
10 million years apart

5 years old parent died sent to her uncle that abuse her betrayed by the owner she was working a part time job almost got raped in the age of 14 killed the man with a knife in self defense sent to prison for investigation was sent to the orphanage after being interviewed in the prison why. because my uncle run out of my parents money age 16 bullied to age 18 rumors circulate that I have killed someone being an out cast in my school reincarnated as a baby after an eventful day getting happiness for the first time warm parent because I have a cheat ability become the most powerful knight in the whole kingdom at the age of 18 age 36 already have a loving family 37 betrayed by my people by the kingdom and the king I served because they can't kill me they through me the abyss of creations.......

DaoistlrysuG · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs


It was a sunny spring day in Paris, and Anna and her parents were making their way through the Louvre Museum. As they walked through the galleries, Anna couldn't help but be mesmerized by all of the beautiful paintings and sculptures on display. The colors and textures of the artwork seemed to come to life in the soft lighting of the galleries, and the faint smell of paint and clay lingered in the air.

Anna was a curious girl, with long black hair that cascaded down her back in soft curls. She had deep, violet eyes that seemed to sparkle with intelligence, and a small, slender frame that belied her boundless energy and enthusiasm.

Her parents, both museum curators, were tall and slender, with a love of art and history that they had passed down to their daughter. They were a close-knit family, always eager to explore new ideas and experiences together.

As they made their way through the galleries, Anna heard a guard talking to a group of visitors about a new statue that was going to be unveiled in the exhibit. Anna's curiosity was immediately piqued, and she begged her parents to find out more about the statue.

"Come on, Mom and Dad, please tell me more about the statue!" Anna pleaded.

Her parents exchanged a knowing look before turning back to Anna. "Well, we can't reveal too much, but we can tell you that it's made of an unknown material and has the shape of an archangel," her mother said.

"And it's going to be unveiled in the main gallery at 2:00pm this afternoon," her father added. "You'll just have to wait and see the rest for yourself."

Anna was overjoyed and couldn't wait to see the new statue. She begged her parents to let her stay at the museum and watch the unveiling, and after some convincing, they agreed.

As the time ticked by, Anna grew more and more impatient, anxious to see the new statue. Finally, the moment arrived, and the guards pulled back the curtains to reveal a beautiful statue made of a shimmering, metallic substance. It was in the shape of an archangel, with wings outstretched and a serene expression on its face.

But as Anna looked closer, she noticed something strange about the statue. It looked almost exactly like an older version of herself, down to the freckles on her cheeks and the way she wore her hair. She turned to her parents in shock, but they only smiled mysteriously and told her that the statue was a mystery they had been working on for years.

Just then, an old man named David approached them and praised the statue, explaining that it had been discovered in the Mariana trench, a deep oceanic trench in the floor of the western Pacific Ocean. According to legend, the very tears of these statues filled the ocean floor, and the one in front of them was said to have special powers.

David was a kind man, with a gentle face and a soft smile. He had a love of learning and a curiosity that seemed to know no bounds.

As David walked away from the group, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was something special about Anna. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but he had a sense that her future was intertwined with the legend of the statue. He made a mental note to keep an eye on her and see what the future held for her.

In his mind, he couldn't help but wonder what awaited Anna's future. Would she be able to unlock the secrets of the statue and its mysterious powers? Or would she be faced with challenges and obstacles that would test her

It was a warm summer night, and Anna's parents were working late at the Louvre Museum in Paris. As the head curator of the museum, Anna's father was responsible for overseeing the acquisition and display of new artwork and artifacts.

As he sat in his office, surrounded by stacks of papers and reports, he couldn't help but think back to the strange statue they had discovered earlier that year. It was made of an unknown metallic substance and had the shape of an archangel, with wings outstretched and a serene expression on its face. But what really intrigued him was the fact that it looked almost exactly like an older version of Anna, down to the freckles on her cheeks and the way she wore her hair.

He had been trying to research the origins of the statue and learn more about its mysterious powers, but he had hit a dead end. He was determined to find out more, however, and he had even contacted some colleagues in southern Africa, where similar statues had been found in the past.

