
Learning More

I blink a few times before turning around and walking back to my room. The more I see here the more I realize that things are not what they seem here. Forget about Ryder.. at this rate it'll be death by fly. I really need to learn more as fast as I can but it's so much... It would take me years to learn everything I need to.

I was walking my way back to my room when I stop and face palm... You have magic Syn... I sigh and shift into my room. I don't think I'll ever get used to this. For hours I read the old book learning more and more but I felt that the more I learned the more questions I had. My head hurts.. I close the book and rub my eyes. I look over to find Fig sleeping next to me and I smile.

It was so late but Rune still hadn't come back so I decide to get up and stretch while making my way to take a shower. After taking a long hot shower I get dressed for bed and crawl in next to Fig. Whatever had happened tonight must have been serious I think as I close my eyes and before I know it I'm fast asleep.


I sigh in irritation as every lead we have keeps turning out to be a dead end. Whoever did this covered their tracks well but my gut tells me this has something to do with Ryder. I turn to Lilith and ask "Can you still not see anything?" She was now dressed in a new dress and frowning. "This is weird Rune.. I can't see anything. I just don't understand." She runs her thin fingers through her long dark hair deep in thought.

"I can see other things involving others but this whole thing is blocked... This could only mean that it involves Syn in some way. She's the only one I can't see and anything or anyone involved with her becomes a blind spot. That's why I never saw the attack coming.." She says looking at me with worry. I clench my fist and try to calm myself. Even if I have a feeling It's Ryder I can't be certain.

Lilith knew how much Syn meant to her brother. He had fallen in love a very long time ago but the woman had betrayed him. Cloe had wanted Rune for the power and the things he had to offer and because he had fallen hard for her he didn't see it until he caught her with another man. It nearly destroyed him and he didn't take another lover until many.. many years later and even then it was never anything serious.

But Rune seems to have fallen hard for Syn.. and I'm worried about how this will work out especially when I can't see anything that involves her. I didn't want to see him get hurt again. Sighing she decided to call it a night and sleep on it. Her brother has already marked Syn as his.. this was like playing with fire.

Rune nodded and watched his sister leave knowing what she wanted to say. He loved Syn and had watched her long enough. She wasn't after anything else and even if she was... I would give her everything if that meant she was happy and stayed. Desperate? Maybe. All I know is that Syn was mine and I'd do anything to keep it that way. I've never felt this way for anyone... Even that "woman" doesn't hold a candle against Syn.

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