
Investigations: Part Two

Chapter 63: Investigations: Part One.

Bini's POV


I took the night shift, helping the remaining engineering crew working late. After a lot of convincing, A LOT of convincing, the Captain agreed to let Micheal help me tonight so that he could learn something. I sat in front of an opened up bulkhead with fried EPS relays.

"OK, Hand me the spanner," I order. I fit my arm deep into the wires and yanked, pulling some broken parts out. Michael shifted through the engineering kit and found the spanner. Quickly handing it to me. I shoved the broken parts aside and used the spanner to connect the relays.

"What we have to go Micheal, is replace the broken parts and connect the relays together to replace the broken stuff until...Gah...we can refit new ones. Does that make sense?" I asked. He nodded and I pointed to another experiment. He handed it to me and I was back to digging inside the bulkhead.

The door opened so we turned to see who it was, Neelix hobbled in and was surprised to see B'Elanna also working late.

"B'Elanna! I didn't expect to find you here. Are you working the night shift?" He asked.

"I have been since the accident." She snapped in annoyance and jabbed her finger against the console.


"What brings you here?"

"I was wondering if you could show me how to access the subspace communications logs." He requested.

"Why would you be interested in the comm. logs?"

"Well, just part of my news programme."

"Well, I can get you into them, but then you're on your own. I'm still trying to bring the magnetic constrictors into alignment."

"I understand. Just get me started."

"How far back do you want to go?" She asked, moving across engineering and moving over us to access the console we were under.

"Oh, maybe a month or two."

"Okay. The file's open. Transmissions are logged on by date and time. Anything else?"

"No. I'll be fine. Thank you very much." Neelix said. B'Elanna turned to Jonas who stood nearby working as well.

"Mike, we're going into the computer core to look over the magnetic constrictor circuitry. Hold down the fort. All right?" She vocalized to Jonas.

"Okay, Lieutenant."

"Voyager to Mithren. Mithren again. Voyager to Kotati." Neelix muttered as he continued work.

"Are you looking for something particular?" Jonas asked with curiosity.

"I, I don't know exactly what I'm looking for. Something anomalous."


"An incident I'm investigating. Tell me, Mister Hero. If someone wanted to make a secret subspace transmission, how would he do it?" Neelix asked. It was clear that the pair didn't know Micheal and I was there so we watched the situation.

"Why would you want to know that?"

"Oh, I can't be too forthcoming right now, but if I find what I think I'm going to, well, let me just say that this ship will be stunned."

"A secret transmission, huh? Well, that would be tough, Neelix. There are all kinds of security routines in place and anytime a subspace antenna array is in use, the sensors make a record of it. I'm not seeing anything anomalous here." He said. Then Neelix pointed to something on the screen.

"What about that?" He asked.


"That gap, as if some of the log entries have been deleted.' Neelix exclaimed.

"Well, that's just a data fragmentation."

"I beg your pardon?"

"Well, it probably happened when the plasma overloaded the system. Little glitches like this'll be popping up for weeks, I'd imagine."

"Here it is again.'

"I wouldn't worry about it."

"Maybe Lieutenant Torres can explain it." B'Elanna suggested. Jonas started to look around worried. Why would he be worried?

"There's nothing to explain. Believe me, Neelix. You're making too much of it.'

"Ah. Here it is again." Neelix exclaimed. "Gaps in the log entries. And frankly it looks like more than data fragmentation to me. The gaps are showing up in logs entered over the last months, but not before that."

Suddenly, Micheal and I heard the annoyed voice of the Doctor cut through the awkward moment.

"So, there you are. I've been looking for you, Mister Neelix."

"Doctor! How can I help you?" Neelix tried to say as politely as possible.

"You again neglected to include me in your news programme. If you remember, I was to have two segments today because I was excluded yesterday." He complained.

"That's right, that's right. I've been so preoccupied with this other matter."

"In the interest of time, I'm willing to forgo my story on the adrenal gland. I will concentrate instead on my latest idea. The Klingon glottis, friend or foe?"

"That's very interesting, but we're going to have to put it off until tomorrow."

"That's what you said yesterday."

"I'm sorry, Doctor, but I really have to go now." Neelix ended and cut the channel. Hurrying out as quickly as he could.


Neelix's POV

"All through the subspace communication logs, there were these gaps, as though something had been erased." I said.

"We have recently experienced a plasma overload. That could easily account for the anomalous readings in the logs." Tuvok said.

