
chapter 71: The destroyer and strange behavior

Note: [The previous chapter to this, the 71, had some problems, deleting a few words suddenly appeared words without any combined meaning in the entire chapter. So I had to write it again.]


After walking for a while and taking somewhat difficult paths for normal humans, in front of them was the entrance to a cave that upon entering it was obvious to the naked eye that it was impossible to go down if they were not well-trained magicians or explorers.

The entrance was a little difficult to find because it was covered and camouflaged with huge trees and plants that had grown abnormally.

In the surroundings there were all kinds of rocks of different sizes.

"Well then ... oh this is great." Yuujiro muttered. When he was thinking about how he could take out the dragon that was deep in the mountain in front of him, he realized that they were already waiting for him.

Using his observation at all times he saw that the dragon was sleeping when he suddenly opened one of his eyes and looked at him lazily when he muttered a few words and then went back to sleep.

Yuujiro laughed darkly when he heard what the dragon muttered. "Bastard, then you had already felt us and instead of going out to greet your guests you waited for us to come for you." Looking at the ground in the direction of the sleeping dragon, he continued to speak to him. "I guess you already know our intention to come here right."

"You have been watching us all this time and you are also inviting us to come to your home, it means that you have already decided to be my mount, right. But there is something I do not understand." Yuujiro said with some doubt. "But hey, I'll know that when I'm in front of you."


Deep below the ground was the dragon lazily lying on a round platform like an altar.

The space below was huge and wide that seemed to have been made as a haven for dragons because with the naked eye you could see that about 50 of those large beings easily fell. In the surroundings, there were some small statuettes where different species were carved.

They ranged from dragons and phoenix, humans and demihumans, dwarves and giants. Some demons could also be seen with furious expressions.

Although it was several meters underground, the terrain was well lit as there were tears that gave off green light giving a somewhat peaceful and relaxing touch to the place. On the circular platform where the dragon's bed was underneath were green plants that had different types of fruit growing from their branches that were unknown at this time.

"Then it is time." The dragon thought. "We have waited for a long time for the destroyer to appear again, the one that would bring disasters and deaths to this land ... I cannot fail or otherwise everything will be the same as that disastrous future that we saw with my brothers many years ago."

The dragon was huge with blue scales that sparkled like diamonds. On his head he had four huge horns, two of them being the largest that had them pointing back towards the sky, while the two smallest were on the sides bent outwards.

Huge rows of teeth that were sharp as a sword containing a terrifying force capable of crushing rocks and piercing the hardest steel with utmost ease.

On his skin that was as hard and shiny as diamond he had a scar that was very noticeable, on his shoulder he had marks of enormous teeth that if one saw him he would think that he was made by another dragon in a battle he had long ago.


Removing the scrub that covered the entrance to the cave, Yuujiro accompanied with Retsu proceeded to walk inside to find the strange dragon that was waiting for him.

The interior of the cavern was damp with drops of water falling from the ceiling at a constant rate that formed small pools of water. His footsteps echoed all over the place as they went deeper and deeper into the darkest.

"Hmm what strange drawings ... but I like them." He said.

Drawn on the walls were strange and very old engravings that were drawn in great detail. If a person saw these drawings, at first glance they would not understand their meaning and it would be years before they deciphered it.

But Yuujiro who saw those drawings understood immediately, even a little and only laughed lightly with mockery while shaking his head. Retsu was walking behind him looking at the strange old engravings that were all over the place, even up to the ceiling.

He was looking all over the place until something caught his eye and he ran up to Yuujiro's sleeve and shook her several times until he slightly turned his head to see her. Having his attention, she pointed her finger at a specific part of an engraving and pointed at herself several times with a curious look on her face.

Maybe she couldn't speak human language but she wasn't stupid, and it's not been long since she started to follow Yuujiro and when she saw a drawing on the cave wall she couldn't help but notice that she already knew that portrait and was thrill by a little bit.

Yuujiro upon seeing that, nodded at the excited woman and kept walking. She seeing the confirmation of her doubt, she turned to see that drawing until they disappeared into the darkness.

After descending underground, they finally saw the huge dragon that was lying down with its eyes closed.

"Hey, hey, but what a rude dragon." Yuujiro said, and turned to look at Retsu, who was excited and looked at her anxiously while making slight grunts. He realized that because when they entered immediately he noticed her gaze on his back.

