
1 Month to Confession (UnOrdinary fanfic)

[EDIT: Updates every month.] "Sera, I'm sorry." $ $ $ $ $ $ John, a 3rd year student of Wellston High, had just confessed to his own best friend, Seraphina, his huge secret---that he is not a cripple but a very powerful High-tier. She found out about it when she saw him using his ability in order to protect her from thugs who were trying to rape her. However, not everything has gone so well when his secret is revealed. He just had 3 MAJOR badluck. 1st is that he's having a hard time telling Sera the truth. She's been avoiding him. 2nd, he found out that he's diagnosed with a very dangerous disease that will eventually take away his life. 3rd, he only has a month left to live. How will he be able to deal with all of these? Will he be able to tell Sera everything about his past while keeping his sickness a secret? Will Sera accepts him again? Or will she remain in the dark until John dies? And the major question: Will he be able to confess his feelings in a month's time, before it's too late? $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ I do not own UnOrdinary and it's characters. All credits goes to Uru-chan (Chelsea Han).

QuinqueFabulae · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
10 Chs

Chapter 5: Sera's Resolve and John's Awakening

Previously, on 1 Month to Confession:

ELAINE: Uhm, Seraphina? Are you alright?

SERAPHINA: (laughing a pained laugh) Hehe. Can you BELIEVE it? He HAS an Ability. AND a High-tier as well. Ha! He even had the nerve to tell me that we'll be powerless together!... Elaine, what do you think should I do?

ELAINE: M-Maybe you should h-hear him out. I don't think he's the type to hide something from anyone without a good reason.

VAUGHN: (changes the topic) I was surprised that John is your son. Why did you not at least tell me or mother?

WILLIAM: (face turning serious) You know the reason. I tried telling you but I stopped myself from doing so.

VAUGHN: It's great to see you again, William. (expression turns serious) And also, you need to watch out. Father might have sent some spies here in Wellston and he might found out about John once he knows that you're here. Besides, he doesn't know yet about his existence and you know how he'll react when he finds out that you've been keeping an "extremely powerful puppet" of a grandchild from him.

ATHENA: (leaned towards him and whispered) It's EMBER.

???: (stops drinking coffee) ... William? That useless son of mine... Has a son? (crushing his mug with his bare hands) That damn Cripple! (eyes glowing silver, dangerously) He DARES keep a potential grandson from ME?! (turns to Cain) Cain, I want you to cancel all my meetings. We're going to Wellston immediately.

[10/20/201x, Friday, 8:32 am; Room W302...]

<Seraphina's POV>

*sigh* Another boring day. As the teacher teaches the class, I'm just staring outside the window, gazing through the scenery before me. I remember what Elaine has advised me yesterday, about the situation between me and John. I can't help but think that she's right. Even if he's been hiding this much of a huge secret from me, I am also at fault for not even trying to listen to his side of the story. I've let my own emotions get the best at me and because of that, John's been hurt at my actions. And besides, John is NEVER the type to hurt me, unintentionally or not. If he's been hiding this huge of a secret from me, then it must have been something that he doesn't want to reveal to others. I wonder as to why he has to hide the fact that he has an Ability. Why is he pretending to be a Cripple? Why is he ashamed of his own power? I keep on asking these kind of questions ever since I found out about his secret.

With a sigh escaping from my mouth, I look around the classroom casually and discreetly to look for a certain ravenette---he's the only one in Wellston who has black hair---only to my disappointment that he's not here. I'm planning on apologizing to him today when I see him and listen to his reasons. But why is he not here though? John is NEVER the type to be late, unless he was from the infirmary. This is the second time it happened.

Hours passed, subjects changed, students transferring to different classrooms, and he's still not here. This is the first time that he's been absent in more than 3 subjects. Is he avoiding me?

[Lunch break...]

As any normal lunch break goes, I order my lunch and sit at my now usual table---which is were Evie, Terrence and Evie's best friend, Roland sit. As a Cripple, I am forced to eat here at the canteen since I can't get access to the rooftop. Once I went on my way to the table, I can see Evie and Roland, waving their hands in order to acknowledge my presence while Terrence just nods at me.

EVIE: (shyly greets me) H-Hi, Seraphina.

ROLAND: Hey Seraphina.

TERRENCE: Hi, Seraphina.

