
The rules

At Kai's grand mansion, Becca reluctantly trailed behind him as he led her to an undisclosed location, her footsteps slow and hesitant. "Kai, please, you don't have to drag me like this," she grumbled, her tone laced with annoyance. Kai rolled his eyes, his frustration growing with each step. "Are you drunk or something? What did you take, Becca?" he inquired, his voice tinged with concern. Becca let out a sheepish laugh and shook her head. "No, I'm not drunk, just tired of you. I mean, duh! The day is just starting," she replied in a weary tone.

As they continued through a maze of corridors, Kai struggled to maintain his patience, leading her to his dark and gothic room. Becca couldn't resist teasing him. "Here we go again, your mysterious, dark lair," she hissed playfully, twirling around him as if she were dizzy. Despite his annoyance, Kai couldn't help but crack a small smile at her antics.