
The World Of Uta No Prince Sama VII

Yesterday, Algaia received 4 'confessions' of 'love' from her senpais in this world.

Since she didn't know what to do about it, she just decided to believe everything's just a crazy dream.





France: Are you still mad at me~?


Algaia: -_- *walks out*


France: I thought so x) *eats icecream*


Algaia left the room.



Algaia: Jeez! Of course I am who wouldn't be you just disappeared on me while I was talking!

Grrr that's insulting you know! >:@


Ittoki: Algaia..? Who are you talking to? o.O


Algaia: I-Ittoki-kun!! O.O Oh.. Nothing! Don't mind me XD


Ittoki: Oh alright.. wanna listen to me play? :D


Algaia: Sure! That would be great!



So we went to the place where Ittoki-kun played the song I wrote for him.

He brought his guitar again this time, and sung as if he was singing to me.After playing, I praised him cause he deserves it you know! :D and again..

He took my hand, he went red like a tomato lol :)



Ittoki: A-Algaia.. *blush* I-I really like you..



Ittoki: I-I know about the "no-love" rule but.. my music gets better because of love!

I want to change that rule and show them what love can do!


Algaia: . . . .



Suddenly, as I expected, Shining Saotome appeared out of no where,

he seems pretty enraged about it though lol :L



(In the game, it was revealed that Shining Saotome was Ittoki's father and that he was the one

  supporting Ittoki secretly. It is not yet confirmed in the anime though.)


Saotome:  You must forget about love if you want to become an idol! Mr.Ittoki, if you want

Algaia to debut, then you must forget about your feelings. If you don't, both of you will

not debut!


Ittoki: But--


Saotome: Just do it! *flies away with his helicopter*

Ittoki: . . . I-I'm sorry for putting in you into this..

I guess I'll just have to ignore my feelings for now..

But I swear to you, I will change that rule, someday! :D


Algaia: G-Goodluck, Ittoki-kun :)))


Ittoki: Yup ^_^



He gently touched my cheeks and smiled at me.

Ittoki-kun is so sweet awww ;~; After that we both

left and I walked around somewhere~

And ran into Jinguji-san.



Jinguji: My lady! :o


Algaia: J-Jinguji-san? XD




Jinguji: is there anything you need? ;>


Algaia: Eh.. not really XDD


Jinguji: Then.. why don't we just make love together? ;3


He walked up to me and gave me rose,

and then brushed my hair over my ear.


Jinguji: You light up my heart, my lady.

Algaia: O////////O I-I don't know what to say Jinguji-san..


Jinguji: It's okay, I will wait for you to answer, my lady ;)))



I walked away awkwardly again after that.

First the senpais, now the STARISH guys.. WHAT DO I DO XD


Natsuki: Algaia-chan~! :D


Algaia: N-Natsuki-san! :D


Natsuki: Are you okay? You look worried.D:?


Algaia: Ehh? I'm alright! XDD


Natsuki: Are you suuuure? D:


Algaia: Yes! :))


Natsuki: Hmm okay then ^.^ You know, I really love you Algaia-chan,

that's why I don't like seeing you sad or upset :S



Natsuki: You can talk to me anytime, Algaia-chan okay? ^.^ I'm always here for you *hugs*

Cause I really really really wuv youuuu :D

Algaia: >//////////////< O-Okay.. *walks away awkwardly again*



I left Natsuki-san after that. -___-

What do I seriously do XD

I walked into the music room and played the piano.



Hijirikawa: (Algaia..?)



I didn't notice Hijirikawa-san walk into the room..

As I was busy playing the piano. (Wow, I actually knew

how to play the piano)


And because I seemed like as if I was venting my anger

out by playing the piano (lol) Hijirikawa-san surprised me

when he suddenly touched my hand.


Algaia: H-Hijirikawa-san!! O_O


Hijirikawa: Are you okay? You seem stressed.


Algaia: I-I'm fine!


Hijirikawa: Alright.. By the way.. Thank you.


Algaia: what? why?


Hijirikawa: Because you were the one who made me realize how beautiful music is,

and that I should love and appreciate it. It's all thanks to you why I am here. Thank you.


Algaia: Y-You're welcome..


Hijirikawa: The truth is, I've always kept my feelings to myself.. to the point that

they're about to burst out anytime. So I really feel a little relieved now that I have

finally thanked you and gave the reason why..




Algaia: (AWW You poor thing ;~;) You don't have to keep it to yourself all the time,

You'll never know if someone shares the same feelings as you if you never

speak them up. So start being honest 'bout your feelings, kay? :D


Hijirikawa: In that case . . . . . . . *hugs*


Algaia: (I think I said the wrong thing O__O) H-Hijirikawa-san!

Hijirikawa: Even for just now, let me be true to my self..


Algaia: ......