Yuujiro made a slight sign that when Retsu saw him her disappeared from his side when he appeared in front of the dragon and attacked him with his katana.

When Retsu was inches from his head and ready to cut it off with his katana, the dragon moved its tail and hit it in the stomach causing it to bend forward sending it flying back where it came from.

Retsu flew past Yuujiro's side when his body broke a small statue behind it until it crashed into the wall that broke like a spider's net.

Yuujiro was looking at the dragon at all times and when he saw the way he reacted, his lips curved when he put his hand on his waist.

"Hmm ..." surprised not to feel anything, he looked down and remembered that he no longer had his katanas with him. It was somewhat embarrassing and unexpected that he had forgotten something like that, but it was inevitable as he had gotten so used to pulling out his katanas when fighting strong opponents that he forgot that he no longer had his katanas and had lost them.

"Well, there's no other choice." He told himself when he wrapped a semi-transparent sphere around his arm and was going to throw a blow until the dragon's voice echoed through the place.

"Wait.... "

"I don't want to fight, nor can I let you destroy this holy place, even if you are the destroyer I will fight with all my power defending this place. If you want to exchange blows with me, let's do it somewhere else at another time."

The dragon opened its eyes and looked directly at Yuujiro.

His eyes were like two diamonds that once opened them it was as if they sparkled for a few moments and then returned to their normal state.

"I have a lot of questions that I want you to answer over time, but now you know why we came to this place, no." Yuujiro said stretching out his hand making an invitation.

The dragon looked at him briefly and then his gaze changed to Retsu who was getting up and again for a few moments his eyes seemed to shine. Yuujiro saw that but did not care, but what he did not realize was that Retsu acquired the same brightness in his eyes, that after blinking for a few seconds, his eyes returned to being the same as before, without emotions.

The dragon looked at Yuujiro while thinking deeply. "Hmm clearly he is, but a younger versión, I hope I can do my part well without him discovering me. The first phase is already done, now everything depends on me, and then it will be up to you."

He stared at him for a few seconds until he spoke again in a deep voice. "Okay .... I know the reason you came to my home and I agree to be your transport temporarily ... but in exchange for accompanying you on your trip you have to do me a favor."

Yuujiro looked at him with some doubt and confusion, after seeing Retsu return to his side, he indicated the dragon to speak.

"As you probably already know, I am one of the few dragons that could survive Acnologia from all its slaughter it did many years ago."

"My desire is to finish him and avenge my fallen comrades, but for that I need strength. With my strength it is not enough to kill him but with your help, if you help me with my desire I promise to serve you what I have left of this life until my last breath. "

The dragon finished saying as he bowed his head and closed his eyes. Yuujiro had no idea what that dragon was up to when asking him that.

'Clearly this guy is strong and I can feel it, what is his purpose in asking me for something he can do with his own strength. It's weird, it's good to hide his emotions, but I can still tell that he's not talking to the truth.'

After thinking about it, yuujiro finally said to him. "Okay, we have a deal then. You will be my personal mount for a few days and then tell me where I can find Acnologia." With some doubt still in his eyes, Yuujiro turned around to start exiting the cave.

After they left the cave, Yuujiro headed towards the dragon. "What is your name?"

"Ha, my name is Drakon, my lord Yuujiro-sama." The dragon replied exaggeratedly as he bowed respectfully.

"Enough of that shit, don't be kissing my ass every now and then." Yuujiro growled with some annoyance and jumped onto his back. Retsu in all this time had been strangely calm and silent, when she saw Yuujiro make a sign, she also jumped and stood next to him.

Yuujiro was watching her all this time because he had found her behavior somewhat strange, but perhaps he thought that the same thing had happened as when she met him.

Maybe after being knocked down with a dragon strike, she realized that she was weaker and calmed down.

After a while it did not take so much importance since he could not see anything strange but deep down something was warning him that something was not right, even so he decided to ignore that to think about it later since now he just wanted to speed up his pace and get it as soon as possible to the neighboring kingdom that was behind the distant mountains that were seen in the distance.

Yuujiro instructed the dragon and it flapped its huge wings causing a strong wind that raised dust and small rocks and rose into the sky.

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