggested.

"Harry, Lieutenant Paris made his decision with no indication that he had any doubts about it, or that he might change his mind in the near future. We have to accept that and move on. What's our tactical status?" I asked to Tuvok. We were the only one's who knew (With Tom) who was really going on.

"All systems are functional."

"Engineering to Torres." Ensign Jonas's voice suddenly cut through.

"Go ahead." B'Elanna replied.

"We have a problem here."

"What is it?"

"The magnetic constrictors have lost alignment. The plasma stream is way too hot. It's starting to infect the injector valves."

"I'm on my way."

"We're finished here. Dismissed." I ordered. Everyone moved to get up.

"Lieutenant, if I may? This sounds like news of substance to me." Neelix suggested to B'Elanna rolled her eyes and nodded. Gesturing him to follow me.

"Just stay out of our way."


Ensign Jonas's POV (The dipshit that betrayed Voyager.)

"It's gotten worse, I can't get the injector valves closed. Antimatter's starting to seep into the warp core." I said, mustering all my acting skill as B'Elanna marched down engineering towards the warp core with Neelix following closely behind.

"Have you tried adjusting the power transfer conduits?" She asked.

"Yes. No effect." I lied as she got to a console and tried to fix the issue.

"We have to try to contain the reaction in the core. Don't let the PTC temperature get above three point two million Kelvins."

"It's at two point nine million now." I reported. "PTC temperature now at three million Kelvins. We're going to have to vent some plasma."

"If you vent some plasma that hot through the nacelles, the warp coils are going to fry."

"Better that than a core breach!" I argued.

"Reinforce the structural field around the power transfer conduits, and then prepare to begin venting plasma!"

"PTC temperature now three point two million Kelvins."

"It's cascading. Get away from that console!" B'Elanna ordered. I frantically tried to stop the breach, trying to forfill my promise to Seska.

"I can stop it from here!"

"Get away, Jonas!" She yelled again. The console exploded. Sending me and two others flying, slamming into the floor with burn marks.

"Computer, initiate plasma venting!" B'Elanna yelled as I groaned in pain.

"Are we all right?" Neelix asked.

"PTC temperature is dropping. Approaching safe levels. We're under control."

"Neelix to Sickbay. Prepare for emergency transport. We have three wounded."

---30 minutes later---

The Doctor finished up on one engineer who had a burnt hand and walked over to me.

"Vital signs steady. Second degree burns to face and chest." Kes reported as she held a medical tricorder up to my burns.

"Treat him with the dermal regenerator. Ah, the situation has been stabilized. None of the victims is in danger any longer." The Doctor ordered. Kes nodded and hurried off to get the supplies. I hissed in pain and shifted my postion.

"May I interview one of them now?" Neelix cut in.

"One of the patients? I'd think you'd be more interested in my assessment of the medical situation." The Doctor boasted.

"Well, I am, of course. Would you care to make a statement?" Neelix asked politely.

"Yes. The first task is to triage, or to assess the relative condition of each of the victims, and then to prioritise treatment accordingly-"

"Thank you, Doctor. I'm sure that will be of great interest to the crew."

"I wasn't finished. Next, the treatment per se must be supervised-"

"Very interesting." Neelix cut in again, before turning to me with a bright smile and a padd recording. "Now, I know the crew would love to hear a few words from the man who risked his life to save the ship. Would you consent to an interview?"

"I was just doing my job, Neelix. Lieutenant Torres is the one you should talk to." I insisted.

"Janeway to Neelix." The Captain interrupted.

"Ah. Right here, Captain." Neelix replied on the channel.

"Could you join us on the Bridge, please?"

"I'm on my way. Neelix out." Neelix said and swiftly closed the channel. "I'll contact you later about the interview."


Captain Kathryn Janeway's POV

(AN: Who the fuck let Neelix into the briefing room earlier? But it is important to the storyline so screw it!)

"The plasma burst irradiated the engine nacelles. The inner layer of the warp coils was burned away." I said out loud to process the situation as the senior staff sat on the bridge.