"Ah ha! I knew you'd say that. Answer this, Mister Vulcan. Why would those gaps, those deletions, occur only in the sub-com logs and only in the last month? I checked every log system we have. Sensor logs, power allocation logs, warp maintenance logs, environmental control logs. They're all perfectly fine." I explained.

"What are you suggesting?"

"I believe someone on this ship has been making covert transmissions and erasing the evidence."

"To what end?"

"I don't know," I admitted. "but I suspect whoever it was has been communicating with the Kazon."

"That's an extremely serious charge."

"I know. That's why I've come to you."

"Mister Neelix, I strongly suspect that your enthusiasm for your new journalistic endeavour is leading you to see villains where none exist. However, even the possibility that someone on board might secretly be communicating with the Kazon deserves investigation. I will pursue the matter."

"And I will help you."

"I think not. This is now a matter of ship security. I must ask you to withdraw and let me handle it according to Starfleet protocols."

"As a journalist, I have an ethical obligation to keep digging for the facts in this case."

"And I have the higher obligation to keep you from putting yourself and others at risk. You will drop this matter." Tuvok ordered.

"I see. All right, I leave it in your hands. Good hunting." I huffed and walked out. Higher obligation? Ha, I'll show him higher obligation. Huh, he'll have Eskarian egg on his face when I get to the heart of this. It's the job of a journalist to be independent.


Captain Kathryn Janeway's POV

"Good night Micheal." I whispered and kissed him on the forehead once he snuggled into his bed. "Love you."

"Love you too, Mommy."

I left the room quietly as to not wake up Sarah and let Micheal fall asleep. I closed the bedroom door just as the doorbell rang.

"Come in." I said softly, put my hair into a messy bun and tightening my robe around my pyjamas.

Tuvok entered my quarters.

"Tuvok? What can I do for you?" I asked.

"Mr. Neelix is investigating the spy." He bluntly put it.

"The spy? He knows? How much does he know?" I asked with alarm.

"He suspects there is a spy. I ordered him to drop the matter but I suspect he will not. He is very determined in his ways." Tuvok replied.

"Then we need Tom to hurry up. If Neelix releases the news on his show...That would cause massive distrust among the crew." I exclaimed in worry.


Micheal Janeway's POV

I gasped once I heard the news that there might be a spy through the bedroom door. Causing Sarah to stir in our bedroom. I quickly hurried to her bed and told her to keep quiet.

"Micheal? What happening?" She muttered, rubbing sleep from her eyes.

"There's a spy on Voyager! We need to find Bini!" I said. Pulling back her covers.

"No-I am tired..." She complained with a yawn. I groaned and yanked her up, grabbing her shoes and putting them on her feet trying to wake her up as quietly as possible.

"Come on! We need Bini to help us find whoever is doing this. We need to-Hurry up!" I ordered. She glared at me as she got up.

I put my ear to the door again, hearing Tuvok leave our quarters and Mommy go to her room. I grabbed Sarah's hand and dragged her into the living room, gesturing her to keep quiet as we made our way across the room and into the dim corridor, going to Bini's quarters.


Bini's POV

I yawned and placed my empty hot chocolate on my side table. I curled up in my bed and started to fall asleep. Happy to finally have a few hours of bliss.

"Bini! Wake up!"

Oh, you have got to be kidding me!

I opened one of my eyes to see Micheal and Sarah staring down at me in my dark quarters, I jumped up in alarm. Thinking that I was just seeing things and maybe going insane. But no. No, I am not going insane.

"What the hell are you two doing here?" I snapped. "Do you have any idea what time it is?"

"Around 11 pm. But that doesn't matter! There is a spy on Voyager, you, me and Sarah are going to help Neelix find whoever it is."

"A spy? What-" I started but Micheal started tugging on my arm.

"Stop arguing and started helping!"

"OK! OK! Geez..."

---30 minutes later---

"Idiotic on my part really." I complained as we walked into Engineering, looking for Neelix.

"Lieutenant, I wonder if you could-" Neelix voice cut through and was quickly interrupted by B'Elanna. We looked around a corner and saw them talking.

"I'm a little busy right now, Neelix. What do you need?" She asked.

"I was wondering if it's possible to look underneath a log that seems to have been erased, to see if there's anything left of it.'

"Mister Hogan," B'Elanna ordered to Hogan standing nearby. "Could you please help Neelix out for a minute?"

"You want to recover deleted logs?" Hogan asked Neelix.

"Ah, that would be ideal."

"Well, let me give it a try. Usually it's possible to recover data, unless extraordinary measures were taken to erase it. Now, this is strange. Computer, run a signal modulation analysis of this file."