(nods) "Hey. (looks at Evie) Evie, you know that you don't have to be so shy around me. I'm a Cripple now so that means I'm a low-tier just like you.

EVIE: (laughing nervously) Haha. Sorry. I-I'm still not used to it though. By the way, w-where is J-John? I thought that y-you two are best f-friends. Everyone knows of it.

I just hung my head low in sadness. *sigh* "That's the thing. I've been looking for him since a while ago but he hasn't even showed up. We... We had a fight two days ago because of something. I was planning on apologizing to him today because I let my emotions get the best of me and I didn't even hear his side of the story. (looking at Evie and Roland) So I thought, maybe you three have seen him?

Unfortunately, my hopes are crushed when they shake their heads, signifying a no.

EVIE: We haven't seen him during classes a while ago, even around the campus.

ROLAND: Same here. Haven't seen him as well.

While I am looking at Terrence, I can see that he's a bit hesitant and unsure.

TERRENCE: Uhm, actually, I think I might have seen him.

Hearing what Terrence said, I immediately lighten up. "Really? Then could you tell him where you've last saw him?"

TERRENCE: Well, the last time I saw him was yesterday. I was walking back towards the dorms after my class just ended when I saw him from afar, lying on the ground in front of the dorm entrance, completely unconscious and beaten up. I was about to help him when I saw a man in his mid-forties rushing towards him, trying to wake him up. When he didn't, he immediately carried him carefully and rushed outside the school. So I ended up following them instead to know where he is taking John."

Wait. John unconscious and beaten up?! And a man taking John somewhere?! Could it be---? "You said a man took him somewhere? Can you describe to me as to what he looks like and can you please tell me as to where he was taking John?"

TERRENCE: If I remember correctly, he has black hair that is gelled and when I get to take a glimpse of his face, he looks exactly like John, only older and with wrinkles. Also, as to where he's taking him... He... He actually took him to the hospital.

I then stand in shock. William? John? Hospital? "H-Hospital?! Are you sure?!"

EVIE: (surprised) W-Wait. Are you s-sure, Terrence?

TERRENCE: (nods) 100% sure.

(sits down in disbelief) "I can't believe this. Was his injuries really that serious?"

TERRENCE: I'm not exactly sure but from what I can get a glimpse of his condition, it was pretty serious. It looked like he was extremely injured and lost way too much blood.

I was shocked at the info he gave me. Who hurt him? Why's William here at Wellston? How serious is his condition to the point that he has to sent John to the hospital? Questions and question keep piling up on my head. Not having the appetite to continue, I stand from my seat, with determination and resolve in my eyes. "Guys, I need to go."

EVIE: (a little surprise) E-Eh? Why though?

ROLAND: But you haven't finished your lunch, Seraphina.

"It's alright guys. I lost my appetite. I need to see him."

TERRENCE: Alright.

With a nod, I left the table. But before I could even open the cafeteria door, I return back to our seat, asking Terrence a question that I forgot to ask him a while ago. "Uhm Terrence? Which hospital was he admitted in?"

TERRENCE: (chuckling a little) At Wellston Hospital.

"Thanks." I then run towards the hospital, with one goal in mind: To see John, to know if he's alright and apologize to him as well.

[10/23/201xx, Monday, 1:00 pm; At Wellston Hospital, Room E718...]

<John's POV>




Where am I? Why is everything so dark? What happened?

I try to move around but all I see is darkness. The same color as my hair. However, as I look behind me, I see a light. Curiosity got the best of me, I go toward the light. When I went towards it, the light gets bigger and I sense a strong aura at the light. Or was is nearer? Shielding my eyes, the light itself engulf me.

The moment I opened my eyes, I see the one thing, or rather person, that my dad and I have missed for how many years already. Tears start to fall on my face as I call out to her. "Mom?"

APHRODITE: (sporting a small smile) Hello, my son.

Without warning, I just run up to hug her, crying. *sniff* "Damn it, mom! I m-miss you. Do you have any idea how much dad and I miss you?! So much, mom!!! So much that it hurts to even think about you!!" *sniff*

APHRODITE: (returning the hug) I miss you as well, John. Same goes for your father as well. However, (breaking the hug) I can't stay here too long.

(confuse and shock) "What? Why?"

APHRODITE: (contemplating)... John, there is something that you need to know. The truth is... I'm alive.

