

After calling it a night I get cleaned up and head to Syn's room. When I open the door I find her asleep with Fig curled up next to her face and I smile. I quietly shut the door and walk over to stand next to the bed to look at her. She was so angelic when she was sleeping. I walk to the other side pulling my shirt off as I slip in behind her careful not to wake her or Fig.

She barely stirs as I wrap my arm around her gently pulling her against me. I lean over to see her closer and gently push a strand of her hair behind her ear. I lean down pressing my lips to her temple taking a deep calming breath and closing my eyes. I loved her smell.. something about it would ignite a fire in me and at other times it would also calm and comfort me.

I won't let anything happen to her.. I couldn't let anything happen to her and I'll kill anyone who tries anything. I lay beside her thinking about what's happening and decide to make the first move against Ryder instead of sitting around waiting for him and his evil tricks. I don't want to take any chances when it comes to her. I tighten my hold and burry my head in her hair before drifting off into a deep sleep.


When I wake up the next morning I frown when I find that I can't move. I push against something warm and something tightens around me pulling me closer. My frown deepens as I fully wake up opening my eyes. I see a large chest with Dark wicked looking runes. My frown disappears and I look up to find Rune sleeping. I gently smile and relax as I look back to the runes on Rune.

I read in the book last night that the runes looking like tattoos can add power to the wearer and can even be activated while fighting to give them an edge. The runes that Rune had were a little different though.. yes they enhanced his power but it was something passed down from his father. The royalty have ancient and powerful runes that can only be passed down to those of the same blood line making them unique to Rune.

I lightly trace the runes on his chest and follow one to his waist causing him to hum and say "If you keep that up you can't blame me for what will follow." I freeze and look up to find him watching me with his deep golden eyes.

"Sorry, I was just admiring them." I try to pull away but he doesn't let me. Instead pulls me closer resting his chin on the top of my head while giving me a close up of his chest and his scent. "Let's just stay like this for a little while longer." He says in a deep soft voice. I relax and burrow closer while taking a deep breath. I love the way he smells..I could definitely get used to this.

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