
Tiara's Rage

*Sorry there was powercut in my village due to bad weather these days so I was not able to post any chapter on these days.*


The ones who were looking at Tiara couldn't feel her powers so they thought she was just some weak woman(atleast weaker than them) who came along with Michael or the boy who is sitting with another red haired beauty in his lap. I could even see Zeus looking at Tiara with lust in his eyes. As for the perverted old man Odin, he had already learnt a lesson when he tried to ogle Rose before, so he wasn't going to have any perverted thoughts about another girl with me. Atleast if he did have he will not show it on his face. There are also others like Freyr and some other unkown gods. But they quickly hide their lust and then Zeus who was staring at her face tries to approach her.

When Tiara sees their lust filled looks her mood instantly dies down and her previous excitement already faded. She was just curious about the different mythologies which were mentioned by her new friends Venelana, Adia, and others are like. But she didn't expect some of them to look at her lustfully. Just as she was thinking she felt one of them moving towards her and when she sees that his eyes were fixed on her, she doesn't say anything and looks towards him with disgust.

Zeus seems to have not noticed her expressions as he approaches her and says

Zeus :"Hello woman, Come and sit with this god here."


When Zeus says this, Tiara instantly releases her power making Zeus who tries to ask her kneel down while making others who were looking at her before struggle to even remain standing at their position even though this pressure was not directed at them fully like Zeus. She gets up from her seat as she looks down on the now kneeling Zeus. I, Gabriel and Ruby also stand from our seat. Even I didn't think that Zeus would try to approach her. Well I did guessed it a bit knowing about Zeus personality.

Tiara was releasing her pressure suppressing Zeus entirely. Seeing this others who are present becomes fully shocked as they know how powerful Zeus is. The ones who were also staring at Tiara before start sweating profusely as they were barely standing. They didn't expect the beauty they were looking at few moments ago was this powerful making them struggle to even stand up from the mana she was leaking.

When Hera sees Zeus moving towards another woman in front of her and even ask her to sit with him, She becomes angry on her husband's behavior but before she could say anything she sees that the woman releases an overwhelming pressure making Zeus kneel in front of her. She also feels this pressure even though it was not directed at her but she can see some others gods struggling to stand due to this.

Zeus who was kneeling on the ground also becomes shocked but he quickly recovers from it as he also starts using his powers to stop the pressure coming on him but it doesn't help him much as Tiara was also using her powers of Existence to suppress him.

Her power makes every existence lower than her feel inferiority and suppress them. She can also use her powers to destroy or change any existence but than being or thing should be much lower than her for it to happen or it should not be able to resist while she is doing so. It also gives her high mana and high speed regeneration because she can simply make her lost parts to exist again.

Then Tiara looks at Zeus as she says

Tiara :"Do you think you have the power to ask me to sit with you??"

As she says this she waves her hands sending a powerful attack towards Zeus sending him flying away from her as he crashes into one of the pillars destroying it but didn't stop at it as he also crashes into another pillar before he stops and falls on the ground. When Tiara attacks the whole hall starts shaking as if it was going to fall. But it stops shaking a second after. I think this place is really very strong to endure this much power from Tiara.

Tiara completely ignores him as she looks towards others who were looking at her before with lust. She is new to this world and due to her powers she doesn't like to be looked with lust although she doesn't want to kill anyone but she will not just sit and let others look at her like that. Then she again release some of her energy as she blast few of the others gods making them fly away from their position and crash into walls/ pillars behind them. When she was again going to move towards Zeus who was currently trying to stand up with one of his arms completely destroyed, I stop her as I speak to her

Issei :"Tiara, I think it's enough for him."

When she hears me she stops moving as she looks towards Zeus as she says with an angry voice

Tiara :"Don't ever try to approach me again otherwise I will completely destroy you."

She doesn't say anything more and takes her seat beside me. Even still some were looking at her but this time in fear. Seeing this I didn't say anything to them and just wait for them to settle themselves.

After everyone get on their seats I look towards everyone, the ones who were looking at Tiara before are having sullen looks with their injuries already healed. Zeus also got up from where he fell as he didn't say much as he looked towards Tiara with a bit of fear as he knew from the previous attack that even if he goes all out against her he will not be able to win. As for his arm he know he can fix it somehow. So he also just silently takes his seat as he sit before Poseidon and other took their seat.

Hera didn't went to help Zeus but just move from her position as she move to sit in the seat front of me as she was looking at Tiara and me. I can understand why she was looking at Tiara but I couldn't understand why she was looking at me. But I didn't mind it much. After everyone took their seat, Michael coughs drawing everyone's attention to him as he says

Michael :"I am sorry for the things that happened.... But now let me introduce my guests to all of you."

As he says this he gestures towards me with his hands. When I see it I also stand and show everyone a smile before saying

Issei :"Hello Everyone, I am Issei Hyoudou, the Owner of the Boosted gear."

