
1 Month to Confession (UnOrdinary fanfic)

[EDIT: Updates every month.] "Sera, I'm sorry." $ $ $ $ $ $ John, a 3rd year student of Wellston High, had just confessed to his own best friend, Seraphina, his huge secret---that he is not a cripple but a very powerful High-tier. She found out about it when she saw him using his ability in order to protect her from thugs who were trying to rape her. However, not everything has gone so well when his secret is revealed. He just had 3 MAJOR badluck. 1st is that he's having a hard time telling Sera the truth. She's been avoiding him. 2nd, he found out that he's diagnosed with a very dangerous disease that will eventually take away his life. 3rd, he only has a month left to live. How will he be able to deal with all of these? Will he be able to tell Sera everything about his past while keeping his sickness a secret? Will Sera accepts him again? Or will she remain in the dark until John dies? And the major question: Will he be able to confess his feelings in a month's time, before it's too late? $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ I do not own UnOrdinary and it's characters. All credits goes to Uru-chan (Chelsea Han).

QuinqueFabulae · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
10 Chs

Chapter 6: Retelling of the Past, Acceptance, and HIS Arrival

Previously, on 1 Month to Confession:

EVIE: By the way, w-where is J-John? I thought that y-you two are best f-friends. Everyone knows of it.

SERAPHINA: (sigh) That's the thing. I've been looking for him since a while ago but he hasn't even showed up. We... We had a fight two days ago because of something. I was planning on apologizing to him today because I let my emotions get the best of me and I didn't even hear his side of the story. (looking at Evie and Roland) So I thought, maybe you three have seen him?

TERRENCE: Well, the last time I saw him was yesterday. I was walking back towards the dorms after my class just ended when I saw him from afar, lying on the ground in front of the dorm entrance, completely unconscious and beaten up. I was about to help him when I saw a man in his mid-forties rushing towards him, trying to wake him up. When he didn't, he immediately carried him carefully and rushed outside the school. So I ended up following them instead to know where he is taking John.

SERAPHINA: H-Hospital?! Are you sure?!

APHRODITE: (contemplating)... John, there is something that you need to know. The truth is... I'm alive.

SERAPHINA: (sobbing) You're awake.

JOHN: (tries to remember) ... No. All I remember is that I was going to return back to the dorms after... After Sera shunned me. I can't remember anything after that.

[2:45 pm; At Kholik Hallway* in Wellston High...]

(* Kholik Hallway: Does it exist in UnOrdinary? If not, please correct me. I forgot the names of the hallways in Wellston and I have no time to check it out.)

<Third Person's POV>




The clicking sound of shoes can be heard along the hallway. A tall blonde teenager with slit blue eyes and a pair of studs in his ears wearing a full Wellston uniform sans the vest can be seen walking along the corridor with a serious expression on his face. This guy's name is Arlo, the former King who is now demoted officially to Jack after he lost in a fight against John aka Joker TWICE. Right now, he is lost in his own thoughts.

ARLO: (wears a serious expression on his face) 'It's been 3 days now since John disappeared. And Seraphina's been going outside of school for 3 days as well, not that it has been the first time since she's done that. However, her behavior confuses me. It's as if she's in a hurry for something. Strange.'

???: (calling Arlo's attention)---lo. A---o. Arlo!

The person walking beside Arlo was able to call his attention successfully.

ARLO: (looking at the person beside him) What is it, Holden?

The guy, Holden, who is apparently one of Arlo's closest friends, looks at him with a worried expression on his face.

HOLDEN: (worried) I've been calling you for over 3 minutes already, man. Are you alright?

ARLO: (facing away) Yeah. I'm fine. Why is that?

HOLDEN: It's just that you've been spacing out and I've been calling on your attention for like 3 minutes already.

ARLO: ... By the way, do you know what Seraphina's been up to lately?

Holden, confuse by this question, only nods his head no.

HOLDEN: To be honest, I have no idea. Who knows what she's up to. You know how she is. Cutting classes, doing whatever the hell she want.

ARLO: I see. It really is odd. *sigh* Best to let her do what she wants. It's not like it's my business to know.

[3:00 pm; Room #7018 Wellston Hospital...]

<Seraphina's POV>

JOHN: (rubbing his head in frustration) Argh! Damn it! I lost again!

I only chuckle at his lost. Right now, we are playing (note: competing) Angry Pigs on our phones and so far, John ended up losing to me again. (smug look on my face) "Oh well. What can you say? I'm better than you."

JOHN: (a little annoyed) No fair. You cheated.

