
Onyx's day.

After Deja left, Onyx left and went in search of Terrin at the Scarbucks downtown. She went inside. She didn't see Terrin. So she opened the door and left she was looking down at a book she bought it was a sci-fi novel. She wasn't looking where she was going she ran right into something she thought was a pole when she looked up it was a very muscular hand and arm he held his hand out for her, she grabbed it.

"I'm sorry Sir I was not paying attention." She picked up her book and dusted herself off. She looked up it was the guy Deja described too her Terrin. He was better looking in person.

"Well it was my fault too I was daydreaming and wasn't watching for people in front of me sorry." He felt attracted to her like they were perfect for each other or where they?

"Well, I'm Onyx I'm sorry for bumping into you." She smiled and held out her hand.

"I'm Terrin good to meet you Onyx." He shook her hand.

"Well, I got to go bye." He walked away. With a smile on his face.

"He's definitely a Dragondrein he looks like one and he smells like dirt he is an earth type interesting. She turned around there was a girl with green hair and yellow eyes she was right in front of her with her arms crossed she looked angry.

"Don't talk to my Terrin again."

"Your Terrin?" She crossed her arms and smiled.

"Fire snake." She stomped her foot down.

"You want to challenge me airhead."

"Yes, I do out in the forest in 3 hours just you and me."

"I except." She stomped her foot. They both walked away.


Dragondreins fight over mates.

They challenge each other by stomping their claws on the ground or feet.

The females fight over the males then the males pick the

female that wins.

Or the males fight over females more often than females fight over males.


They meet in the forest at 1:00 AM.

"Choose your form." The girl said as she took off a cloak.

"I'll stay as I am." Onyx knew she could beat her in her human form if she transformed.


"Autobots roll out!" " Whoops, my bad!" The writer said as she broke the fourth wall.

Wait then who's writing this? Queue x files music.


The girl started transforming her clothes ripped and her body grow. She transformed into a dragon.

"You're smaller than I expected." Onyx laughed.

The dragon attacked with her tail. Onyx jumped up and evaded her attack. The dragon breathed fire at her and she evaded it as well. Then she made the ground collapsed right underneath her but she evaded it. Onyx hit her on the back on a nerve that paralyzed her and she could not move. "The battle is over I have won." She transformed back and lay there with nothing on her and Onyx tapped her back and unparalyzed her. She got up and grabbed the cloak which she left there for that reason. How was she beaten so easily she had beaten every other person that challenged her. She walked off and disappeared.

Onyx went back home and it was 3:00 when she got home and went out to eat at a sushi place. She got a table and sat down and was trying to decide what to order when someone very tall sat down at the table next to her she looked up and there was Terrin.

"Hello there Onyx funny finding you here." He smiled.

"Yeah funny." She looked suspiciously at him and then at her menu.

She ordered and ate it was very good she thought.

When she got up to go pay and leave she smiled and said "Bye.'' To him and left. She got went to the park to read until it was time for Deja get off work. She sat down on the bench and in twenty minutes she saw Terrin coming down the path.

His he following me? She hides her face the best she could but he noticed her.

"Why hello, there we just keep meeting it must be destiny." He chuckled and sat down next to her.

"Are you following me because you know that I got rid of that girl for you?" She said looking at him straight in his beautiful eyes.

"Yeah, I overheard you too and when she didn't come to stalk me I figured you beat her."

"So what are you doing tomorrow night?''

"Nothing." She said happily.

"Well do you want to go see a movie?"

"Shore I love movies what time?"

"How about 7:00?"

"That works for me."

"O'k I got to get home, bye." He waved at her and left.

She got home later on and Deja came in and saw her sitting there and that's were her day comes to an end.

"That's so cool that you got a date with him."

"Yeah, I guess I'm tired so can you get off my bed now."

"O'k fine then goodnight."


To be continued.

Next chapter