

After Onyx had left Deja's house she went back over to Terrin's. (To catch you up a bit) Her and Terrin got along so well that after they saw the movie on Saturday they were gonna hang out on Sunday night and watch a scary movie but when Onyx arrived at Deja's home it was on fire she found out that she was in the hospital and ran over there and found her asleep so she went out and bought her some clothes. So when she left Drake and Deja to themselves she went and found a cozy tree out in the forest to sleep in. So on Sunday Onyx went and got a job at the same Scarebuck's as Terrin and he showed her the rope's and when they got back to watch a movie she got a call from Deja and went to go help her. (So now your all caught up) She called Terrin.

"Hello, Onyx is Deja gonna be ok?" He sounded a little worried.

"Yeah, she ok now I'm coming back so we can finish our movie." She was happy that Deja was ok.

"O'k I'll be waiting for you bye." He sounded happy.

"Bye." She hung up. On her way over to Terrin's, she ran into the green haired girl that she ran off. The green haired girl smiled at her.

"I'm really sorry about before I hope I didn't hurt you let's be friends I'm Onyx," Onyx Extended her hand and the green haired girl shook it.

"I'm Everdeen I'm ok I shouldn't have challenged you that was stupid of me I should be the one saying sorry." She was very friendly. Onyx had this serious face on her. She stared into Everdeen's eyes and said.

"We are gonna be good friend's." She grabbed her around the neck they laughed and exchanged numbers and waved goodbye to each other. Onyx got back to Terrin's. They both sat down and continued to watch there movie. After the movie was over Onyx said.

"Goodnight Terrin see you at work tomorrow." She waved bye, he waved back.

She started walking to the forest where she sleeps. She could have stayed with Deja but she didn't want to intrude her privacy. Onyx stopped at a crosswalk and a man walked beside her, he was very tall and slim he wore a hoodie with jeans. He looked down at her. (He is 6' 7" while Onyx is 5' 10'' just to give you a height difference) The air felt like it was getting colder. Onyx looked at the guy he was looking start at her, his hair is as white as newly fallen snow and his eyes were a light blue color. He smiled at her.

"So you're a fire Dragon." He had a friendly smile on his face. Onyx looked worried she had only heard of ice Dragondrein's but they were rare to see and never left the mountains.

"I'm guessing you're an ice Dragon, what do you want." She looked mad. (Ice and fire don't get along they hate each other's guts.) His smile faded.

"I just heard about a very powerful Dragon who killed a couple of fire Dragon's in the Dark Forest and wanted to meet him."

"He's talking about Deja what should I do?" She thought to herself.

"You know who it is don't you?" He stooped down to her eye level.

"I do, why are you wanting to meet her for?" She had to find out why he wanted to meet her to killer her maybe?

"Oh, so he is a she well that doesn't change a thing I wanted to meet this Dragon to fight so I can become stronger so who is she and where does she live." He didn't look like the type of person to fight but she felt intimidated by him for some reason.

"I'm not telling you, you will have to find her yourself." She glared at him. He smiled at her.

"O'k then thanks for all your help." He smiled and turned around.

"Help I didn't help you." She was confused.

"Yeah, you did you gave me her scent." He smiled a toothy grin and disappeared into the shadows. Onyx was freaked out who was this dude why does he think he can beat Deja...

"Hahaha!" Onyx started laughing at the thought of him trying to kill her he would be obliterated in seconds.

She walked to the forest and fell asleep. She was woken up in the middle of the night. She looked around and didn't see anything but then she heard a low growl it was above her. *Snap* A huge mouth snapped at her she dodged it she jumped down to the ground. She saw the huge shape crawled down off the tree. I breathed fire at her she jumped up and avoided it. She landed on the Dragons back, It flapped its wings, Onyx was knocked off and landed on the ground. A huge claw grabbed her. Onyx was trapped she struggled to get free but she couldn't break the dragon's grip.

She heard someone coming out of the brush.

"Good job boy you get extra food tonight." A man dressed in a black cloak walked out of the brush. He was carrying a gun it looked like, he aimed it at her.

"Sweet dream's." Onyx tried to break free but she felt a sharp pain in her neck and everything faded to black.

To be continued.

I'm leaving for a while so no chapter's for a two week's. Don't worry I'll be back soon.

janpinkdragocreators' thoughts
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