
Champion's Cup

After what I said, I saw many of them frowning while some looking excited to the idea of fighting. I know that most of them are not liking the idea so I again said with a smile

Issei :"I know that you are not in support of this idea. But think about it, in this way you all will be able to figure out each other's strength abs also show others your might, authority and strength you all possess. "

Issei :"Or... are you afraid that... you will not be able to win a small rating game."

After hearing my words they all start thinking about it but when I finished my sentence many of them looked like ready to fight anytime. But those are only who are interest in fighting much more than others. but Odin and other higher gods were still thinking about it. Then After thinking and discussing about it for sometime they finally decided to agree to it as it will also help them to know about others power and it has been a long time since they fought an interesting battle. And this way they can also show others how powerful they are.

I didn't say much after this as I just sit with Ruby in my lap with Gabriel sitting while holding my arm. while I chatted with them and Tiara. Gabriel was telling Tiara about the everyone present here and Tiara was also listening to her properly due to her curiosity. I also listened to her as I also didn't know some of them. After they finished their discussion and agreed to it I said

Issei :" Then the Rating game will take place four months from now. This rating game will be called... CHAMPION"S CUP."

They all nodded to me as they all agreed to it and then most of them immediately left. But I notice that Odin, Freya, Amaterasu, Hera and Chang'e didn't leave immediately as they move towards me. The first one to speak when they reach me is Odin as he asks

Odin :"Boy, tell me in real what are you planning??"

Issei :"Hmm, What do you mean, Old man?"

Freya :"We want to know why you proposed this rating game between all of the factions and what can you achieve from this??"

Issei :" "Umm... So that I can meet you again Freya-san."

When I said that Odin gets angry at me while Freya looks at me with an amused smile and Hera looks at me with a the same smile as Freya as she asks

Hera :"Can we chief gods also participate in this rating game??"

Issei :"It is up to you. But... I will also be participating in this game."

Odin's expression instantly changes when he hears me as he becomes shocked but soon he shows a wicked smile as he says

Odin :"Okay, Then I will also participate. I want to see how strong you are."

Freya :"Odin, Are you really going to participate in this rating game."

Issei :"I think Freya-san you should also participate. And if you want I can also help you train."

Freya :"Ohh, Do you really think you can help me to train??"

Issei :"You can try."

Freya :"Okay let's see if you really have the power to."

Odin :"What are you saying Freya??"

Freya :"What?!. Odin Do you have problem with this??"

Odin grits his teeth but doesn't say anything as he knows if can't stop Freya if she decides something to do and she is not his wife anymore. When she agrees to train with me I smirk in my mind but I didn't show it on my face. Ruby can already guess what I was planning as she also smirkd in her mind. Tiara only smiles as she couldn't understand my intentions. Then Hera who was standing until this moment looks to Tiara as she says

Hera :"Ms. Tiara, I am sorry for my husbands earlier behavior. I hope you don't hold any grudge towards us."

Tiara :"Don't worry. I am not such person."

Tiara is smile towards Hera as she says this. Then Hera looks towards me as she asks

Hera :"So Issei-kun, Can I ask how much powerful you are??"

Issei :"I don't think it's a good idea to ask someone about his powers But if you want to know you can ask Zeus about it maybe he will have some idea or you can fight me if you want to know how powerful I am."

Hera doesn't say anything as she just stands in her place thinking what she should do. But then Freya interrupts her thoughts as she says

Freya :"Hera, if you want to know about his powers you can come with me."

Hera just nods towards her friend Freya but doesn't say anything as she says Odin, Freya and Hera says goodbye to us and as they teleport back from here. When they leave I look towards the other two goddesses who are standing in front of me. Then Amaterasu smiles towards me as she asks

Amaterasu :"Issei, I didn't expect you to take Tiara here!"

Issei :'It was Tiara who wanted to meet other gods and goddesses of this world. "

Tiara :'How are you Amaterasu?"

Amaterasu :"I am fine Tiara."

Tiara :"Are you coming back to us or are you going to your faction."

Amaterasu :"I am not going with you now. But I will come back after this matter of Evil Dragons gets ended."

Tiara :"Mm, Ok."

Gabirel :"I also hope to meet you again, Goddess Amaterasu."

After this Amaterasu says her goodbye to us as she teleport back to her faction. Then I look towards the last person standing in front of me. She is someone I recently met but didn't chat much due to I was busy searching for Rizevim. When I look towards her my face forms a smile as I say

Issei :"Hello Goddess Chang'E, I didn't expect to meet you again so soon."