"Which means the warp engines are useless until we can rebuild them." B'Elanna replied.

"They're made from a substance known as verterium cortenide. Do you know where we can find a source?"

"Verterium cortenide, if I'm not mistaken, that's a densified composite material." Neelix pitched up.

"That's right. It's composed of polysilicate verterium and monocrystal cortenum."

"Do you know any nearby source?"

"Let's see. Er, there's a yellow dwarf system called Hemikek with an M-class planet quite rich in minerals. Mining rights belong to a consortium of non-aggressive people. I'm sure we could make arrangements to purchase some verterium and cortenum." Neelix explained.

"Good work, Neelix." I congratulated.

"Captain, message coming in from the Talaxian convoy."

"Put it on screen."

"Captain Janeway." Laxeth said with concern on the viewscreen.

"What's happened?" She asked.

"We were attacked by the Kazon-Nistrim."

"Do you have casualties? How can we help?"

"We have no serious casualties, and they didn't take any of our cargo. The one thing they were interested in was your former crewman, Thomas Paris. They took him aboard their ship and then left. I thought you'd want to know."



Tom Paris's POV

"Tom Paris." Seska sneered at me as she entered the room I was being held in that had nothing but a chair and a console.

"Hello, Seska. You're looking radiantly maternal." I snapped out sarcastically.

"In another month, Chakotay will have a son, or a daughter. I really didn't want to know which. Makes it more interesting, don't you think?" She smiled.

"I wouldn't know."

"I have no idea which one Chakotay would prefer. At least he's not with...that bitch." Seska muttered under her breathe with hate. We both know who we are talking about. "He and I rarely see eye to eye. You've had your problems with him lately, too. I know all about what's happened. Your sudden inability to be Starfleet's good boy."

"It's not sudden. I never really fit in there."

"Then Lieutenant Tom Paris was just a pretence?'

"No. No, it was me trying very hard to be someone I finally couldn't be."

"I never liked you, Tom. I didn't trust you. I don't trust you now." She snapped.

"I can assure you the feeling is mutual."

"Fine, but we might be able to help each other, if you're telling the truth."

"Is that why you kidnapped me and dragged me here, so we could be pals now?" I gritted my teeth.

"I thought it might make sense to you."

"And if it doesn't?"

"The Kazon tend to be excessive in their use of force. It's nothing I can change. But I can promise you'll be well-treated on this ship if we decide we can work together."

"What exactly would that mean?" I asked.

"You're an excellent pilot. We could make good use of your skills. And of course, you have information about Voyager that could be quite valuable."

"It seems to me like you're already getting a lot of valuable information about Voyager from somewhere."

"Think about it, Tom. Think about where you want to be when the Nistrim seizes Voyager and start taking control of the quadrant sector by sector. Just let me know." She said, briskly walking out of the room. I quickly took a small device out of my shirt Cluff and attached it to the console.


Neelix's POV

(Captain's log, stardate 49485.2. In spite of the fact that Tom Paris has been abducted by the Kazon, we must continue on course for the Hemikek system.)

"Something just doesn't make sense. I mean, he wasn't off the ship for a day when the Kazon attacked that convoy. How did they find out so fast that Tom was there?" I explained to Kes as I paced my kitchen.

"Maybe someone on the convoy told them." Kes suggested.

"A Talaxian convoy would never let the Kazon know where they are. That would be like committing suicide."

"Maybe they came to rob the cargo, but when they realized there was a Starfleet officer-"

"That wouldn't have stopped them from taking the cargo too. And according to my friend Laxeth, it was a swift, efficient strike. It sounds like they knew Tom was there, and they came just to get him."

"But who would've told them?"

"One possibility I can think of is that it was someone on this ship."

"On Voyager? Who would do that?"

"I don't know. But a responsible journalist would find out." I said, rushing out of the messhall to find answers.

---End of Chapter 62: Next: Investigations: Part Two.---

Next chapter