
I Lied!

"What do you want Stiles?!" Elias's pupils once again shined red, but this time he was truly angry. Stiles quickly took a step back, the memories of the beast in the woods flooded his mind.

"It's Scott, He's gone."

Elias's eyes dimmed to their regular charcoal black before he sighed, "How long ago did he leave?"

"3 or 4 minutes ago."

"Alright meet me at your jeep, have it running." Stiles nodded quickly exiting Lydia's party, Elias turned back to Marin and couldn't help but frown.

"I am so sorry about this."

"What's going on why do you have to leave so suddenly?" Marin grabbed Elias's hands looking into his eyes.

"Take these," Elias pulled the keys to his car from his pocket. "Take care of her, and drive safe." Elias leaned down kissing her cheek before turning away leaving.

Stepping out of Lydia's house Stiles jeep was easy to spot, Opening the car door he couldn't help but notice how aged the car was.


"Why aren't we taking your Porsche, it's faster?" Stiles asked as kept his eyes on the road.

"If this was about speed, we wouldn't be driving, and unlike you, I had a date. I couldn't leave her there without a way home. Speaking of dates what happened to Allison?"

"I saw her drive off with Derek Hale," Stiles frowned, Derek was Scary.

"Should I know who Derek Hale is?"

"Yeah, he was all over the news a couple of years back."

"Stiles maybe you didn't notice but I'm not exactly from beacon hill, and a couple of years ago I was like 10."

"A couple of years ago there was a huge fire, everyone calls it the Hale fire. Every hale in that house burned alive, Derek just happened to be somewhere else when it happened."

"Tragic, before I forget to ask, how are you doing with the full moon and all."

"Earlier after you left, Anger took over, I'd never felt that kind of anger before. My Dad arrived and I locked myself in the restroom, wanting nothing more than to break out and tear and. It doesn't matter he'd been there my whole life protecting me, making sure I was okay. So I just focused on him, on his heartbeat, and all that anger vanished."

"That's refreshing to hear at least I only have to deal with Scott tonight."

"What about you?" Stiles asked stopping at a red light.

Me, I'm fine, how far are we from Scott's?" Elias quickly changed the subject.

"We're here," Stiles said pulling over parking the jeep.

Elias followed Stiles as they walked up the steps leading to Scott's front door, Stiles didn't even knock he just walked in.

"You do this often?"

"They might as well make me a key," Stiles laughed heading up the stairs to Scott's room. Stiles knocked on the door immediately getting a reply, "Go away." a strained voice came from the other side.

"Scott, it's me!"

The door opened slightly revealing a sweaty Scott, his eyes glowed a bright gold, "Stiles you have to get away, why is he here?" Scott turned to Elias leaning on the wall next to Stiles.

"He's like us," Stiles said knowing now would be a horrible time, to tell the truth.

"Where's Allison?"

"Allison?" Stiles inwardly rolled his eyes, his friend was suffering through a painful and metamorphic change and Allison is what's on his mind? "She's fine Scott, I saw her get a lift from the party."

"No Stiles, listen, I think I know who did this to us, It was Derek, I saw him. He was watching me at the party."

"Derek was the one who Allison left with, But Derek isn't-" Scott ignored the last part as he threw himself out the window. Stiles quickly opened the door finding the room empty, he looked out the window he could barely see Scott.

Elias entered the room, seeing Stiles at the window he sighed, "You go and check on Allison, I'll go after Scott."

Elias disappeared leaving Stiles wondering how he had done it, Elias was fast on Scott's trail. He followed wondering where he was going, and what he was planning to do. Scott stopped at a fifth-generation Camaro before charging into the woods, seeing Allison's jacket Scott stopped again.

Elias watched as Derek approached with a small smirk on his face, "Where is she?! Scott demanded.

"She's safe," Derek's voice rang out, "from you."

Derek then charged and tackled him down to the ground, Scott tried to fight him off but he was being held down.

"What did you do with her?" Scott roared.

"Quiet," Derek said as he looked up and around them. "Too Late. They're already here, Run!"

Derek didn't spare another second as he took off but Scott stayed put until a light flashed at him and he found his arm pinned to a tree by a crossbow bolt. He roared out in pain as he looked at the three men that moved down the hill at him.

The one in the middle had the crossbow in his hand. "Take him," he said to the other two.

Derek then appeared from beside them and started to fight them and toss them aside. Elias reacted quickly appearing next to Scott he grinned as he pulled the crossbow bolt from his arm. Scott roared in pain Elias ignored him, dashing forward he grabbed one man by the shoulder launching him into a tree.

Derek threw one of the guys off of him as he turned to Scott and Elias, "Let's go!"

"You guys go ahead, I'm kind of thirsty." Veins popped from Elias's face, as his eyes turned pitch black, he opened his mouth and his fangs elongated. Elias didn't hold back, immediately appearing behind one of the three men, his teeth tore into the guys' neck.

"Scott Let's go!" Derek pulled Scott away as they both left Elias drained the first guy of blood before turning to the second.

Soon a group of flashlight shined on Elias, dropping the second guy Elias quickly picked up the third. A grin on his face he watched as a middle-aged man approached with a rifle in his hand.

"Put him down!" Chris Argent demanded as he pointed the gun at Elias's face.

"Earlier today a friend asked if I was okay, I said I was fine, I lied. I feel this insatiable hunger, yet I've already finished off two of your friends and it's done nothing. Maybe after I drain the rest of you of your blood it'll go away." Elias smiled as he disappeared dropping the third guy where he stood, he had already appeared behind a different hunter sinking his teeth into his neck.

He was too fast for them to keep up with he smiled as he appeared in front of Chris Argent dropping a body. "This really isn't doing much, Maybe I should drain you next." Elias took a step forward causing Chris to take a step back, Elias was enjoying himself when a person appeared in front of him.

"Son, you need to calm down," Elijah said as he put a hand on his shoulder.

"Elijah? This is your son?!!" Chris asked his gun still raised.

"Put your weapons down," Elijah demanded as he took a step forward.

"I don't know father, I think I'm pretty calm and who cares if they raise or lower their weapons. They won't be able to keep up with me anyways."

"This is why you warned me?" Chris asked as he motioned for everyone to lower their weapons. "He's a psychopath."

"You need to calm down!" Elijah turned around eyeing his son.

"I'm as calm as usual, right now I need to feed," Elias said pushing his father aside. Elias took a step forward, "Now who should I start with."

Chris raised his gun, causing everyone else to do the same, Elias only smiled at their antics.

Elijah appeared behind Elias grabbing his head 'Crack.' "Forgive me, son." Elias fell into Elijah's arms unconscious for now, Elijah had a feeling in the morning he would have a headache to deal with.

I don't know about this chapter...

MrGodlyGod01creators' thoughts