He hugged me for like 2 minutes asdaskj

and then he let me go


Hijirikawa: Thank you, again. You don't have to answer me now.

Since I'm an idol, I am forbidden to love..

Algaia: Okay..... *walks away awkwardly AGAIN. e_e*



Algaia: Jeez why is this happening to me o.O


Syo: Algaia?


Algaia: Kyaaa! Syo-kun! O.O


Syo: Ahaha! I surprised you, sorry about that XD


Algaia: (ahh he's here, the cute guy ♥.♥) It's alright~


Syo: What are you doing here? xD


Algaia:I was just walking around~ what about you?


Syo:Oh.. I was well.. just trying to get stronger.. Exercising you know :))


Algaia:Aww that's good :))) (I bet it's because of his heart condition :(()


We stood there for a while. Awkward silence. :L



Syo:. . . . can we dance?



Syo:Like this. *guides Algaia*



He guided me to dance and he was really adorable

And in the end we just continued to dance slowly~



Syo:I wish we could just always dance like this..


Algaia:^_^ (Awwwwww he's so sweet and cute and waaa ;~;♥)






He stopped dancing and looked me straight into my eyes.



Syo:Don't become my composer anymore.




Syo:Become my princess.Algaia:(Omg this what happened in the game ♥__♥) (But wait, WHAT DO I SAY!?)

Syo:. . . (my heart is racing again!! >.<)< strong>


Algaia:!!! S-Syo-kun!? A-are you okay?!


Syo:I'm alright.. :') I-I just need to go back for now. See you. *hugs her again*


Algaia:O-Okay.. D:





Then he left me there. The sun is about to set ~.~

I just stayed at the same place, but Tokiya came.



Tokiya:Why are you here by yourself?


Algaia:I.. I was just with Syo a while ago..


Tokiya:  Syo, huh? . . . Algaia. I love the music you make..


Algaia:(Err okay you keep saying that XD) Thank you..


Tokiya:And also.. I do not want to runaway anymore. I want to

sing from the heart. You are the reason why I can do that.

I think I have fallen for you..


Algaia:(CRAP IT'S HERE *DOKI-DOKI*) . . . .

Tokiya:But I can't break the no-love rule right now.. I hope by the time I break it,

you have fallen for me as well. I want you to only write songs for me alone.

Algaia:. . . . Tokiya-san..


Tokiya:*kisses Algaia's ear and whispers* I want to be the only one to make you smile..


As Tokiya said that.. Cecil-kun suddenly arrived as well LOL.


Cecil:Tokiya..san? Algaia..?


Tokiya:Cecil... *turns to Algaia* Well, I'll talk to you again :) Bye.





Tokiya left us and now Cecil and I are alone .-.



Cecil:Algaia, I missed you :D




Cecil:Well because we haven't been talking to each other lately.. :)


Algaia:Oh.. :D I missed spending time with you too ^_^


Cecil:R-Really? I'm glad to hear that.. :D *hugs* I've always wanted

to huuuug you! But I was really busy so please forgive me~


Algaia:(Kyaaaa >///<) Err it's okay, you don't have to worry about that (IT'S NOT LIKE< strong>



Cecil:It's because of you that STARISH formed, and it's also you who got me in STARISH.

You brought me here, so it's all thanks to you :')


Algaia:You're very welcome..



Suddenly. An unexpected guy came,

and pulled me away from Cecil.



Cecil:Who are you?! o.O

Algaia:(why o.O)


France:Excuse me while I borrow this Princess for a while ^_^


The time has stopped and it seems France erased Cecil's memory of him.

Surprised, confused, lol i don't know anymore -_- I asked him why.



Algaia:Why are you doing this? O.O


France:The same thing has been happening over and over again in this world. I have grown

tired and bored of this ^_^


Algaia:Eh.. what?!


France:I want new and different things happening. Let's leave ^_^

Algaia:What? NO! T.T


France:*sigh* You're so stubborn, Princess! Fine, I'll let you stay one more day.

Tomorrow is your last day here! I am bored here! I only accompanied you

to be entertained! You are my toy----

Algaia:*slaps* SHUT UP!! I am nobody's toy!!!

France:*eyes widen in surprise* . . . . . . . . . . . *laughs* Ha ha.. HAHAHAHA!

Algaia:What? o____O


France:*chuckles* . . . . Now that's interesting, Princess. See you around.~ *vanishes*



The flow of time went back to normal.

And Cecil seems to have forgotten France already.

We just talked and then I went back to my room afterwards.



Algaia:(That psycho isn't here.. eh? GOOD! I want peace! -_-)

But anyway.. tomorrow.. is my last day here..... I don't know what to do..










DAY 12 - Too much love!

(((Hello dear reader, I hope you like what I write. Don't forget to tell me your opinion and observations in a comment or with your rating.)))

Crimson1pencreators' thoughts