"Security authorization required." The computer spat out. I hurried to the pair and interrupted.

"Hey guys. I got this." I said. Quickly saying my security code.

"Authorisation accepted. Running analysis."


"I can't recover the logs, because these messages were sent without using any of the antenna arrays." Hogan exclaimed.

"How could someone do that?" I asked.

"By sending the transmissions through the ship's power grid. The messages were encoded in the waste energy from the propulsion systems, which is almost indistinguishable from galactic background noise." Hogan explained.

"Ingenious. Would there be a way to determine who sent the messages?"

"I'm looking for signal correlation traces. They'd indicate a comm. link to the EPS conduits, maybe give us a location. I don't know if I can. There. There's one. The source of the comm. link is on deck four, section three C. Sorry, but I can't get more specific than that."

"Mister Hogan, I need your help over here." Jonas called out.

"Thanks for your help. I'll check out deck four. Go room by room, console by console."

"I'd look for evidence of recent deletions. If you see any, run a recovery programme. See what you get." Hogan suggested. Neelix nodded and started to leave but Micheal quickly stopped him in his tracks.

"We are helping you!" Micheal demanded without question.

"You aren't supposed to be here! The Captain-"

"What Mommy doesn't know, won't hurt her. Move on. Let us help." Micheal pleaded.

---Two hours later---

After searching for hours, having to caffeinate two children and me with hot Chocolate, we finally got to Tom's former quarters. I hacked into the quarters and allowed Neelix and the children in. We immediately went to his monitor.

"Computer, activate monitor." Neelix ordered.

"Unable to comply. Monitor is cleared for Lieutenant Thomas Paris only." The computer replied.

"Override existing clearance. Security authorization omega four seven." I ordered.

"Authorisation accepted. Files recovered."

"Unbelievable." Neelix muttered as we looked upon the evidence that Tom Paris was a spy.


Captain Kathryn Janeway's POV

"My friends, I derive no satisfaction from what I am about to tell you. I know I originally promised you that I would only bring you good news. However, I feel it's important that you know the truth. I have uncovered evidence that casts serious doubt on the loyalties of Lieutenant Thomas Paris. I have discovered secret communications to the Kazon that were sent from his quarters just prior to his leaving the ship." Neelix said on his proram. I looked back at Tuvok. He was right.

"Get him up here now." I ordered.

"There was a series of messages sent to the Kazon for some weeks before his departure, the last-"

---10 minutes later---

"How did you trace those transmissions to Tom's quarters?" I demanded.

"It was, er, I believe it was called signal correlation traces. Mister Hogan was helping me, and he detected them." Neelix stammered out as Chakotay and Tuvok joined me in my ready room.

"When I looked for signal correlation traces, there were none. That means someone placed them in the system after my initial investigation." Tuvok commented.

"What initial investigation? Captain, what's going on?" Chakotay asked.

"What I'm about to say will come as a surprise to you, Commander. There has been a spy aboard Voyager, but it isn't Tom Paris." I revealed.

"It isn't?"

"No. Lieutenant Paris is in fact part of our plan."

"Plan." Chakotay repeated with boiling anger.

"Some weeks ago, Tuvok discovered evidence of covert transmissions leaving Voyager through the EPS system. We realised there was someone on this ship communicating with the Kazon-Nistrim." I explained.

"However, we were unable to ascertain who that person was."

"We needed a way to flush out the spy, and we had exhausted all conventional means. That's when we thought of using Tom, finding a way to get him on the Kazon ship."

"Are you saying Paris's insulting behaviour, the gambling, being late for duty, mouthing off at me, was all a ruse?"

"That is correct. It was important that his decision to leave the ship appear plausible, so he began behaving like a malcontent."

"And the reason I wasn't let in on this little plan?" Chakotay demanded.

"I was the one who recommended to Captain Janeway that you not be told. I suspected that the spy was a Maquis, and felt it was wrong to put you in a position of setting a trap for someone who had once served under you."

"In other words, you didn't trust me."

"Chakotay, the simple fact is, we needed a good performance. I'm afraid we used you to help Tom provide it. And you did a damn good job. Now it seems Mister Neelix's investigation has made someone nervous. Nervous enough to put a trail in the computer system for him to follow." I tried to soften the blow.

"Could it be Hogan?"

"I don't think so. He was just the person walking by who Lieutenant Torres asked to help me."

"The spy maybe a little cozy now, since you took the bait and pointed the finger at Tom. But we don't want him cozy. I'd rather he feel some pressure."

