
10 scenarios

This is about a guy in omniscient reader. I have read the manhwa and novel. This is my first attempt at writing anything. So this is probably the same quality as “three ways to survive the apocalypse” apparently was. This will be made assuming you at least have read some chapters. The chapters will be released whenever I want.

Bmcp124 · แอคชั่น
14 Chs


After the event that happened a day ago, nothing else happened. 'I'll have to find them.' "Yo first order!" I said loudly. "You sound really cringe." The guy with the hammer says. "Got it you'll be, hammer man." I responded quickly.

"I'll give you nicknames if you are annoying." I said. "I'm Alex." Said the guy with the bow. "I'm Isaac." Said the guy with the dagger. "I'm Rebecca." Said the girl that used the mirror." "Okay let's just go." I said.

Then we went, and walked inside the subway tunnel. 'I don't see anyone.' I thought to myself. "Something is up ahead said Rebecca. "Okay get ready to fight." 'It's nice having multiple people.

Then about nine ground rats appeared. Then the red barrier appeared and. 'Activate.' *Boom!* two ground rats died. Then I went in.

Hammer man quickly smashed a rats head. Then Isaac ran through two rats, and cut them open from the sides. Some blue light came from Rebecca as she shot a lightning bolt at a rat. Then an arrow shot another rat. 'This is fast.' It thought, as I slashed two rats simultaneously.

Needless to say, we finished it quickly. Then we finally entered another station. [entered *** station.] "I guess we have to beat them." I said. As three armed men appeared. "Luckily we're strong." Quickly I cut of his hand, and Rebecca shocked the other two. "This'll be fast." I said subconsciously.

We quickly obtained three stations, and were going to the next.

"So far it's smooth sailing." I said. "Yes, I even have over half my mana left." Rebecca said. "Yeah, I wonder when we'll meet your friends." Alex said, Then. I heard an arrow being shot. 'Mana shield!' *Clank!* "get ready for battle!" I said, while preparing counter shield. [65% charged]

"About 50 meters away, slightly left." I said as Alex got ready to shoot. Then another arrow appeared. 'Geez.' I surrounded my hand in mana and blocked the arrow. "Now." Then Alex shot his bow. "Agh!" Seemed like a hit.

Then Isaac quickly rushed ahead, with hammer man behind him. "Go! Hammer man!" I yelled mockingly. "My name is Isador!" He yelled. 'Hehe, still gonna call him hammer man.' I thought. Then a guy with a sword appeared, and blocked hammer man.

"Who the h*ll are you?" Hammer man asked. Isaac quickly ran up to the person, and slashed. "You're slower than that archer." The man said as he quickly dodged, then attacked hammer man. "F*ck!" His stomach got cut open.

"Yonaka!" (Got it) Yonaka quickly went to hammer man, to heal his stomach. Isaacs attack got dodged, and he countered with a kick. "No need to kill everyone." The man said. "I have an idea, Rebecca." Alex said. "Well, it better be an amazing idea." I said as a the red barrier appeared.

"I'll have to finish quickly." I said to myself. Then an arrow appeared. I quickly blocked it, and got ready.

"Where are you looking?" The man cut the red barrier. "My bad." I gathered most of my mana into my sword, eyes and brain. (Too much and your brain will be fried.) Yonaka warned me. "Got it."

I quickly attacked the man. "Your balance is of." He swiftly kicked my foot, and I tripped. 'What.' I quickly tried to avoid his attack. *clank!* I barely blocked the attack, with mana shield. 'There's already a crack.'

I quickly got up, then an arrow was shot. 'Light?' Quickly the man's sword cracked. 'My chance!' "Woah. Cool!" The man completely avoided me, and went for Alex and Rebecca.

Then Isador appeared, and tried to attack. "You're wasting time." The man cut Isadors left arm of. "Next time it'll be your right." Then. "Aaahhh!!" A scream. And a red barrier. [100% charged]

"huh?" 'Activate!' *boom!!* a big explosion. "Yonaka reattach Isador's arm!" I yelled. 'I don't think it's over yet. I quickly gathered mana into my sword. A stab. Suddenly a blue beam appeared from my sword, and destroyed the enemies bow.

I gathered the rest of my mana into my sword, and slashed. *clank!* *boom!* an explosion. 'As expected, he's still alive.' "Cough!

Man why don't we stop." The man requested. His body looked ruined. 'But, he still has all his limbs intact. What is his stigma, and constellation?'

"Is that a promise?" I asked. "Yes, let's do the three question exchange. Do you know what it is?" He said. 'Oh that?!' [ding!] [someone has activated"the three question exchange" with the support of multiple constellations]

[The rules: ]

Three questions will be asked.

The answer must be truthful.

You have the right to deny a question once.

Three light giant light bulbs appeared. "What you said previously, will you stop fighting?" I asked. "Yes." He answered. The first lightbulb turned off. "My turn. Who's your sponsor?" He asked. "Don't have one." I answered instantly. The first lightbulb turned off.

"What? How?" He mumbled. "I have no idea." I answered immediately. At this the man got frustrated.

The second lightbulb turned off. 'I made him waste a question. "Who is your sponsor?" I asked. "I will not answer." The second lightbulb turned off.

"What's your attribute rank?" He asked. "I will not answer that." I said. The third lightbulb turned off. "What's your stigma?" I asked. "Heavenly body." He answered. The third lightbulb turned off.

I quickly retrieved the rest of my mana, then.

[you have been gifted a total of 2500 coins] [your attribute has awakened] 'what?'

don’t expect many chapter uploads

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