
The ex.

Deja invited Onyx on a hunt in the forest 10 miles from the city. It was 4:00 AM when they left and got back by 7:00 AM. They killed a deer and shared it.

"So what do you do after hunting?" Onyx said as she flopped on the couch.

"Well, now I get ready for work what are you gonna do?" She said as she was getting her spare shirt out since the other one is ruined.

"I think I'm gonna check out that Terrin guy."

"O'k has fun my ride is here." She waves at Onyx and left.

Deja got downstairs and saw Drake waiting for her she got in, he looked tired.

"Did you not sleep last night." She looked at him with genuine sympathy.

Did she care for him she must, to look sympathetic for him? He drove

away from her apartment.

"Yeah, I didn't get very much sleep last night." She was very happy this morning wonder why?

"So I'm guessing I'm gonna be doing lots of filing today?"

"No some but not a lot your gonna run errands for me most of the day."

"Like what?" She looked at him with her beautiful eyes. He blushed.

"Something wrong?" She looked away.

"No...I'm just a little hot is all." He looked embarrassed.

"O'k..." "Well, this is just awkward." She said too herself.

They arrived at work. And she went inside by herself. She waited for him by the elevator. When he entered without her there was a woman who approached him. She talked to him for a minute and then he headed for me he looked a little perturbed. He got in the elevator and didn't say a word. As the doors were closing he winked at me.

"What does that mean?" "I don't even know I guess I'll just go talk to Brandon maybe he wants me to do something." She waited for the elevator to return. She went to floor 20 and saw Brandon. She walked over to him. She found out yesterday that he is the manager. Apparently, he and Drake are friends. So maybe he might know who the woman is.

"Hello, Ms. Deja aren't you working with Drake today?" He looked confused.

"Well I thought I was but he went up with some woman with dark hair and yellow eyes and didn't say a word too me."

"Oh...this is not good." He looked worried.

"What's wrong."

"Well, she is his ex-fiance Alice."

"He had a fiance?"

"I know hard to believe isn't it but yes he did, his parents wanted him too marry in a wealthy family and arranged his marriage but he broke up with her in a month."

"Really, then what is she doing back here?"

"Probably trying to make amends with him she is spoiled and sees everyone as pheasants."

"She sounds like the perfect wife." They both laughed.

"Well, I guess I can give you some paperwork to file since you love to do that." He chuckled.

"O'k that works for me as long as I'm getting paid."


Up on the top floor, things are getting good.

"I'm not getting back together with you again your such a snob." He was trying to keep calm.

"But our parents want us back together." She looked irritated.

"I don't care what our parents want I've moved onto someone else."

"Oh you did did you who is it that cute girl by the elevator." She had a grin on her face now.

"No, it's not its someone of high class I would never be with such a person like her." He looked disgusted.

"Who is this high-class girl you like so much is she cute?"

"I'm not telling you who she is so you cant run her off you snake." She was mad now and looked like she could bite his head off. "I'll find out who she is and destroy her!" She stormed out.

Drake looked worried. "Will she suspect Deja I hope not, I'm gonna stay away from her until Alice leaves so not to raise suspicion."

Alice rod the elevator down to the lobby. She was looking for Deja but she was not down there so she asked a worker there who she was and what department she worked in. They said

she worked for boss and manager and her name is Deja.

"Deja what a sweet name she must be the one he loves ill destroy her and then he will love me." She laughed to herself



Back upstairs.

Deja was filing a lot of paperwork when the woman from earlier came through the door. Brandon did not look happy.

"Hello, Alice its been awhile how have you been.''

"Cut the crap I'm not here for a reunion were is a girl named Deja at I have business with her." She looked angry. Deja hide

behind a filing cabinet.

"She is down on floor 15 filing paperwork for me she will be back up in an hour."

"I'll just go down there and see her myself." She was heading for the elevator.

"No, you cant its restricted access workers only." He smiled in triumph.

"Fine, I'll come by tomorrow." She got in the elevator and left.

"You can come out now she's gone.

"She was scary what did she want me for." She got out from behind the desk.

"I don't know but what she doesn't know is that you're not working tomorrow." He laughed.

"So I'm off on Saturdays?"

"Yes and Sundays too."

"O'k I was wondering when I get my days off." she smiled while sorting some of the papers.

A few hours later she headed down for lunch. She saw Drake waiting for her at the lobby she was happy to see him.

"So what you getting for lunch im starving." She worked up an

appetite since she only got half a deer.

"Meat meat and more meat and a few veggies." What is it with him and meat he loves it so much he has to be a Dragondrein

or else he just loves meat that could be it.

The rest of the day went by fast she was filing paperwork most of the time but ran some paperwork to the other floors.

Drake took her home.

"Ill guess ill see you Monday bye. She closed the door to his car. "Bye." He drove away and headed home.

Deja got in her apartment and found Onyx sitting on the couch reading a book.

"So how did your day go." She sat down beside her.

"Well let me tell you about it." She said happily.

To be continued.

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