"Perhaps we should take advantage of Mister Neelix's unintentional blunder."

"Exactly. I want you to keep investigating, Neelix. Do what you've been doing. Poke around, ask questions. But let people think you're not so sure you were right about Tom Paris."

"That would put Neelix in a potentially dangerous situation."

"We would keep an open comm. link to you at all hours. My security team could act immediately if anything were to happen."

"It's up to you, Neelix. This is purely voluntary."

"Anything I can do to help, Captain, and get Tom home safely, I want to do."


Tom Paris's POV

I used the device to access the console and saw the video transmissions appear.

"What did you expect? Did you think this has all been about exchanging holiday greetings?" Seska demanded on the transmission.

"No, of course not. But I-" Micheal Jonas replied. The spy.

"This is how it's going to work. We'll be waiting for you on a planet called Hemikek four."

Suddenly the door opened to reveal Seska walking in with two guards.

"Well, Tom. It's always good to have one's instincts verified." She sneered.

"Clever plan, Seska," I spat back. "leading Voyager into an ambush. But even so, this ship will be outmanned and outgunned."

"That's why we have ground troops on Hemikek and more ships on the way. Now, don't you wish you'd taken my offer?"

My machine exploded. Momentarily blinding the group. I tackled the two guards to the group. Grabbing one of their weapns and pointing it at them.

"Thanks for the hospitality." I joked, running into the corridor.

"Go get him!" Seska yelled at them. I shoot one of them and knocked out the other one. Running to the shuttle bay and stealing a shuttle, heading back to Voyager.


Neelix's POV

I continued my investigating, this time without Bini or the children. This is much too dangerous with them here. I need to do this alone.

"Lieutenant Torres is waiting for these interlink sequencers. Get them to her right away." Jonas ordered a nearby crewmember.

"Excuse me." I interrupted.

"Oh, hello, Neelix." Jonas exclaimed.

"I was wondering if one of you could help me."

"We're a little busy right now. What is it that you need?" He asked.

"The signal correlation traces that implicated Tom Paris. They were added to the file after the fact."

"You're kidding." Hogan interrupted.

"So I was trying to figure out how that could have happened, and who might have done it."

"This couldn't be a worse time, Neelix. We're getting everything ready for rebuilding the warp coils." Jonas snapped.

"Do you mind if I use the diagnostic terminal over there?" I asked, pointing to a nearby console.

"Go ahead. Just don't tap into any engineering systems."

"I'll be careful." I promised.

"Torres to Engineering." B'Elanna voice said over the com link.

"Jonas here, Lieutenant."

"I need the electrodynamic load specs. They weren't with the other things you sent."

"Sorry, Lieutenant. I'll get them to you right now." Jonas said, handing some supplies to Hogan. "Take these to Lieutenant Torres."


Suddenly, the lights dimmed and red alert started to flash and go off.

"What's going on?" I asked with alarm.

"Bridge to Engineering." The Captain's voice said over the com link.

"Jonas here, Captain."

"I need you to increase transporter range. Shunt all available power to Transporter room two." She ordered.

"Right away."

"Let me know as soon as you've done it. We have an incoming shuttle, and we've identified human life signs. It may be Tom Paris."

"Yes, ma'am."


Tom Paris's POV

I swore as the shuttle buckled under the pressure of weapons fire coming from the Kazon ship following closely behind me.

"Paris to Voyager. Paris to Voyager! Do you read me yet? Paris to Voyager! Paris to Voyager! Come in!" I yelled. Trying to keep the com link open.

"Voyager to Paris. We hear you." The Captain's voice cut through.

"Captain, change your course immediately. The Kazon have ground troops waiting for you on Hemikek and more ships on the way." I snapped.

"We'll get you out of there as soon as we can, Tom. You're still out of transporter range, but we won't change course until we've locked onto you."

"I can take care of myself. Just get Voyager to safety!" I said, suddenly, the console exploded in front of me. I was thrown back and hit the back wall. Everything started to go black as I realized I was seriously injured.

"As soon as you're on board. Tom, what happened? Are you all right? Lieutenant Paris, report."`


Neelix's POV

"Mister Jonas, we need that transporter now."

"I'm working on it, Captain. I'm having trouble resetting the EPS manifold." Jonas replied, struggling to work it.

"Stay on it! Janeway out."

"Mister Jonas, I'm no expert, but it doesn't look to me like you're working on the transporter subsystems." I accused.

"Neelix, I know what I'm doing." He snapped. He ran to another console and put up a forcefeild in front of the doors. I scrambled in alarm.

