
Date with Shabu

A week later, a news that as impactful like a missile bomb exploded right at everyone ears at the military. The higher ups just stated a very jaw-dropping news.

A Melee would suffice!

Of course this was far beyond from bad news! They might die!

However the next statement eased the wild thought, It will be a melee but it will be a joint training. Those who are at the other Sectors can be possibly merge from the other sectors making a new team, but that's only temporary and just for this matter. Afterwards, the real Melee would began. It wasn't actually killing each other but it was a test and rather a drill on how will they make it in this created battle field.

This is the very first joint regimen the Military codified.

The mash up groupings would be announced at the next three days.

Every one of them has a three day left to prepare themselves. This will be a new team as well new team mates. No one knows what kind of trial the higher ups has prepared and surely it's excruciating.

They can't foresee their future anymore.

Although they've finished their trainings and task one becoming a real licensed soldier. They know that their preparation isn't still enough and they're still lacking, they know their selves very well and will gladly take this opportunity to become more stronger for the glory.

This is all for humanity and peace.

"Bloody hell! What's this?" asked Caelan staring at the screen while it flash the Melee information. For the third time, this man shamelessly barge inside Aka's cottage. Aka already decided to buy an infrared beam just for this guy.

Caelan wasn't even aware that all of this was Aka's idea.

"Go home, this is not your cottage" Aka stated as he lean his body on the wall. The nerve of this guy to waltz in somebody's house and even occupied the whole sofa.

"Nah, it's boring there" Caelan lazily responded as he switch the t.v's channel

Aka just sighed a bit of annoyed and went upstairs. He went into the closet which contains different types of clothes which is sure costly. He doesn't have an idea since it was her mother who prepared all of this and he doesn't mind it anyway. He doesn't pay much attention to fashion and everything he wear fits him well after all. Suddenly, he received a message from a very familiar number.

He grabbed a black hoodie paired with a jeans. After that he went downstairs dressed in de rigueur. Caelan who noticed his sudden change of clothes can't help but to wonder.

"Where Is the Captain going this time?" he curiously asked, it's unusual for this guy to roam around and he do rather train or exercise back then.

"I'm going on a date" Aka replied in a still tone

Caelan nearly choke at his saliva. For real? this guy is going on a date? He never ever seen this man accompanying a woman neither he had a girlfriend before! Caelan had even think if this guy has an OCD and if he was disgusted with women! Or into the last resort, if he was a gay!

But that doesn't seem to be the case. He just wasn't uninterested and was perfunctory.

He wasn't looking for love!

"By date, I mean a date with Shabu. Don't get too excited" Aka smirked at the dumbfounded Thorn, as he grab Shabu and leave the cottage, leaving the poor thorn alone.