That revelation shock me greatly. She's... Alive? But how? "H-How is this possible? Dad and I saw your body!"

APHRODITE: *sigh* That's the thing. The body that you saw last time is just a clone made out of someone's ability injected with my blood and some genes. You see, that clone is special. A certain organization had an experiment regarding that person's Ability, called "Cloning". Apparently, they wanted to test if by injecting someone else's blood and some genes can change the appearance of the clone as well as injecting some chemicals---I don't know its contents---in order to make sure that once someone tries to do a DNA test on it, the results would show on the person's injected genes and blood, not the Ability user's. After so many tests, trial and error, they succeeded. I was their test subject at that time and they wanted---no, they forced me to work for them. They threatened to use you guys as an experiment if I don't comply so I had no choice but to fake my death in order to do so.

So all this time, my mom's alive? And they wanted to use her as a test subject? Unacceptable! Such atrocity! I can't believe those b*****ds have done such a thing to her! (clenching my fists) "But mom, if you are indeed alive, how were you able to go here? And is this place my mind?

APHRODITE: (nods) This is actually your conscience. You are still unconscious as of the moment. As to how I was able to enter here, I have a friend whose Ability enables her to enter into a person's conscience. I asked her to enter into your conscience in order to talk to you. As a High-tier, she can not only enter just by herself, she can also let others enter into someone's conscience while trying to make herself invisible if she wills herself. However, it only lasts for 10 minutes.

" No wonder I can sense someone else here aside from you." Suddenly, mom's body starts to disappear.

APHRODITE: Oh. Looks like my time is up.

Tears fall on my face once more as her limbs starts to disintegrate into million shards of light. "Mom, please don't go!"

APHRODITE: (planting a small smile on her face with tears streaming down her face) I'm sorry, John. But 10 minutes is up. You need to wake up now. And don't worry. We'll see each other soon. (body disappears)

(trying to reach out to her) "Mom!!!"

[Dream end...]

(voice croaked w/ tears streaming down my eyes) "M-Mom."

???: ... ---ohn. W--- up.

Huh? That voice. It sounds familiar somehow.

???: W---e up, ---ohn. ---m s---y.

I can't understand what that voice is saying

???: (in lament) John, I'm sorry, for not trying to listen to your story. Please, wake up.

This voice... Sera? I open my eyes, only to see my surroundings as a blur. As my vision cleared, I look at my side only to see Sera and dad holding my hand. "S-Sera? D-Dad?"

<Sera's POV>

JOHN: (in a soft voice) S-Sera? D-Dad?

I'm not dreaming, am I? Is he really awake? Overjoyed, I decided to engulf him with a hug. (sobbing) "You're awake."

JOHN: ...

WILLIAM: (tears up) It's good to see you woke up, John. You don't know how worried we are when we thought you won't wake up.

Letting go of him, I look at him straight in the eyes with an apologetic, regret, sadness, and relief evident in my eyes. Now's my chance to apologize to him. "John, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry that I didn't give you the chance to explain yourself. I'm sorry for ignoring you as well. And I'm sorry for being mean to you."

JOHN: ... It's alright. I was at fault for not telling you about my Ability. It's natural for you to get mad at me.

"Still, if only I let you explain, then we wouldn't be in an awkward situation."

JOHN: ... *sigh* (looking around) So I'm in the hospital? How long was I unconscious?

For a while, I hesitate. What should I answer him? Should I tell him the truth? Before I could answer him, William tells him instead.

WILLIAM: (sadness evident in his eyes) John, you've been unconscious for 3 days straight.

JOHN: (a little surprised) 3... Days? What happened though?

WILLIAM: (eyebrows raise in confusion) You mean you don't remember?

JOHN: (tries to remember) ... No. All I remember is that I was going to return back to the dorms after... After Sera shunned me. I can't remember anything after that.

I just frowned, remembering that particular time. I really have been harsh on him.

???: It seems that you're finally awake, John.

Looking at the door, I can see a woman with silver hair tied in a bun and burnt golden eyes wearing a white blouse, black fitting slacks and a doctor's lab coat, entering the room. She must be John's doctor. Even though I've been visiting John everyday, I haven't seen his doctor yet because every time I visit, she must have been either busy with other patients or she already finished checking him. Although I did get to meet the nurse in charge of him, Mary.