"What did you do? What is this forcefield for?" I demanded.

"It's just a precaution. Please, Neelix! Stay out of this!" He demanded.


Tom Paris's POV

"Tom, can you hear me? Report."

I groaned and tapped my combadge, being dragged back to reality slowly.

"I'm here, Captain!"

"We'll be in normal transporter range in another minute."

"Captain, the spy, it's Michael Jonas. He's the one that sabotaged the ship!"

"Noted. Janeway to Tuvok. Get to Engineering immediately. It's Michael Jonas."

"On our way." Tuvok replied on the channel.

"The shuttle hull is starting to breach. It might not make it, Captain."


Bini Filters's POV

Micheal, Sarah and I ran down the corridor at full speed towards Engineering. We were listening in one of the com conversations to get some clues and Boy, did we get some news.

I was immediately thrown back by a force field blocking the door. I hit the floor hard.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" I yelled. Micheal quickly helped me up.


Neelix's POV

"I recognize that subroutine. You're into the weapons system. You're disabling them!" I yelled!

"For God's sake, Neelix, back off!" He yelled. Standing above me with fury.

"Neelix to-" Suddenly he took a large wrench and slammed it against my skull. I fell to the floor, I watched through shaky vision as he grabbed my combadge and ran up to the upper level of engineering. I managed to get through the pain and grabbed the large wrench that he stole from the kit. Running after him.


Tom Paris's POV

"Voyager to Paris. Tom, can you hear me? We're energizing now." She said. I felt the transporter take me from the shuttle just as it blew up. I rematerialized onto the pad with a thud.

"Transporter room two, do you have him?"

"We have him, Captain. He's all right." The chief reported. I nodded towards the chief. He smiled and nodded back. Suddenly the ship jolted under weapons fire. I scrambled up and ran out towards the bridge.


"Bridge to Transporter room two. Lock onto Mister Jonas in Engineering and beam him out of there." I ordered. Stumbling a the weapons fire increased.

"Aye, Captain. All I got was his comm. badge, Captain." The crewmember replied on the channel.

"Captain, we've lost weapons. It looks like the phaser arrays have been disabled from Engineering." Harry reported.

"Evasive manoeuvres, Ensign. Mister Kim, get those weapons back online." I ordered.


Neelix's POV

I climbed up the ladder and hits Jonas' knee with the wrench. We wrestled for it as a plasma conduit ruptured. The wrench falls into it. Jonas lunges for me but I managed to throw him over the railing into the green gas. I ran over to the nearest console revering what Jonas has done. I killed someone...again.


Captain Kathryn Janeway's POV

"Weapons are back online, Captain."

"Fire at will." I ordered.

"Yes, ma'am."

The Kazon's weapons and engines were quickly disabled.


Bini's POV

(Next Day.)

"-And fortunately I was able to steal one of the Kazon shuttles and escape." Tom explained on the monitor.

"An amazing story. Amazing." Neelix congratulated.

"I'd like to say something more, if I might."

"Of course."

"Er, I know that I've been acting like a jerk for the last couple of months. Unfortunately, I had to behave that way if the spy was going to believe that I really wanted to leave the ship. So, I'd like to apologize to anyone that I might have offended. Especially Commander Chakotay. I gave him a pretty hard time. Not that it wasn't a certain amount of fun, mind you."

"There you have it, ladies and gentlemen, the true hero of this whole endeavour, Lieutenant Thomas Eugene Paris. Well, I'm afraid that's all the time we have. Oh, I'd like to apologize to the Doctor for not getting around to him once again today. But I promise you he'll be here tomorrow with lots of fascinating information about the Bolian digestive system. Good day, Voyager."

The monitor shut off and Micheal, Sarah and I started to cheer at the pretty great apologies and victory over the Kazon.

The Captain walked into their bedroom with annoyance.

"Could you keep it down in here? Some of us have work to do."

We all really quickly apologized.


Captain Kathryn Janeway's POV

I stood in my uniform without my jacket. My hair in a high ponytail, leaning against my wall as Chakotay glared at me from across the room in my own quarters.

"How could you not...trust me enough to tell me about this plan of yours?" He demanded.

"Chakotay, I am sorry. I will say it hundreds of times if I have to. I wanted to tell you. I trust you with my life, my crews life, even my own children's life. Just because I-"

"Captain...Kathryn...I need time to process what has happened." He insisted. I mutely nodded. Unsure of how to respond. "I need time."

---End of Chapter 63: Next: ???---

Next chapter