
000 - What Makes The Sky Blue

[Heyaaa author here this is actually the first time i write something so i really need your review to fix my writing and I try to fix it and taking you guys feedback] Rei, a normal student living in normal world, wakes up one day to find himself transported into the gacha game he always play. Granblue Fantasy, To make things even more weird, he suddenly have the appearance of Lucilius, an astral that want to destroy the world

IamReallySalad · วิดีโอเกม
97 Chs

33. Such Obvious Lie

Heya it's me~ we finally reach 100k views on this fanfic Yeaaaa...

But for some reason my other fanfic already reach 100k views even though i rarely update it...

But meh I'm still glad my first fanfic finally reach 100k views and i don't know if the word count already reach 100k too or not.

So yea don't forget to give me your feedback on this chapter Thank you~

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After that, we waited for the empire airship to park their airship not too far from the Grandcypher.

After seeing that they had finished parking their airship, we began to disembark from the Grandcypher to wait for them, except for Djeeta because I asked her to wait on the Grandcypher's deck.

Because if this was all a trap, it would be better for us to fight in a place that would not affect the Grandcypher, and Djeeta seemed too weak to fight again.

Not long after, we finally saw some people starting to descend from their imperial airship. We could see that the ones descending were two soldiers and someone who looked like a messenger.

They began to walk towards us until they finally stopped in front of us at a distance that was not too close or too far.

Not too close to enter our attack range and not too far so that we could hear what they wanted.

The person who looked like a messenger began to open the paper that he had brought and read it to us...

Huh? Did I hear this correctly?

"Hold on...You want to settle this peacefully?" Katalina said to them after they finished reading the paper.

Yeah, just as Katalina said...it turns out they want to make peace with us??? They said something about needing to meet their general on some island to make a peace agreement.

...like hell that's going to happen

"Yes. We wish to find a middle ground for going forward," the messenger replied to Katalina's question.

"Wait just one second. What are you trying to pull here?" Eugen also seemed to not trust them at all because of the events in Auguste Isles.

But they ignored Eugen's words and simply closed the paper he had opened, looking like they wanted to return to their airship.

"Major General Furias awaits you at the nearby island of Albion Citadel."

"Wait, did you say... Albion?" Katalina sounded surprised when she heard the island they mentioned.

But I paid no attention to her and just focused on the soldiers and messenger who were turning around to return to their airship.

I immediately directed my aura to restrain them and make all three of them fall to the ground.

"Aghhhhhh!!" They all started screaming from the pressure of my aura.

"Rei???" The others started to be confused by what I was doing.

I then approached them while summoning my golden sword.

"You all are so funny..." I spoke as I approached them.

"Suddenly you want to make peace with us? Even though previously you people wanted to kill the entire island population and destroy the island just to capture Lyria, and now you suddenly want to make peace?"

The three of them looked shaky and started to get scared as they saw me getting closer to them.

"Eghhhhhh" If they could move, they probably would have fled by now.

But unfortunately, my aura was currently restraining them from escaping.

I finally reached the three of them and stood in front of them while pointing my golden sword towards them.

"Give me one reason not to just kill you three right now and destroy that empire airship?" My golden sword started emitting dark aura as I said that.

They became even more frightened, and I could even smell one of them piss himself.

"Rei! What are you doing?" Suddenly Vyrn pulled my hair to stop me.

"Of course, I'm just repaying their actions," I answered Vyrn easily while still staring at the three of them, who were still scared.

"We don't know!!! We were only ordered to deliver a message from General Furias to you. We don't know anything else besides that. Please don't kill us," the messenger quickly begged for mercy.

Hearing that only made me angrier because I'm sure that many peoples had begged to them like that too, but they definitely never listen to them at all.

My golden sword started emitting even more black aura, and if this continued, I was sure my four wings would also appear automatically.

I didn't want to show my wings to those imperial people, but meh just like people say "the dead tell no tales."

"Wait, wait, Rei, why do you suddenly want to kill these people?" I heard Rackam's voice from behind me getting closer.

It seemed like they were all running towards me to stop me... why were they doing that? Did they forget how these empire soldiers wanted to destroy an entire island just to capture Lyria?