Just then, there was a knock on the door, and Anna's mother entered the room. "We just got word from our colleagues in southern Africa," she said, her face alight with excitement. "They've made some incredible discoveries in the ruins of an ancient temple. They think it could be related to the statues we found."

Anna's father's eyes lit up. "That's amazing news," he said. "We have to

Anna's father's heart raced with excitement at the news his wife had brought him. "We have to go there and see for ourselves," he said, already planning their trip in his head.

Anna's mother nodded. "I agree. It could be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to learn more about these mysterious statues and their powers."

The two of them spent the rest of the night discussing their plans and making arrangements for their trip. They would have to leave Anna behind, of course, but they knew she would be in good hands with her grandparents.

As the sun rose over the city of Paris, Anna's parents set off on their journey, filled with excitement and anticipation for what they might discover. They couldn't wait to see what secrets lay hidden in the ancient temple of southern Africa, and they hoped that it would bring them one step closer to unlocking the mystery of the statues.

As for Anna, she couldn't wait to hear all about their adventures when they returned. She knew that her parents were always on the lookout for new and exciting discoveries, and she couldn't wait to see what they would find next.

As Anna's parents set off on their journey to southern Africa, Anna was left alone in the Louvre Museum with only the security guards for company. She was a little bit scared at first, but she knew she had nothing to be afraid of. After all, she had been coming to the museum with her parents since she was a little girl and she was well-acquainted with all of the staff.

But as the hours ticked by and the sun began to set, Anna couldn't help but feel a little bit lonely. She was just about to ask one of the security guards if they could call her grandparents to come and pick her up early when she heard a voice behind her.

"Anna, is that you?"

Anna turned around to see Professor John, an old friend of her parents who worked at the museum. She was surprised to see him still there, as she thought he had left hours ago.

"Professor John, what are you doing here?" she asked.

The professor chuckled. "I'm the new director of the museum, actually," he said. "I was just finishing up some paperwork in my office."

Anna's eyes widened in surprise. "You're the new director? That's so cool!"

The professor smiled. "I'm glad you think so. And since your parents are away on their trip, I was wondering if you'd like to spend the next few days with me here at the museum. I could show you around and introduce you to some of the new exhibits."

Anna was thrilled at the prospect of spending more time at the museum and getting to know Professor John better. She knew he was a kind and curious man, with a love of learning and adventure that matched her own.

"I'd love to!" she exclaimed.

And so, with Professor John's guidance, Anna spent the next three days exploring the museum and learning all about its many treasures. She saw ancient artifacts from all over the world, marveled at the beauty of the artworks on display, and even had the chance to help out with some of the curatorial work.

As the days passed by, Anna grew more and more attached to Professor John and the museum. She knew that her parents would be back soon, but she couldn't wait to tell them all about her adventures with the kind and knowledgeable professor. She knew that this was only the beginning of her journey to discover the secrets of the past,

As Anna spent the second day of her time at the museum with Professor John, she found herself thinking more and more about the strange statue that had been unveiled earlier that year. It was made of an unknown metallic substance and had the shape of an archangel, with wings outstretched and a serene expression on its face. But what really intrigued her was the fact that it looked almost exactly like an older version of herself, down to the freckles on her cheeks and the way she wore her hair.

Anna couldn't shake the feeling that the statue was calling to her, almost as if it had some sort of special connection to her. She had tried to ignore it at first, but the more she thought about it, the more she felt like she needed to go and see the statue for herself.

That night, as Anna and Professor John were walking through the galleries, Anna finally decided to speak up. "Professor John, can I ask you a question?" she said.

"Of course, Anna," the professor replied, turning to look at her with a kind and curious expression.

"I've been thinking a lot about the archangel statue," Anna said. "It's just been bothering me, you know? Like it's calling to me or something. I know it sounds crazy, but I feel like I need to go and see it for myself. Do you think it would be okay if I went to the exhibit alone for a little while?"

Professor John considered Anna's request for a moment, a thoughtful look on his face. "I understand what you're saying, Anna," he said. "And I think it's natural for you to be curious about the statue. But I'm not sure it's a good idea for you to go to the exhibit alone at night. The museum can be a bit spooky when it's empty, and I wouldn't want you to get scared."