(stuck my tongue out) "Nope. Did not."

Just then, the door opens and out came William, with a cellophane of snacks on his hand.

WILLIAM: Oh? It seems that you guys are playing video games.

JOHN: Well yeah. We got bored so we decided to compete. See who wins.

WILLIAM: I see. (handing out the cellophane to us) Here's your snacks, guys.

I accept the cellophane handed out to me. "Thanks, William." Fumbling through the bag, I see John's mango boba and hand it to him.

JOHN: (stars in his eyes) Thanks Sera! Thanks dad! (sipping the boba) Man! I haven't had boba in days!

WILLIAM: (ruffling John's hair) You're acting like a kid.

JOHN: (irked) Hey!

At a normal glance, it looks like a normal bonding between father and son. However, I can clearly tell that something is troubling them. They may pretend that everything's okay in front of me but I know that everything is far from okay. I can tell that John is hiding his pain. I wonder, why did John have to hide his Ability? Why can't he just tell me from the start? Did something happen for him to have to go as far as to pretend to be a Cripple in front of everyone? I only stare at the two with an amuse expression on my face. (a little hesitant) "Hey, John? So about your secret?"

John just freezes from my question.

JOHN: (sporting a pained expression) ...

WILLIAM: (holding John's shoulder) It's okay, son. I'm here for you.

JOHN: *sigh* Alright. I'll tell you. You know, to be honest, the reason why I didn't tell you about my Ability is because I'm afraid that you'll leave me once you found out... That I was a totally different person back then.

"A totally different person?"

JOHN: That's right. 2 years ago, I was a really terrible person back then. Or maybe that was an understatement. I was a tyrant. I hurt people. I don't give a s*** about other's feelings back then. I guess you can say that I was the worst King.

"A King? You were a King back then?"

JOHN: (nods in agreement) However, I wasn't ALWAYS the King. Back then, even before that, I've been a Cripple for almost my entire life. Maybe, 14 years or something. So I guess you can say that I wasn't technically lying to you.

Now this information really shocked me. So he was a Cripple before then, for almost his entire life? And then he became a King after? So in other words, he's a late bloomer. "So, you're a late bloomer? And let me guess, you were bullied before when you were a Cripple?"

JOHN: That's right.

If he was a Cripple who was being bullied, and when his Ability had developed late, then that means, the reason as to why he was a tyrant is because he exacted his revenge on those with powers. So I tell him my other theory. He only nods in agreement. "But what happened though? Why did you suddenly change to a good person?"

JOHN: (eyes down casting a hurt expression) ...

WILLIAM: John was... Well, he was betrayed.

Betrayed? My thoughts were answered by his next words.

WILLIAM: Yes. He was betrayed. By his former best friend, nonetheless. (looks at John) John, do you want me to continue the rest of the part for you?

JOHN: (nods)

WILLIAM: His ex-best friend's name was Claire. The two were really close, along with their other friend, Adrion, who was John's childhood friend. In fact, it was Claire who told John that he could---no, WOULD become King in the future. You see, her Ability enables her to look into the future. Before, she told me and John that he would finally gain his Ability in the future. Of course, being a Cripple, he didn't believe her at first. However, after sometime, his Ability had started to developed late. Thanks to Claire's visions, they were able to train his Ability, discover what kind of Ability he has, how it works, and just how powerful it is. (whispers) Unfortunately, he inherited my FATHER's Ability.

[A/N: Wow. Tbh, I just had a theory that this would be the scenario a month before the update of the chapters of John's past. Never would have thought that my theory would be this spot on. Well, except for the part after he starts to develop his Ability late. I was waiting for the Past Arc to finish in order for me to put it here.]

William whispered something that I can't quite hear that much. Although, I can hear him saying something like 'unfortunately' and 'father'. However, John himself have clearly heard it.

JOHN: (confused expression on his face) Dad? What do you mean that I inherited your father's Ability? Does grandfather have the same Ability as I do? And why did you pronounce the word 'father' like you're spitting venom?

<William's POV>

(sweating bullets) S***. I did not mean to whisper it. What should I do? Should I tell them the truth as well? Besides, John's not the only one who was lying...

JOHN: (worried) Dad? Are you okay?

I only give him a fake smile. "Yeah. I'm fine. It's just as you've heard. You inherited your Ability from you grandfather."

JOHN: Wow. I haven't heard you speak of grandfather before. What's his name? What's he like? How strong is he? Is he still alive? And why does it seems like you hate him?

