
10 days with a stranger

She have been under a lot of pressure but she is unable to resist the magically thread pulling her to him. What could she do with 10 days with this gorgeous man? 'What do you want to do during this 10 days?" He asked with a smile as he put his hand in his pockets looking so gallant. She looked at him and smiled and put her hands behind her as she fist and unfist her knuckles. "Where do I start from?"

okuonghae26 · แฟนตาซี
36 Chs

It felt like she was the only one in the world

She doubted it.

He nodded and looked at her. "They were looking for a guide but all the workers were on break, He recommended me, additional income and a place I have read and researched on, so Yeah, besides how can I say no to a free boarding pass to visit the incredible Mare." He related with a smile.

She smiled back at him.

"What about you?" He inquiried.

She nod as she sighed. "Well, I live in Spain, almost all my life..."

"The Yankee girls?" He retorted with a smile dancing on his lips.

She smiled.

"No, never been a fan of basketball." She shook her head exchanging the smile.

"What do you do?"

She looked at the clear path in front of her. "I am an administrator, Bell and I are partners at the same firm."

He nodded his head.

"What brings you here?"

Kristine looked at him. He sure ask a lot of questions for a tour guide.

"Bella.....and her fiance brought me here to cool my head. I have been too busy and overworked lately so we decided to take a break." She told half of the Truth.

He looked at her like he didn't believe almost all she said.

"It didn't even look like you were submissive to the agreement."

She looked at him. Really? Has he been watching her? She voiced out her thoughts before she could stop herself.

"Have you been watching me, us?"

He shrugged with a smile. "Sorry, I am responsible for all the campers who has been here for the past three days and besides I couldn't resist." He said and stood up.

She paused and thought about the last statement he made before she had time to tell him what she was thinking, he checked his wristwatch, his phone and looked up at the clear skies.

"What is it?" She asked a little worry in her voice.

"We need to walk before the clouds talks." He said without looking in her direction.

She gave a small smile. Nice choice of line but she wasn't sure she understood how rain was going to fall when the skies were clear as day.

"But It doesn't look like it will rain."

He turned to face her with a smile on his face.

"Kristine, the weather is different here in Polignao a' Mare. The hill are slippery when it rains. We shouldn't be here to see that happen."

Kristine's looked at him, her eyes glaring at him. Another reason she hated hills and camping outdoors.

Why do they even have outdoor camping!

"I wouldn't like to be here when it happens." Her face irritated and scared at the same time.

He smiled and turned to the direction he originally faced and she followed closely behind him.

They walked down the hill and continued walking.

She didn't ask him if he knew where he was going because she felt he did, since he was a tour guide and their camp instructor. So definitely he should know where he was going.

She stopped when they were a distance away from the hills and a little distance away from the trees. The road wasn't far ahead and the skies which was clear as day had turned dark.

She sighed when she watched him, standing looking at nothing in particular, on his face was a mixture of confusion and tiredness.

"Which way do we go?" She helped in case he had forgot to ask himself that.

He blinked, looked at the road.

They had come by bus and had taken the road and he had memorized every path but now that he looked at it, the path seemed endless. Maybe they could walk down there and get a ride?

He nod at his realization.

He walked, she followed.

He stopped at the roadside and looked left and right. No cars, no trucks, no means of transport.

"Let's wait, maybe we will get a ride to the hotel."

She nodded tugging the hand of her bagpack while she looked for anything.

But she saw nothing but felt the wind cool off the heat she felt from walking down that hill.

She saw him bring out his phone from his pockets and raised it. He looked at her. "Check your phone."

She removed her phone from her blue jeans back pockets and checked the network. She raised it up, moved further away from him to see if she could find anything but nothing.

She looked at him, doing the same thing she did but nothing. She looked back and check her phone, she saw a little signal and she walked deep into the trees and waited for the network. She stood there for a few minutes waiting but nothing that was when she heard Lewis calling her name.

"Kristine." He said when he reached where she stood with her phone in her hand.

She turned and looked at him.

He came towards her, gave a sigh and looked at her again before signal her to come out from where she was going. She walked out, when she could see the skies again, she heard him.

"Please, don't leave by yourself again. Please." He told her.