Thanks to everyone for the reviews! -Hugs- Keep them coming, hehehe.
Before we start this chapter I just want to tell you there's going to be some swearing in this chapter. It's in Malfoy's POV, so you would kinda expect him to swear in his head at least. Hope you guys are ok with that. Don't say I didn't warn you.
& here is...
10 Ways to Kill Draco Malfoy
Chapter Two
My sixth year at Hogwarts has started rather strangely.
As soon as I'd stepped into Platform Nine and Three Quarters, I found many female eyes sweeping towards me. The older ones raised an eyebrows before turning back to what they were doing or glancing down at their daughters, whose attention was still fixed raptly on the blond 16 year old boy who had just walked in. I smirked. Many girls blushed, while some fought to keep themselves sneaking peeks at me while talking to their boyfriends. Most of whom were glaring at me with intense jealousy and hatred. If looks could kill, I'd have died a thousand times already.
Thankfully, they couldn't, and I was still alive and standing.
Well, anyway, I strode purposefully towards the train, ignoring everyone else. Then Pansy practically appeared out of nowhere and leaped on me. Thankfully I had grown taller and stronger over the summer, and was able to keep myself from falling over backwards. But just barely.
"Draco darling," she purred, giving me a look that I supposed was meant to be seductive, but only seemed extremely lecherous. "How were your holidays?"
Bloody hell. The girl runs up and nearly kills me just to ask a stupid question like that? I scowled at her and dragged myself, with some effort, to an empty compartment. Pansy clinged on all the way, much to the envy of some girls.
Fuck, what was wrong with them? Why were they looking at me like that?
I guess growing my hair must have helped my appearance a lot.
I finally managed to shake Pansy off after a few minutes of struggle. Then she decides to sit next to me and cuddle up. Shit. I pushed her roughly away and she pouted. She stood for a few minutes, and then sat down on the seat facing me. I can guess that she was probably wondering where would be the best place to sit for a good view of a certain Malfoy. At that moment, Crabbe and Goyle came in, probably after shoving open every single other compartment door they had passed to see if I'd been in them. No doubt the people who had been in them were quite pissed off.
"Where have you two been?" I snapped, jerking my head towards Pansy, who was now content with just staring at me. They looked sheepish.
"Sorry. Goyle wanted some food and chased the trolley witch to the front of the train." Crabbe elbowed Goyle and he doubled up in pain. Huh. Serves the bloody idiot right. You'd think that five years of being on the Hogwarts Express would have taught them that the food trolley didn't start selling until the train began moving.
After a few hours Pansy was still at it. Her eyes were fixed on me and watched my every move. Hell, didn't that girl ever blink?
"I'm going to go for a while. I'll be back, darling."
"Don't come back," I said, but she was already gone. Crabbe and Goyle sniggered faithfully like they always do when I say something even remotely funny. I sighed and wondered what to do to get away from Pansy before she returned. "Stay here," I told the other two, who nodded. I headed outside and saw something that made me pale. If that were possible. I already looked like a vampire. I had not been out in the sun much, if at all during the holidays, and my skin practically glowed, it was so white.
What I saw was Pansy marching towards me and leading a band of Slytherin girls, some of which I recognized. She pointed at me. Dammit. They saw me and started to run. The floor shook with the pounding of all their feet.
What was happening? Was I so good-looking that all these girls were chasing me?
But despite my confused thoughts I ran all the same. Some brave ones caught up before I started to get away and began to nuzzle my shoulder. Fuck! Must get away! I broke away from the crowd of girls and sprinted off. I was very fast when I wanted - needed - to be.
There was only one place I could think of to go. I spotted Potter heading towards the head of the train with his friends. When they had disappeared I glanced behind me to make sure there was no one in sight, then slid into their now empty compartment.
There, I sat for a while, speculating on all that had happened. Girls were staring at me. Girls were after me. Basically, they wanted me. It was a scary thought, even for a Malfoy like myself. I mean, sure, having hot girls wanting you if perfectly fine. But having people like Millicent Bulstrode after you is very frightening.
I picked up an unopened bag of Every Flavor Beans and distracted myself by trying out the flavors. If I could get an edible and actually good-tasting bean, then I would be pretty bloody lucky.
So when Potter, Weasley and Granger, plus Weasley's sister and Longbottom come in and see me, I am completely unaware of it, except vaguely aware that a door had been opened somewhere near me. Someone clears their throat. Weasley, no doubt. I glance up, feigning surprise.
