
On the trail.

Onyx opened her eyes she looked around she was in some sort of arena thing she tried lifted up her arms but she was chained to the wall. She stood up and tried pulling at the chains but they wouldn't budge.

"You won't be able to break those their dragon-proof." Onyx looked up, there was the man from before that shot her, beside him was the dragon that grabbed her.

"You're gonna pay for shooting me." She yanked at the chains

"And how are you gonna do that you're chained to the wall." She could make out a grin on his face that covered by a shadow.

"Because I have a very strong friend who can track." Onyx smiled a toothy grin. She knew that as soon as Deja couldn't pick her up on her phone she would be looking for her, Deja was the best tracker in the mountains. The guy looked amused.

"Well let em try to track your scent we made sure you were untrackable." He laughed and started walked away his dragon stayed and watched Onyx.

"Why did you kidnap me? why am I here?" She looked perturbed. The man turned around.

"Well, we are Dragon hunters and your scales sell for a pretty penny on the black market." Onyx was terrified. She thought that dragon hunters were just rumors. The man pulled out his gun. "I better not let you stay awake so as not to draw attention. He shot a dart in her neck. She was out in seconds. (This is Monday morning)


Deja had changed into some shorts and a t-shirt, she was about to go to bed but she wanted to tell Onyx about her day so she called her, she didn't pick up, she looked up Terrin in a phone book. (Fell old yet) She called him.

"Hello, who is this?" Terrin sounded worried.

"Hello, Terrin its Deja have you seen Onyx, she isn't picking up her phone." Deja was in a panic when she heard...

"I haven't seen Onyx since yesterday and she didn't come into work I thought she was with you." Deja hung up she grabbed Aqius and ran outside she followed Onyx's scent to the tree she slept in and she found her phone on the ground crushed she picked up on two other scents one was human the other dragon. But Onyx's scent so faint but still could be tracked.

"They must have flown because her scent goes up in the air." She thought to herself. It was dark by this time.

Deja had to follow her scent but she couldn't transform here not now. She could sense Onyx was a good distance away. She had to find her.


Onyx woke up again she was in a different place this time. She was chained at the leg and was in a cell. There were others there in separate cells almost all where boys they were chained up like her. She asked one of them.

"Where are we? what are all of us doing in here?" She leaned against the bars. An old man was in a cell next to her.

"We are here to fight and die at the hands of the champion."

"Who's the champion?" She tried to yank the chain again.

"No one knows his real name but everyone just calls him the champion because he kills everything."

"So we are forced to fight this dude?" She tried chewing on the chain.

"Yes we are all gonna die at his hands so just give up no one can save us." He was about to cry.

"Don't worry my friend is coming she's gonna bust us out." Onyx was confident Deja was coming.

"Really someone gonna saves us?" The old man looked excited.

"Yeah don't worry." She had to defeat the champion.

"No one's gonna save you we are all gonna die at the hands of the champion." A man in the cell beside hers said in a very depressed tone.

"Well aren't you just a ray of sunshine!" Onyx had a grin on her face.

The cell doors opened and the chains unlocked.

"Its time to fight." A man over the microphone said.

Everyone was pushed out into an arena there were people in the stands behind bulletproof glass. They all looked rich.

On the other side of the arena, there was a huge door. The doors shut as soon as the last person was out, everyone panicked. The announcer rang over the speakers.

"Hello everyone welcomes to the annual fight match today we have 20 contestants v.s THE CHAMPION!!!!" Everyone in the stands cheered. The huge door opened and out stepped a massive Dragon. He had to at least be 100 ft long and 50 ft tall. He was the biggest Dragon Onyx had ever seen.

"Let the fight.....COMMENCE!!!!!!" The announcer shouted over the speaker.

The Champion swung his massive tall and crushed 5 people.

Onyx dodged his attack, she couldn't defeat him by herself she needed to give Deja more time to get here.

"Where are you, Deja?" Onyx jumped up on the Dragons back and broke off one of his spikes to use as a weapon.


Deja found the house where Onyx was first at and she knocked on the door. *Knock* *Knock* She heard someone coming to the door. A man came to the door and opened it.

"Yes, what do you want." She could smell Onyx on him.

"Oh I'm looking for my friend she has black hair silver eyes, have you seen her?" Deja put on the most innocent voice she could.

"Yes I have seen her but you have to give me something in return for telling you." He smiled a perverted smile.

"I'll do anything to find my friend pls just tell me where she is."

Deja looked so helpless. He grabbed her arm and pulled her in.

"Well all you got to do is make me h-" Deja slammed him into the wall, she had him around the neck choking him. She heard his Dragon get up and growl. Deja looked at the dragon and spoke in the Dragon tongue.

"Actr ofel yectasle." (which is Dragon for "I am your Queen.") The dragon backed away with his head bowed.