Anna's heart sank. She had hoped that Professor John would understand her need to see the statue, but she understood his concerns. "I understand," she said. "It's just that I can't shake this feeling that I need to see it. Do you think maybe we could go and see it together, then?"

Professor John smiled. "I think that's a great idea," he said. "We can go and see the exhibit together in the morning, when it's bright and there are other people around. How does that sound?"

Anna grinned. "That sounds perfect, Professor John. Thank you."


As the hours ticked by, Anna found herself growing more and more restless. She knew that Professor John had promised to take her to see the archangel statue in the morning, but she couldn't shake the feeling that she needed to see it now. She had tried to go to sleep, but every time she closed her eyes, she saw the statue's shimmering metallic wings and serene expression, beckoning to her.

Finally, after tossing and turning for what felt like hours, Anna couldn't take it any longer. She slipped out of bed, pulled on her clothes, and tiptoed out of her room. She knew she wasn't supposed to be wandering around the museum alone at night, but she couldn't shake the feeling that she needed to see the statue.

As she made her way through the dark and silent galleries, Anna couldn't help but feel a little bit scared. The museum was usually such a bustling and vibrant place, but now it was eerily quiet and still. But she pushed her fear aside and continued on, determined to see the statue.

As she approached the exhibit, Anna could see the shimmering metallic wings of the archangel statue glinting in the dim light. She stopped for a moment, taking in the beauty of the statue and the sense of peace it seemed to radiate.

Then, without thinking, Anna reached out and touched the statue. As her fingers brushed the cool metallic surface, she felt a sudden surge of energy coursing through her body. She couldn't explain it, but she felt like the statue was somehow connected to her, almost as if it was a part of her.

And in that moment, Anna knew that she had been right to come and see the statue. She didn't know what the future held, but she knew that she was destined to be connected to the archangel statue in some way.

As Anna stood in front of the archangel statue, she suddenly felt a wave of tiredness wash over her. She tried to fight it, but it was no use. She felt her eyes drifting closed, and before she knew it, she was fast asleep.

In her dream, Anna found herself standing in a beautiful meadow, surrounded by rolling hills and sparkling streams. The sun was shining down from a clear blue sky, and the air was filled with the sound of birds singing.

As she looked around, Anna saw a girl sitting on the side of a cliff, her back to Anna. The girl was dressed in a long, flowing robe, and her long black hair was blowing in the breeze. She seemed to be staring at something in front of her, and as Anna walked closer, she saw that there were five tombstones in front of the girl.

The girl looked sad and regretful as she gazed at the tombstones, and Anna felt a sense of sadness wash over her as well. She didn't know who the girl was or what the tombstones meant, but she felt a strong sense of connection to her.

As Anna watched, the girl slowly turned around, and Anna saw that she had the same deep violet eyes and freckles on her cheeks as Anna did. The girl looked at Anna with a sad smile, and Anna felt a surge of understanding wash over her.

But as the girl looked at Anna, Anna saw a single tear rolling down her cheek. She reached out and wiped it away, and as she did, she felt a tear rolling down her own cheek as well. She didn't know why, but she felt a deep sense of sorrow and regret, as if the girl's pain was her own.

Suddenly, everything went dark, and Anna felt herself falling through a void. She tried to scream, but no sound came out. She was terrified, but she knew she had to keep moving forward.

As she fell, Anna saw a flash of light, and when she opened her eyes, she found herself standing in a ruined city. All around her, she saw dragons and golems rampaging through the streets, destroying everything in their path.

And in the center of it all, standing tall and proud, was the girl from Anna's dream. Her long black hair had turned white, and she was wielding a glowing sword. She was fighting the dragons and golems with a grace and skill that Anna had never seen before, taking them down one by one without even being touched.

Anna watched in amazement as the girl fought, her heart filled with a sense of awe and wonder. She knew that the girl was a warrior, a protector of the innocent, and she couldn't wait to see what the future held for her and the mysterious archangel statue.

i'm steel a begginer so correct me there someting wrong

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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