

A Girl who lived in a city called New Orleans, she thought she was just a normal eighteen year old girl, living her normal life until one night she overheard a conversion between her mother and step father about things she didn't understand so she decided she would bring up this conversion to both of them the next day only that day never came just heartbreak. Now she's thrown into this world she knows nothing about dealing with the death of her mother she goes off and tries to find out who she really is and secrets are revealed learning she can't trust the people who she thought would never hurt her. Now she must avenge the death of mother with her new pack she hunts the people who took everything from her.

Megan_Buckley · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs

Chapter 7

Our break was over and it was time to hunt down Rico and put an end to this once and for all our break was what I needed, what everyone needed me and Peter grew closer and the pack and the other wolves were getting along well but now we needed to finally get the peace we deserved.

"The time has come to finally get the peace we all deserve" the wolves all agree as we stand outside i hear them all saying yeah! "Now i know just as you do there are many hunters around the world i know there must be more of our kind out there and if we get word around to other packs they might come and join us making us bigger than ever, bigger that no hunter would ever dear come to attack us again, over our break i had time to think peace is what we want but I've realised if there's more wolves there's more hunters and some might be bold enough to attack but we will tear them down like we did the ones who are now dead!" the wolves shout in agreement " so lets make Rico's death a reminder to other hunters out there that we are not to be messed with!" the wolves again agree happily they turn into their wolf forms " let's do this!" I shout, turning myself and we head out to hunt Rico.

Some wolves went one way and other the other way while me and a few others went straight. We spent hours looking but we found nothing, not even a trace. I began to think he died of infection when I stabbed him. That was until we heard a howl from one of the wolves. It sounded like it was coming from the west so we took off running that way. When we got there the wolves were hiding one of them looked at me and nodded his head just passed the trees when i looked i saw Rico but he wasn't alone he found new friends they set camp in the woods i thought if we attacked now they wouldn't expect it maybe it would be easier to kill them when there not ready and it looked like peter had the same idea so i ran and the wolves followed.

The hunters didn't see us until we attacked the first person tearing down by the leg and all you could hear was his screams "wolves!" One of the hunters yelled but they were too late. I watched as they tried to reach their weapons but they weren't so lucky when the wolves ripped them apart. I saw Rico cowering behind his new friends so I took my chance to get him. Two of the wolves came by my side taking out the two hunters who were protecting Rico and i jamp on him knocking him to the ground clawing at him hearing him scream for his life. Once I was satisfied I left him just barely alive and I turned back to my human form with one of the wolves who turned back covering me with a coat.

"This is where you die Rico" i mock the words he said to me when he was just about to kill me i watch his face go into realisation knowing he was going to die " but before i kill you i want to show you something" peter comes next to me handing the photos of all the people who have died at the hands of him " hold him down" i tell Simon and peter who stood next to me the other hunters were all dead and the wolves came to stand behind me watching as i tortured Rico i bend down to Rico's lever as he was pinned to the ground.

 I hold up a picture of Jimmy one of the elders " this is Jimmy he was an elder in our pack and you killed him died with a arrow to the heart" i pick up a nail that the hunters had and poked it through the picture and stuck it into Rico's hand hearing him scream in pain the next photo i hold up was Rea

 "Now i know you remember her a soul that was so pure she would never hurt a fly and you she died with a knife to the throat" i hold her picture to his face a little longer then i do the same as i did with Jimmy's photo to his other hand hear him scream out in pain once again then i hold up the last to picture which were my parents "these last two were two of the greatest alphas who lived and all they wanted was peace yet they died to for no reason all these wolves died for no reason and Rea was human she was innocent yet died to for what i tell you why because your kind just can't live in a world knowing there are others out there others like me who are stronger than you and you can't handle that so you try to get rid of them" i stick my parents picture on both sides of his cheeks once again hear his screams.

"please Libby i'm sorry i'm sorry" he begs for his life and all i can do is laugh.

"You should've thought twice about killing the people i love or you wouldn't be begging for your life right now but you showed no mercy to them so i will show no mercy to you your gonna die just like they did you will feel the pain they felt when they were dying good luck in hell" and with that i stab him with the knife he had in his waste i watch the life leave his eyes and finally he dies standing back up i turn to the wolves.

"It's over" and with that they howl i look up at the sky "you can rest now mom you can find peace now dad it's over we won" i smile knowing they can now finally find peace. I look back at the wolves "let's go home" they turn around making their way back to the bayou. Peter comes to my side kissing the top of my head wrapping one hand around me.

"We can all be at peace now the war is over" I know he's right but I can't help thinking there's always more out there.

"But what if more comes?" I ask.

"Then we will deal with it. We have more wolves now Lib we can take um but for now it's over let's enjoy the rest of the night celebrating with the pack" i nod and we head back to the bayou.

Once we get there the wolves are already parting they see me and peter arrive they run over to us picking me up as the rest of the wolves circle us "Give It up for our Great Alpha who granted us peace" the wolves cheer and i laugh as they let me back down i look around happily finally finding my family and finally feeling at home once again. We enjoyed the rest of the night finally free from hiding in the shadows no longer scared of what was outside the bayou finally feeling at peace once again.

 The End