"Tell me where she is and I won't kill you." She squeezed his throat. He tried to grab his gun but she knocked it out of his hand.

"L-let me go a-nd ill t-tell you." She dropped him.

He was rubbing his neck.

"You got a strong grip there." He laughed she reached for her sword. "Shes at the arena of the champion just north of here you'll find it in an underground cave it starts in a few minutes so you better hurry before she's-" Deja was out the door before he finished.

"Crush why didn't you help me you worthless dragon!" He had a couple of claw marks on his neck now.

"She said she was the Queen I can't fight a queen she would kill me with her sword." The Dragon was scared to death.

(At this time was when Onyx was talking to the old man)


Onyx got thrown off the back of the dragon she landed on the ground. One of the Dragondrein's transformed and attacked the champion, the champion bite the Dragondrein in half.

"Guys you can't transform he can kill you faster just run and avoid his attacks." Onyx dodged a huge blast of fire. Onyx pulled the old man out of the way before he was smashed by the Champions tail.

"We have to avoid his attacks, maybe I can wound him?" Onyx jumped on the back of the behemoth dragon. She stabbed the spike into his back and slide down his back while it was still slicing his back open. He roared in pain, he grabbed her off his back, he opened his mouth he was gonna eat her but stopped, he turned his head toward the door that must open to the outside.

*slice* *wack* *BOOM* The door opened by a man being thrown through it.

"DEJA!!" Onyx screamed in joy. A figure emerged from the darkness and stepped into the light.

"Onyx what did you get yourself into this time."

Deja stepped out into the light, her sword shone from the light. The people in the stands started panicking and ran out of there.

The champion still had a hold of Onyx he opened his mouth to eat her but before he moved his arm his claw was cut off. He roared in pain. The claw fell to the ground with Onyx in it, she climbed out of it a bit shaken up. Deja landed on the other side of the behemoth, her sword had the dragon's blood on it.

"Onyx get these people out of here I will take care of this guy." Onyx nodded and got everyone to the opening.

Deja faced the enraged dragon that stood in front of her.

The dragon blows fire on her as well as a barrage of flying rocks. She jumped to the side to avoid them but got hit by his tail. She was flung and hit the wall, she made a dent in it.

"Why is it always the tail how do I miss it." She pulled herself out of the wall. The Dragon slammed his tail into the wall where Deja was but when he pulled his tail out she wasn't there.

"Whatcha looking for down there?" Deja was on his head.

He thrashed his head around and slammed it into the ground.

He pulled his head out and she was on his back now. She had a grin on her face.

"What are you doing aren't you supposed to be fighting me?" She looked over at the doorway Onyx and the rest were gone.

"O'k my friend has gotten the others and herself out of here if you let me leave I won't kill you, deal?" The dragon was in a fit of rage he was gonna kill her. Deja put her sword away and jumped off him, she started walking away when the behemoth slammed his tail down right where she was. She disappeared, and then there was a flash of a sword.

"I'm sorry my brother." *Slice*......The Champion's head rolled to the ground and the body slumped to the ground. Deja landed on the ground and looked up at the stands there was one man standing who had watched the whole fight.

She turned and sliced the pillars that were holding up the place. It started to collapsing in on its self. Deja got out before it was completely destroyed.

She saw Onyx and walked over to her.

"Oh, miss we are so thankful you saved us." All of the people where thanking Onyx. Then they turned to Deja who was ready for there thanks wasn't ready for what they said.

"How could you kill one of your own and then destroy the place you are a disgrace to our kind." The old man shouted out. Deja was confused she had saved them and this is what she got.

"You don't understand do you he was gonna kill you all I saved your lives and this is how you thank me." She turned away from them. "Onyx ill be waiting for you over in the forest." Deja walked off.

"Why where you all so mean to her she saved all of our skins."

Onyx was mad she didn't like it when people were mean to Deja.

"She killed her own kind I don't care if he was gonna kill us he was still one of us." Onyx walked toward Deja. She didn't care about them anymore they where cowards.

"Hey, Deja lets go home its really late and I would like to sleep without being knocked out by a dart." She was trying to cheer Deja up. Deja grinned.

"I missed you too." She grabbed Onyx around the neck. "Now how in the world did you get kidnapped you, idiot!"

"Hey, that hurts!" They both laughed. They returned to Deja's home.

"You're staying with me until you have your own home." Deja sighed. "Now I get to change my clothes again....yay!" Onyx shook her head. "You're poor clothes." She chuckled.

"Well you can sleep on the couch I guess...OH yeah forgot to tell you about my day." She was ecstatic.

"Tell me about it tomorrow." She flopped on the couch.

"Fine goodnight or whatever time it is now." Deja changed and got in bed. She was pooped from all the work she had to do today. She slept well that night.


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