The more he presses his questions, the more uncomfortable I feel. Darn it. What should I say? (sweat-drop nervously) "Er... His name is Sovrano Doe. His Ability is the same as yours. In fact, like what I've said before, you've inherit his Ability. He's extremely strong. Level 8.9. Alive... Hold on. We're getting off-topic here. Can we just continue on with revealing your past instead of my father? I'll tell you all about him later."

JOHN: Fine.

SERAPHINA: I'm sure that you have many questions about your dad's grandfather, Sovrano was it?

"That's right."

SERAPHINA: I think it would be best if we finish were we left off.

So I tell her about the rest. Of John becoming a tyrant after he gained and trained his Ability, how he rose to power, replaced their former King by fighting him off and became the youngest and strongest King, how he ruled his school---with John adding some things---, how Adrion warned him of Claire planned on forming a coup de etat, how Adrion's warning came true, how half of his classmates attacked him with Claire leading them, how he defeat them all, how Claire betrayed him and calling him a monster, how Adrion bailed him out on the Authorities, and how he was expelled from New Bostin High School and was sent to a 3-month Readjustment Facility schooling. John explained most of the details regarding his experience in that 3-month schooling torture---according to him.

JOHN: It was really hard. After that readjustment s***, I got depressed. I was able to learn that my actions had consequences. However, my dad helped me got back on my feet thanks to his book.

SERAPHINA: (in a whisper) Unordinary?

JOHN: Yeah. He gave me a message that I should use my powers for the common good. That I should help others instead of hurting them. However, I know that it wouldn't be easy, considering my actions in the past.

SERAPHINA: I see. But then, why did you choose to pretend to be a Cripple when you could have just pretend to be a Mid-tier or still become a High-tier but using your power to help others instead of abusing it?

JOHN: I figured that this would be the appropriate punishment for my past actions. Also, so that others would leave me alone and... And I hate myself... And my Ability.

John... It seems that you still think of yourself that way. After he said those words, we only stare at each other. The atmosphere around us is in an uncomfortable silence. That is, until Sera hugs him.

<John's POV>

After dad and I told her of my past, we stay silent. I then look at her, her expression unreadable. This is what I fear. Fear that once I reveal my past to her, she'll see me as a monster. Then, all of a sudden, Sera hugs me. (blushes) "S-Sera?"

SERA: It's alright, John. Thank you for sharing your past to me. (breaking the hug) If you EVER think that I see you as a monster, then you are DEAD WRONG. Sure you may be a jacka$$ & a b****d before but you are still my best friend. We all make mistakes. We are not perfect. After all, we are only humans. Besides, didn't you tell me before that we can't always be perfect? That we can do whatever the h*** we want? That includes making mistakes.

Is this what she really thinks of me? Even after everything that I've done, she still sees me as her best friend? Tears fall down on my face as I digest everything she said. Although it hurts that she only thinks of me as a friend, I'm still glad that she still treasures me. (hugs her) "Sera... Thank you."

[The next day...]

Sera went to school just a while ago, not before visiting me. Aunt Athena said that I should stay here until 4:00 pm for my regular check-up. Dad went to our new apartment in order to sort everything out. After a few hours, he comes back but I notice something different from him. The aura (mood) around him seems like he saw something that made him terrified. However, when he faces me, his mood suddenly changes.

WILLIAM: (puts on a fake smile) Hey John. Athena says that I can take you home today. We can go back here for a check-up later.

"Huh? I thought she said that I should stay here until 4 pm."

WILLIAM: Oh don't worry. I convinced her to get you back home. Besides, our apartment is just near your school and this hospital.

"I see."

WILLIAM: Come on. We gotta get you dressed up.

Dad and I prepare ourselves so that we can go home. Because I'm still a little weak after being in a coma for 3 days, he helped me getting ready.

[At William and John's apartment...]

<??? POV>

Hmmmm... So this is where they currently live. A lot smaller than I thought. "Cain, where are they right now?"

CAIN: It seems that they are on their way back here, sir.

As if on cue, the door opens with two people getting in. I can see that Cripple along with a boy who looks like a carbon copy of William and myself. William then turns to look at me, with fear evident in his eyes.

WILLIAM: (fear evident in his eyes) Fa-father.

I only gave him a stern look. The boy who I presume is John then turns to look at his father, confusion evident in his face.

JOHN: (confused) Dad?

WILLIAM: Father, this is John. He's my son.

"Hello, John. My grandson."

Arc 1: Lies and Truth Complete

To be continued...

Next Arc: Doe Clan

Next chapter: Sovrano Doe