The goddess in front of me also smiles as she says while looking at me.

Chang'E :"I also didn't expected to meet you here."

Chang'E:"Last time you didn't even told me your name."

Issei :"I thought this way I can atleast make you curious about me."

When she hears me she gets shocked a bit but then she giggles as she says

Chang'E :"*giggle* Well, I really was curious to meet you."

Issei :"It's good for me.. Are you also going to participate in this rating game??"

Chang'E :"No, I don't have much experience in fighting so I think it's a no for me. And I also don't know much about it."

Issei :"Hmm.. Then if you want you can come to my house, Me and ohers at my home can also help you train and we can also tell you about rating games."

When I said this Chang'e starts thinking about what she should do. Then after few seconds she replies with a smile

Chang'E :"Ok, I will think about it. "

After this she also says goodbye to us as she goes back to her faction. Then after she disappears from our sight Gabriel and Ruby who were standing beside me asks me with an inquiring gaze

Gabriel :"Issei, Which one are you aiming for this time?"

Issei :"What are you talking about Gabriel?!"

Ruby :"Don't try to hide it from us. "

Gabriel :"Yeah, we know you want to make goddess Amaterasu our sister but... are you also planning to add others??"

Issei :"Haha, Does my sweet Gabriel feel jealous??"

Gabriel :"No, I don't. But I should know which one of them are going to be my sisters in future??"

I move my face closer to her as I give her a small kiss before I say

Issei :"You already know the answer. My sweet angel."

Gabriel doesn't say much as she smiles to me after our kiss. Ruby also doesn't ask much but she also kisses me for a second before we teleport. Tiara who was listening to us was shocked that I was aiming for the goddesses whom she met before. Then a blush appears on her face as she thinks 'What if he is also aiming for me??W-What am I gonna do?!'

I possibly can't know her thoughts so we just teleport back to our house. When we reach here, I called everyone to living room when they reach here I told everyone about the Champion' cup. Then I ask everyone

Issei :"So who are going to participate in this??"

Rias :"I will participate with my peerage."

Akeno :"Yes, I want to know how powerful we are against those gods and others."

She says as she shows her smile which can will surely cause her enemies shiver when they see it.

Sona :"I will also participate in it with my peerage."

Tsbuasa :"Yes, this way I can test how strong my fists as are against those gods."

Ingvild :"I also want to participate."

Issei :"Hmm.. You can but first you have to form a peerage. You can also ask others if they want to join you."

Others also decided to join in except Venelana, Selena, Adia, Rose,Tiamat, Shuri, Akari. Ruby, Yasaka and Kunou also didn't want to participate in this. After this everyone went to train so that they can win the this game. After this I checked on Valerie to see if anything is wrong with her condition. She is still not recovered as she only replies to whatever we ask and doesn't interact much with others. I can only sigh as I look to her. I asked Shuri to cook for me something good, so until she cooks me and others chat with Valerie as we try to improve her condition.

After Shuri prepares some snacks and tea for us, we happily chat with each other while filling our stomach with the snacks. I have to say though she has really good cooking skills. Just as we finish our snacks, I got a messssage from Azazel saying he wants to meet me. I also had to meet to for the Champion's cup. So I decided to visit him now instead of later.

Issei :" I am going to Grigori to see what does Azazel want to talk about."

Grayfia :'I will also come with you."

Issei :"Ok let's go then. Venelana, take care of Valerie and inform me if something happens."

Venelana :'Ok Darling but give me a kiss before you go."

Saying this she doesn't wait for anything as she wraps her arms before kissing me passionately. I am very happy to respond to her kiss as I also wrap my arms around her and kiss her. After she release my lips Selena immediately comes near me and says with a pout

Selena :"Moo, I also want a kiss."

I smile on her behavior and pull her in my embrace to kiss her. After giving everyone here a kiss, Grayfia cast a magic circle as we both disappear from here.

After reaching to Grigori, a fallen angel guides us to Azazel's room. When we reach here I can see Azazel sitting on his chair. When he sees me, he smiles as he says

Azazel :"I didn't expected you to come here immediately."

Issei :'I also had something to talk to you about. "

Azazel :"Ok, Is it related to Champion's cup??"

News sure travels fast in this world.

Issei :"Yes, How did you know?!"

Azazel :"Haha, I really didn't expected that we both had same reason to talk about. But first let me introduce some people to you first."

He says as four more people enters in the room and I have to say, my luck is really good(All Hail Venerable White's Luck) to meet them here.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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