After a bit of talk, they sit down. Because Potter, Weasley and Longbottom refuse to sit next to me and there is no room anywhere else, Granger is forced to sit opposite me and Ginny Weasley beside me. Ron's little sister is not much to look at - same red hair as all Weasleys have, and a face that I guess you could say, at a pinch, cute.
I turn my gaze towards Granger. She seems to have changed her look a little over the summer. Her hair is no longer bushy but slightly curly, flowing an inch or so past her shoulder. Her teeth are perfect, but that's probably because Madam Pomfrey had shrunk her front teeth some years back.
If she didn't study so much, Granger could actually be almost pretty.
She notices me staring and, looking embarassed, looks at the window. I flash the finger at her reflection and she sees it. Her eyes grow wide and I feel a kick on my shins seconds later. It hurts a lot and I restrain myself from howling. Well, I always knew how hard that Mudblood could punch. I had experienced it in my third year, for insulting that stupid half-giant Hagrid that the three loved so much. I had never been punched by anyone before. That was my first time, and hopefully my last.
When we get off the train I get my revenge on her by, er, accidentally kicking her back on the ankle. She gasps in pain and glares daggers at me. Nothing new there.
Crabbe and Goyle find me moments later. "Where were you? Why were you hanging around Potter?" asks the latter of the two.
"None of your bloody business," I say maliciously.
Goyle takes the hint and shuts up.
After the sorting of the first years, we are allowed a little free time before the feast began. Instantly I am surrounded by a gang of giggly, but sadly Slytherin girls.
"Oh, Draco, you look marvellous today!"
"I must agree. Your hair is just so - so gorgeous!"
"You've grown, Draco! -Attempted sexy laugh here-"
And so on. By the time Dumbledore stands up to make his usual speech and the crowd disperses, I could have kissed his wrinkled old feet.
"Welcome back to Hogwarts. For some of you, this will be your first time here. I hope you all had a pleasant journey here. But let's not keep you waiting, as I'm sure you are all quite hungry. Tuck in!"
Starving is probably a much better adjective. I can hear Crabbe's stomach growling loudly beside me.
The students all cheer and applaud as the plates fill up with food in an instant. Several first years gasp in delight and amazement at this spectacle, but I've seen this about a hundred times before, so I just eat with a bored expression on my face. Half of my house table keep sneaking glances at me, and you can probably guess which half.
After the feast, everyone leaves the hall quickly, tired by the train ride and looking forward to their warm bed in their dormitories. I, for one, am not only looking forward to sleep but also to getting away from those tiresome girls for the night.
So, when everyone is distracted (a very hard feat, since every few seconds Pansy keeps looking at me in that perverse way and everyone else is now also staring at me with a kind of surprised gape) I melt into the darkness and get to the Slytherin common room in a few minutes. I don't have Crabbe and Goyle with me, though, because obviously those two would be a little harder to hide in the shadows.
In my dormitory, I find, to my surprise, that Blaise is already here. When he sees me he practically jumps in amazement. "Draco! What did you do to your hair? It looks really sexy on you." Zabini giggles.
Did I mention that Blaise is a bisexual?
"Oh really," I manage to croak back, before taking off my robes and stripping to my boxers, all the while very aware of Blaise's hungry gaze that he has fixed on me. I dive into my bed as quickly as I can. Blaise looks distinctly disappointed.
After a while, the other Slytherin sixth year boys come in. After some muttering and then silence, snoring fills the air.
Fuck. I cover my head with my pillow and try my best to go to sleep, while at the same time trying not to think of all that had happened today. It seems like in less than one day I had turned into some kind of sex god - even more than before. I mean, ever since girls started to really notice boys I was always the one whom most people had a crush on. Now... I have a feeling that some girls in my house will be willing to take it further than just a crush.
Groaning silently to myself and thinking what might be in store for me tomorrow, I lie on my back and finally drift off to sleep.
Ah, there we go. That's Draco's POV and the second chapter done, though that's not the last of chapters in his POV -A very big hint-. So now I hope you understand a little about why he's suddenly so sought after by the female population of Hogwarts. If you don't, er, you should be able to get it after a while. Basically it's his looks - unearthly glowing pale skin, roughly cut white blond hair, medium, muscular build. Yeah.
Thanks! Tell me anytime if I have to change my rating.