
14 Hours

"Morning sunshine," the homeless man says as he shakes twice and goes about his day. My head is throbbing, I have cotton mouth something fierce, and I got no idea where the hell I am. Gathering my bearings I hear traffic from above and use my hand to cover the sun as I look up at the bridge above me. Checking my pockets I find my phone is thankfully intact and has a little power left. It's nine in the morning. I have fourteen hours of lost memories.

Caffine_Fetish · สมจริง
17 Chs

Fake ID uncovered


The conversation led to our investigation of my black out night, and Samantha thought that sounded incredibly fun. Samantha wanted to help resolve it, because she was bored mostly and Kori knew english foreward and backwards, but she wanted to help nonetheless. Our next suspect was Chloe Matson.

Chloe is the president of the year book and photography clubs. She's one of the few geeks I know who legitimately looks like a geek. Braces, glasses, and brown braided pigtails. I don't know if that was an accident or a she's legitimately checking off boxes for a fetish. The theory that geeky girls are so undersexed they do more in bed to compensate come to mind.

First I'm trying to make sense of how this girl is committing a crime. Kori is truly the sweet and innocent type, and yes I still consider her to be that, but this chick is that look on steroids. I imagine her being the kind of girl who looks at subliminal pictures and not seeing the innuendo.

When I enter the photography club I see her editing a few pictures from the last basketball game. It's not just her, but there is enough distance that if I'm quiet we're basically alone. I don't even get to her before she addresses me.

"I don't make more than one, you lose it, tough luck," Chloe says, clearing up at least one question. I did get my card from her.

"I still got it, I just need to ask a few questions?" I say to her, Chloe shifting her eyes to me for a brief second then back to the screen. She then motioned with her hand, as if to say 'go on'. "I was on bad pills that night, and I don't remember anything. When did you make it for me?"

"Like time of the day?" Chloe asks, clicking the mouse and adjusting the brightness. I nod. "Maybe about seven thirty to eight." First thing I did was get a fake ID. I'll chalk up the first half hour to an hour as getting this done.

"If you know anyone who needs something, discreetly point them my way. Same price, one hundred even." Whoa, how did I afford that? I blew all of it on the pills. "We had another arrangement." Great, she's a mind reader too.

"Which was?" I ask, kind of concerned to be honest. What did I do that's was equal to hundred dollars to her.

"You bet me if you could make me cum in less than ten minutes, I'd not only give you the ID, I would have to suck your dick," Chloe says and looks at me. "Since you have the ID, even you don't need your memory to connect those dots. I kind of assumed you stopped by to collect."

Who the hell is this mutant version of myself that makes women go apeshit? I hate adderall me...ativan me. Maybe not hate, I just wish he would have left some notes.

"I've since entered a relationship, so no need," I say and she turns back to the computer.

"A deal is a deal. In the event you are not in a relationship, or she's down as fuck, let me know," Chloe says and removes the red from the eyes in the pictures.



We have confirmed Chloe was the one who made Will the fake ID, and he was upfront on the circumstances of purchase. At least he didn't have sex with this one. I'm running out of fingers to count these girls.

The same day I'm at work, away from the cash register, pushing a cart with DVDs and books we recently purchased. I hear the bell from the door and I shout over my shoulder 'Welcome, if you need anything, just ask!' I glide along and start stocking a new movie.

I feel eyes on me and I turn and see a skinny redhead girl. She's not scanning the shelves, she's looking straight at me. Her eyes are inquisitive, as if she had a question and she was trying to answer it by staring. This chick is freaking me out.

"Can I help you?" I ask, her walking closer to me, then leaning on the cart and looking up at me. "What?"

"I don't see it," she says and stands up straight, "What does he see in you?"

What is this girl talking about? Then I realize it, and I'm surprised it took me this long. Her hair is different, straightened and pulled into pigtails. It's Lili.

"Lili?" I ask and she frowns at me. The fact I knew her name seems to have pissed her off.

"I've had ex-boyfriends stalk me," Lili says, oddly enough she sounds rather proud of that. "I own bars from the moment I walk in. I've ended so many relationships because the guy just couldn't not look. Why not him, and why you?"

"Umm, what?" I ask and she pushes the cart into me, causing me to fall over. This girl is insane. "Stop, what are you doing?"

"What do you do that I don't?" Lili asks, and I have no idea. I'm honestly certain she does much more than I could ever even think of.

"Call me crazy, maybe I'm just not a psycho," I say, and I'm amazed I did out loud. I'm doing a lot of things I never thought I'd do.

"I'll give him something too good to pass up. I'll take pictures again, and I'll make sure you get them."

"Get out of my store, and I don't ever want to see you in here again," I say, getting to my feet. Lili gives me a cocky grin, slaps the DVDS and books off the cart before walking out of the store with the sound of the bell signifying her departure.



I storm into 'The Sink' and beeline straight to Lexi who's making a drink facing away from bar. When she turns around she places a drink in front of a man then turns to me and double takes. I visible see her sigh and walk over to me, leaning across the bar.

"What?" Is all she asks.

"Where is your sister?" I ask, Lexi shaking her head, "She attacked my girlfriend."

"She what?" Lexi asks, and I see a half a beer left behind by a previous patron and move it out of her reach. Fool me twice.

"Lili went to my girlfriends work and pushed her down," I say, and Lexi appears to be deciding whether or not her sister would do that. She's surprised, but her face forms disappointment a moment later. Lexi knew this was something her sister could do.

"My sister has gotten everything she's ever wanted, she's the favorite. Never could do anything wrong. Lili is a brat, and now she's throwing a temper tantrum."

"A tantrum is not getting her favorite cereal at the grocery store, this is assault," I say and she laughs. "Really?"

"Sorry, she used cry in the store too. Didn't mean to laugh. I'm due for a break, meet me around back," Lexi says and I move toward the back and wait in the back parking lot of the bar. A few minutes later Lexi comes out and lights a cigarette, offering me one which I decline.

"Can you make her back off?" I ask, and Lexi shrugs.

"I can talk to her, but she'll literally yell at me for not saying you stopped by. She's very narrow minded, once you're in her crosshairs, she's a blood hound."

"That's comforting," I say and she blows smoke in the air, "How fucked am I?"

"I've only seen her go crazier one other time. It wasn't pretty. When I was a senior and she as freshman, I had a boyfriend who she liked as well. He slept over one night and I left my room, she snuck in pretending to be me and started blowing him. My mom came in, saw it happening, and my boyfriend pleaded down from statutory rape to sexual assault to avoid jail, because she lied about it."

"That's nuts," I say.

"I was also pregnant, and I can't marry the father without risking custody of our son, and he can't see him without supervision. Lili has still refused to recant her story, because she's the angel who can never do anything wrong."

"Why the hell would you splash water in my face to defend her?"

"I wasn't protecting her, I was protecting you. You need to get as far away from her as possible," Lexi says and rubs the cherry off the cigarette and saves half for later. "You didn't talk to me by the way."

Lexi goes back into the bar and I lean my back against a dumpster and slide down to a seated position. Maybe I should have just fucked her after all.