
chapter 70: Retsu

Yuujiro and the strange woman he had met moments ago were sitting in front of a campfire where they were cooking the meat of an animal.

It had been some time since Yuujiro had decided to take the murderous woman with him. The reason he wanted to take her was because she was dangerous.

Not long ago he saw how in just a few minutes she ended the lives of more than 2,000 people. Whether they are children or adults, she had killed everyone in that small town, and if he had been weaker than she had also been cut by his katana.

The first impression he had of her was that she was not human and in fact it may be that she never had been in the first place. Actually, the first image that came to her mind, and that was when she heard her grunts, was that she was not human and was more like a wild animal in her way of acting.

Now that he had her in front of him in a calm and civilized state, he could still see that he was still alert and never stopped following his eyes. Some wild animals he encountered in the past were like this.

She did not know fear, in fact, he doubts that she even knows any other emotion. The reason he was able to control her and make her submissive was because he had shown her a new sensation that he did not know and that after that strange and new experience that he was going to remember forever in her body she was going to obey him.

Fear, that was the first lesson he had taught her, since it was kind of wild, that was the first feeling he showed her to keep her in control. Well control, that's a wrong word but if you can call it that.

What Yuujiro wants to do when bringing her with him is to teach him to control himself.

It will teach her to control herself so that she can think for herself of who are the people she can cut off, since as she has seen in that town, she is someone ruthless who has no compassion even against small children.

He may be a murderer, but something he will never do is kill the innocent, much less children.

So. Leaving her alone wandering the world was going to be dangerous, and to teach her how to control herself he had to take her with him.

Slowly the air was filling with a pleasant scent that made the murderous woman drool and look at the meat when she reached out to grab a piece and eat it, but was stopped by Yuujiro when hitting her outstretched hand.

The patting of her hand made the growling woman angry and menacing, but she quickly retracted that when she saw Yuujiro's eyes.

"Wait a bit, it's not ready yet." Yuujiro said in a calm way while looking at her making her calm down a bit. Seeing that reaction from the woman who obediently calmed down, she thought. 'Oh, then she understands the words but cannot speak them.'

After a few minutes of torture towards the murderous woman who was restless in her seat while her body trembled, resisting the incredible aroma that entered her nostrils of the smell of meat. Holding back her desire to jump in and snatch the meat from Yuujiro's hands.

And after a few fun moments of seeing that, Yuujiro finally handed her a meat skewer which, when he reached out for her, immediately snatched it away and began to eat it.

In just a few seconds, the piece of meat had already disappeared from her hand and she was looking at Yuujiro in the hope that she obtain give her another piece.

Laughing lightly and amused at what he was seeing, he took another piece and brought it to him, but when the woman was going to take it he only grabbed air, since Yuujiro grabbed it for himself and ate it.

The woman seeing that, was looking confused and when she was going to growl again Yuujiro clarified. "This is how you have to eat it." Eating another continuous bite. "You should eat it calmly and savor it, eat slowly nobody is going to take it from you and there is still a lot left." Demonstrating how it was done and then reaching for another piece of meat, he approached her who was listening attentively.

Looking at Yuujiro and then at the meat in her hand, she began to imitate what she had seen and began to eat more slowly to enjoy the taste.

"haha that is, this is how it is done ..." Seeing that the woman sitting in front of him had understood, Yuujiro chuckled and murmured. "A monkey must eat red berries until it sees another eat it. The monkey sees, the monkey does."


Slowly it was beginning to dawn and the first rays of the sun were noticed that illuminated two people who were in a clearing sitting under the green grass, behind them was the dark forest and at a distance ahead were the mountains that was where they had to happen.

Behind all those mountains was her destiny.

After two hours of rest Yuujiro slowly opened his eyes and saw that the woman he had met a few hours ago was staring at him.

"You don't sleep," Yuujiro questioned and when he saw that he didn't have a reaction from her, he continued. "I was alert all night and I could tell that you didn't even sleep, all you did was look at me."

"Well it doesn't matter." Stretching her body and yawning, then looking at her surroundings, she commented. "You have to find a place so you bathe and we can't go back to town, we have strayed far."

"Besides ... you have a name." I ask as I looking at her. The woman all she did was shake her head from side to side denying.

"I thought so. It's okay for me to give you one since I can't be calling you all this time woman or murderer, that wouldn't be correct and it would also be stupid."

The woman only looked at him when she nodded.

Yuujiro began to think by placing a hand on his chin. "Hm ... now that I see her well, she must be in her 30s, a little less, delicate white skin, long hair, a cold and dead look almost emotionless, a dark and gloomy personality ... her resemblance is huge and when you remove all the dirt from your body it is going to be beautiful. "

After looking at her for a while, he finally found a name for her and said to her. "Well, from now on I'll call you Retsu ... that will be your name."

The woman, now known as Retsu, did not flinch but stared at Yuujiro and after a while lowered her head to look at the ground.

"Well come on" saying that, Yuujiro started walking towards the mountains with Retsu following her from behind.

It had been a while since they had entered the deep mountains and now Retsu, she was clean with new clothes since they had long ago come across a lake and Yuujiro had forced her to bathe against her will.

When Retsu saw the water it was as if a cat was being treated and refused to enter, but Yuujiro forced her when he undressed her and completely submerged her. Sometimes she tried to escape being naked but she was always caught and she was submerged again in the water.

In the time he spent studying in the library he took advantage of that time to learn new magic that was useful, one of them was a space magic where he could save objects with the help of a small mark that he had on his body in the form of a tattoo.

Inside the small tattoo that Yuujiro had on her wrist, she could store objects such as clothes or utensils that were necessary to survive in nature, the small space was not very large since it only had about 5 cubic meters.

Fortunately he had bought different clothing of different sizes that were useful and emergency.

Coincidentally and for things in life, Yuujiro had the perfect clothes for her, since Retsu now wore an outfit similar to that used by the shinigami of the Bleach series.

Under all that dirt she had on her body, Retsu changed completely and now she was a mature beauty, her long hair was combed and braided on her back, her dirty face from before had changed to a pretty face with white skin.

But there was one thing that hadn't changed and that was his dead eyes and facial expression.

Irritated and upset she was walking in Yuujiro's footsteps. And if the looks could kill, he would have already died many times because Retsu didn't look away from his back. Angry because they forced her to bathe against her will.

Yuujiro feeling that, laughed lightly and started to speak. "Don't be mad that you will get wrinkles, from now on you will have to bathe daily or else I will."

Retsu shuddered and growled slightly upon hearing Yuujiro's evil words.

"You don't growl like an animal. Well, we're going to have to deal with that over time." Sighing at the grunts he heard from Retsu, Yuujiro continued walking as he continued speaking. "Changing the subject, we are almost there."

"A few days ago I heard three things that caught my attention. One was you, the murderer. The other was an alleged war that was going to happen in a few days and the other was the strange legend that existed on this mountain."

Getting Retsu's attention continued. "They told me that supposedly a dragon lived here, or lives. When we entered this mountain I was looking for signs of life, of a presence."

Raising his hand and pointing in a direction, he said. "In that place deep in a cave I can feel the slight breath of a presence, it is something big and strong."

Looking at Retsu I ask him. "Do you know what that means." Retsu looked at him and shook his head in denial. Yuujiro made an evil but excited smile when he explained. "That means that the dragon is real, in fact that is a dragon and we are going to tame it so that it is our transport and we arrive in time to our destination flying through the skies."

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