JOHN: (tries to sit up) Aunt Athena?

I just help him sitting down. Aunt? That doctor is his aunt? It's pretty much surprising. "You know, you really shouldn't push yourself too much right now, John. Anyway, she's your aunt?"

ATHENA: (planting a small smile) So you must be Sera. (extending her hand for a handshake) Nice to finally meet you.

(returning the gesture) "Nice to meet you too."

ATHENA: Likewise. John often talked about you.

"He did?"

ATHENA: Yeah. Anyway, John, are you feeling alright now? Any complications or something?

JOHN: So far, none as of the moment. Except that I can't remember what happened while I'm walking back to the dorms.

ATHENA: I see. Well, it's natural for you to lose some of your recent memories. According to your CT scan, it shows here that the cerebrum part of the brain has been damage due to the extreme impact. Surprisingly, I also found a piece of glass stuck on your temporal lobe, particularly the hippocampus, the part of the brain responsible for the memory. That's the reason why you can't remember the incident. It took us 3 full hours to remove it surgically and to stabilize you... Unfortunately, your heart stopped beating for 5 minutes but luckily, we were able to revive you.

Wait a minute. Did I just heard that correctly? John's heart stopped for 5 minutes?! (shock) "Wait! You mean to tell me that John died for 5 minutes?!"

ATHENA: (pinching the bridge of her nose) Please don't shout. We're inside the hospital.

I just blush in embarrassment. "Sorry."

ATHENA: Anyway, as I was saying, (looks at John) your heart did stop for a good 5 minutes due to the amount of blood losing. It was extremely hard to stabilize your condition even with the help of my ability.

JOHN: I... See... (looks at me) Sera, how did you know that I'm in the hospital?

"Well, one of my new friends, Terrence, told me that you're here. Apparently, he saw you've gotten hurt and was about to help you up and bring you to Doc when he saw William rushing you here. He followed you just in case."

JOHN: (confused) Who's Terrence? And what's his Ability?

"Like I said, he's one of my new friends and he's also Evie and Roland's friend. He has short brown hair with green eyes and is a 2nd year. If I remember correctly, his ability seems to be Invisibility." Immediately, I can see his face darkens the moment I mentioned about his ability.

JOHN: (face darkens) Invisibility, huh? So he's got the same Ability as the one who followed us back after shopping at Kovoro Mall.

Now that he mentioned it, he's right. But after knowing Terrence for a few weeks, I don't think he's the type to harm us. "Well that's true. But you don't have to worry though. He's not the type to harm us. Must be someone else who has the same Ability as his."

JOHN: ... You may be right.

ATHENA: (tried to get our attention) *Ahem* Alright, that's enough you two. No more lovey-dovey. I need to do his check-up.

John and I just both blush at the lovey-dovey part. She just said it so casually like we're a couple, even though we're not. Though I know deep within my heart, that I want for it to be true. If only he feels the same way as I do.

[Outside Wellston Hospital...]

[Playing Promised Neverland OST: Emma's Sorrow...]

<Aphrodite's POV>

???: So were you able to see and talk to your son?

I just look at my friend with an emotionless look on my face. "That's right. I was able to tell him what I wanted to say."

(looking up the sky) John, it really has been good to see you. I wonder, how were you and William? Were you eating well? Did you take your regular check-up? Did you take your medicines? Did you have many good friends, despite being a Cripple? Wait. Scratch that. I heard that you have awoken your Ability when you were 14. I wish I could have seen that.

How were you as well, William? Were you faring well without me? I hope you're doing well. As a Cripple, I know that it would be a hard life for you.

Tears threaten to fall my eyes. Just thinking about them, I wanted to go back and live with them again. John, William, I miss you. Wait for me. Once this is all over, I can go back to you. I love you two.

[At Wellston National Airport...]

<???'s POV>

???: (bows a little and hands me a folder) Sir, here are the files that you've requested.

I take the folder from his hand and starts to read the contents. Hmmmmmm... So this is where you're living now, William. (flips to the next page) Interesting. I hope we meet, John. You are an interesting person. (looks at my secretary with authority) "Cain, call the driver. Tell them to take us to this address."

CAIN: (bows) Yes, sir.

To be continued...

Next chapter: Retelling of the Past, Acceptance and HIS Arrival