When I said this I can see each one of them paying attention to me except for Zeus who is still in a little bad state.Even some goddesses are also looking at me seemed impressed by my smile. Chang'e also looks at me with curious and grateful eyes. She finally knew who helped her the day before. She was still quite surprised to know that I was here in this meeting but now when I introduced myslef she was sure why I was here after seeing my powers before. Even Freya was looking at me with curious eyes as she has already heard about me from Odin wanted to see why Odin informed everyone from Asgard to not fight with me.

I didn't stop there as I gesture towards Ruby and says

Issei :" This lady beside me is Ruby or you may know her by her other name, Ddraig, One of the Heavenly Dragons. '

When I said this each one them was shocked to know about Ruby as they knew she was sealed by God of Bible inside the Boosted Gear which should be inside me. Even Hera, Odin, Zeus, Freya and other major gods also show a shocked expression hearing about Ruby. Amaterasu was not shocked as she only shows a smile because she already knew about Ruby. But she also wants to see the reaction of others when they get to know about Tiara. Ruby only shows a small toward them as she stands beside me.

When I saw some of them going to ask something, I again pointed towards Tiara as I was going to introduce her but she stops me as she stands up and says with a small smile towards everyone as she still had a good impression of others

Tiara :"Hello Everyone, My name is Tiara."

When I hear her only saying this, I thought maybe I should properly introduce her. I also want to see their expression after hearing more about her. So I continue as I introduce her again

Issei :"You all may also know her by other name, Trihexia, The-Apocalyptic-Beast. "

When I said I saw all of them stood up from their position as they look towards Tiara with a shocked expression of course except Amaterasu as she was enjoying the looks on everyone's face when she saw how they react to it which exceeded her expectation as some of them had their mouth open while those who previously were lusting after her were having sweats forming on their body. Even Michael is shocked to know about Tiara as he looks towards Gabriel. When he sees that she is having an amusing smile, he understood that his sister already knew about it and was amused to see everyone's shocked expression.

Zeus :"Wh-What is she doing here?!?!"

Odin :"Wasn't she sealed by the God of Bible?!?!"

Artemis :"I never thought Trihexia was a beautiful lady!!"

Freya :"Who released her?!?!"

Hera :"That explains why she was able to harm Zeus so easily."

Tiara :"It was Issei, Rossweisse and my sisters who released me."

Hera/Freya :"Your Sisters??"

Issei :"Ophis and Great Red."

When I said this they again become shocked as they knew what it meant. Ophis and Great Red are the most powerful beings in this world and if they want to go against Tiara then they will also have to go against both of them. And they know that they can't even win against even one of them. Those that were lusting after her before sweated even more after hearing all of this.

Artemis :"So you mean Ophis and Great Red are sister with Trihexia !"

Tiara :"Yes, I consider them my sisters due to all three of us were born form in the Dimensional gap form nothingness. And You can call me Tiara."

After this I just answered them few things not much, then I gesture Mihcael to start for what we were here so he says

Michael :"I think we should now discuss the thing for which we are here."

Freya :'....Yes, I also think we should discuss about the recent attacks of the evil dragons on our factions."

Athena :"But who revive those evil dragons??"

Hera :"And why did they suddenly attacked us??"

I didn't say anything as I was thinking whether I should tell them about Rizevim. Michael already told them about Sephiroth Graal when they asked about how they revived evil dragons.

After thinking for sometime, I got an idea about something so I told them about Rizevim and how I took back those holy grail. When they heard me they got confused about why I didn't told them this before. But I didn't say anything more about it and ignored their enquiring gazes. I know when to act shameless. Then I look towards everyone who are present here especially few goddesses then I said

Issei :"I have a proposal for everyone."

Issei :"Tiara and I have another reason for coming here. I think most of have already heard about Rating games."

When I said this everyone looks towards me as they get confused what I wanted to say. Even Tiara look towards me with confusing eyes but I just blink towards her so she doesn't ask me anything now. Then Freya who was next to Hera looks towards with confusing eyes as she asks

Freya :"Huh..But what does that have to do with our current situation??"

Issei :"Well.....It doesn't have to do anything with our current situation.

Issei :"I think you already know Tiara is new to this world. So she wanted to know about how powerful you gods are as she thinks you are not powerful enough to manage this world."

When I said this they all first get confused and then irritated thinking what I said. They already accept that Ophis and Great Red are far stronger than them so they know that both of them doesn't stand a chance against them. But they know that both of them are too lazy to attack and acquire the whole world. But they didn't think that Tiara think of them not powerful to manange so does that mean she is going to take over this world.

Even Tiara was confused as she didn't said anything like this to me before as she was going to say something I again blink towards her with a mischeivious smile to stop her and she did what I told her as she thought maybe it will be entertaining seeing my smile. Then Indra gets up from his seat as he asks

Indra :"What do you mean by that?!!!"

Issei :"It's simple I want to show her that you all are enough powerful to manage this world."

Issei :"That's why I said about rating games. I think we should hold a rating game between all the mythologies to show each other our powers after we settle those evil dragons."

'Hehehe' I got this idea from Azazel cup which held after Tiara was sealed in anime. And I think it will also be help me in some ways *evil smirk*.


Goddesses who will be in Harem








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White_Luck_1289creators' thoughts