"Do you all forget that they wanted to kill all the inhabitants of Port Breeze Island just to capture Lyria?" I said to them.

They seemed to realized something when I said that to them.

"Yes... you have a point, Rei... it's strange for them to suddenly want to make a peace agreement with us after what they did before," Lyria looked like she was thinking about something while she stared at the three empire people.

"In that case, it could be a trap," Eugen also spoke.

"Hahh, I thought we could resolve this issue with the empire, but it turns out all of this is a trap," Io sounded frustrated when she realized the peace agreement they mentioned was fake.

Finally, they also realized how strange all of this was...

I then refocused on the three people from the empire and towards their airship.

I was sure that soon other soldiers on that imperial airship would coming down here because the one they had sent still hadn't returned.

So I had to resolve this quickly... by killing them all before they realized.

I remember there is this one Lucillus skill that can make everything get destroyed instantly by getting absorbed to some kind of black hole or something...

And after thinking like that, suddenly I received information about the technique and how to use it.

Huh, pretty convenient... I actually forgot the name of the technique a bit, but this way I didn't need to try to remember it.

"Rei?" I heard Lyria's voice sounded worried, it seemed like she could sense what I was about to do.

I then placed my golden sword beside me by sticking it into the ground, the three empire people looked relieved, thinking I was letting them go.

But unfortunately, their hopes were shattered as soon as they saw my body starting to emit even more dark aura and four black wings appearing behind me.

"Rei, what are you going to do???" Katalina asked me after seeing me about to do something.

I didn't answer Katalina's question because I was focused on channeling the power from my wings to myself.

My four wings began to emit a purple light, changing their color from solid black to black with a hint of purple in their feathers.

Katalina and the others started to back away from me as the pressure I emitted made them shiver.

"You... You... You're not human??? What kind of creature are you!!!" one of the soldiers yelled at me as he saw my appearance.

I just smiled at his words, and finally, I channeled the power from my wings to my right hand.

Purple lightning began to appear in my right hand as the power from my wings gathered in one place. I continued to direct that power to the palm of my hand until it was fully gathered.

The purple lightning continued to appear all over my right hand until it merged into one.

I then aimed my right hand towards the imperial airship not too far from here, focusing to ensure that the effect only hit the airship.

"Orbital Blackness."

After I finished saying that, all the gathered purple lightning in the palm of my hand disappeared instantly, and everything was calm again.

They all looked confused about what had happened because nothing occurred after I said that.

But suddenly, we all felt a very strong vibration.

"Kyaaa!" Lyria immediately fell as she lost her balance, while the others were still trying to stand.

"What's happening?" Eugen looked around, but he couldn't see anything strange.

"Look over there," Rosetta suddenly said, pointing towards the imperial airship.

Hearing Rosetta, they all turned to look in the direction she pointed, even the three people from the empire also turned.

"What is that..." they could see above the imperial airship something that looked like a black sphere was getting bigger and bigger.

I smiled seeing the technique worked. Orbital Blackness is a technique that engulfs something in darkness, like a black hole that swallows anything nearby.

But I made sure that Orbital Blackness would only engulf the imperial airship and everything on board.

The dark sphere grew rapidly, even faster, and the people on the imperial airship wouldn't have time to run.

The imperial airship began to collapse, starting from the top until it was entirely swallowed by the darkness, disappearing from our sight.

They were all staring at it without blinking, even Rosetta, although she was a primal beast she had no idea about beings like me.

Angels are a race that doesn't want to get involved with the lives of Skyfarers or ordinary humans; they are focused on their own tasks without interfering with Mortal.

After a while, the darkness enveloping the imperial airship gradually disappeared and eventually vanished completely.

"The airship disappeared..." Rackam suddenly spoke.

And indeed, what he said was true because they could see that the airship parked there had disappeared as if it had never been there.

I immediately raised my golden sword and began to strike the three people from the empire.


The three of them instantly vanished after I struck them using the Sword of Repudiation.

There were no screams; they disappeared without shedding a drop of blood.


Don't forget to give me your feedback on this chapter.

Thank you~

IamReallySaladcreators' thoughts