
000 - What Makes The Sky Blue

[Heyaaa author here this is actually the first time i write something so i really need your review to fix my writing and I try to fix it and taking you guys feedback] Rei, a normal student living in normal world, wakes up one day to find himself transported into the gacha game he always play. Granblue Fantasy, To make things even more weird, he suddenly have the appearance of Lucilius, an astral that want to destroy the world

IamReallySalad · วิดีโอเกม
97 Chs

02. Girl in Blue 1

Heyaaaaa like i said in the synopsis please give me feedback which one i need to fix Like describe the situation more details ? Or something

and I'm kinda using AI to help me describe some situation because my English is pretty bad so I'm sorry

Thank You


In a world abandoned by the gods, a lone dragon remained.

Bahamut, ruler of creation through destruction, sought to refine the realm the gods left behind into a richer, more bountiful place.

But the arrival of invaders from beyond the sky—the Astrals—brought an end to his plans.

The Astrals used creatures of terrible power known as primal beasts to bring the sky under their control. Long did the skies belong to the stars.

But the skydwellers bided their time and learned from their foes. Eventually they fought to take back the skies in a conflict that would come to be known as the War.

And here we find the Sky Realm, now a world of fragmented lands floating in a sea of clouds.

A new tale is about to begin here, spanning the skies and the stars alike...

[Rei POV]

"This appearance! Why do I become Lucilius? If I'm not mistaken, Lucilius was an Astral who was tormented by something missing in himself. To fill that void, and also to satisfy the other Astrals, he created Lucifer. But in the end, he realized that something was missing from himself because of the actions of the gods who used the world as a battleground, and he would be forever unable to change it in a meaningful way. And eventually planned to destroy the world to be rebuilt by him." Rei panicked and continued to stare at his reflection in the water.

"Wait, if I become Lucilius, what happen to the original Lucilius? And what will happen if the other archangels find me? And Zooey, who protects the balance of the world, will she kill me if she finds out that there are 2 Lucilius in this world?"

"Rei, hey Rei, what's wrong with you again?" suddenly Rei felt Djeeta shaking his body.

"Ah, Djeeta, I'm sorry, I was just thinking about something after seeing my appearance," Rei replied to Djeeta.

"Hmm, why are you surprised by your appearance? I mean, the clothes you're wearing are a bit strange but not too flashy as you think," Djeeta reassured Rei that the clothes he was wearing didn't look too strange.

'Hmm, it seems like she misunderstood, but it's okay for now. It would be even weirder if I told her that my appearance is that of an astral who wants to destroy the world in the future,' Rei chose not to correct Djeeta.

"Well, before I suddenly appeared in this world, I was sleeping in my pajamas, so this is all I have," Rei sighed because he's still using his Pajama and the clothes were a bit thin and short, making him a little cold because he was on an island floating above the clouds.

"Hmm, well then, do you want to come to my village? Maybe there you can borrow clothes from the other villagers," Djeeta offered Rei to come with her.

"Ah, is it okay? In that case, I will accept your offer," Rei smiled at Djeeta.

"Yeah, it's okay, besides, there aren't many people in my village, and they will be happy to have visitors because very few people come to this island," Djeeta smiled back at Rei and went to Vyrn who was still looking for the Wind Rabbit for their hunt.

'Hmm, Djeeta is really kind. I didn't expect that someone like her would be able to have omnipotent power and kill an immortal phoenix,' Rei shook his head while thinking about what will happen to the captain in the future.

Rei then followed Djeeta and approached the two of them who were discussing where they would find the Wind Rabbit.

"Rei, I heard from Djeeta that you will join us to the village?" Vyrn saw Rei approaching them and started the conversation.

"Yes, Djeeta offered me to join you two to the village. Are you okay with it, Vyrn?" Rei was curious about Vyrn's answer.

"No, I don't mind at all if you join us. Besides, the more people, the merrier, and I can introduce you to the grandmother in the village later," Vyrn answered Rei's question happily because he didn't have many friends in the village, because in the village there is mostly older people.

'Huh, the grandmother? Could it be the one who always appears when Djeeta takes a new class? That grandmother is too OP, she can fight Djeeta even though Djeeta uses various classes,' Rei swallowed nervously when he heard the name of the grandmother in the village who raised Djeeta and Vyrn because her father was rarely home and her mother had passed away.

"By the way, Rei, before we return to the village, Vyrn and I are hunting monsters to eat later. Can you fight?" Djeeta asked Rei, even though there weren't many dangerous monsters in Zinkenstill, there were still many small monsters hunting together, so if they let their guard down, they could lose their lives.

'Fight? Hmm, I know Lucilius has many abilities like space manipulation, Primarch Physiology, Acrobatics, Chaos Manipulation, Darkness Manipulation, and various Opus weapons, even dimensional travel, but I'm not sure if I have those abilities or if they are still locked,' Rei sighed deeply.

'I don't even have wings like the typical archangel, or maybe I need to become stronger to make them appear.'

"Sorry, Djeeta, I don't know how to fight, so I will only burden you in this hunt," Rei apologized to Djeeta and Vyrn because he couldn't do anything.

"Ah, it's okay, Rei. In that case, leave everything to me. Both of you stay behind me and watch out for the monsters attacking me from my blind spots," Djeeta reassured Rei that he wouldn't burden them at all.

"Alright then, let's go, Djeeta, Rei. We will go back to the forest and look for that Wind Rabbit," Vyrn exclaimed excitedly and flew into the forest alone.

"Hey, Vyrn, don't rush. Wait for us!" Djeeta chased after Vyrn who entered the forest, leaving them behind.

'Hah, I don't know what will happen with me here, and it seems like I arrived before Lyria and Katalina came to this island. I don't know how long it will be before they arrive and the plot of Granblue Fantasy begins. But at least I have to learn to defend myself for the future,' Rei thought about asking Djeeta to train him because he knew everything would be chaotic in the future.


<A Month Later>

Zinkenstill, a small island,

home to a forest that produces primal crystals. Contrary to its nickname, its inhabitants are cheerful and quite sociable.

It's not a tourist destination and doesn't have any remarkable attractions or famous products,

but the simple calm of the village makes it perfect for extended stays.

Behind one of the houses in the village, there is someone practicing swordplay. From the way the person is moving, it can be seen that they have been at it for hours. The person has white hair, blue eyes, and is not wearing a shirt, only pants.

[Rei's PoV]

"Hyaaaah!" Rei continues to swing his sword to train his skills as he is not used to using a weapon like this.

"Ah, finally I am getting a bit used to swinging this sword. Well, what can I do? It has only been a month since I started training my body, and without any system like other reincarnation stories, I can only progress normally." Rei stops swinging his sword and takes a sip from the glass he prepared earlier.

"Ahh, this water is so refreshing, it's so different from the water I used to drink in my world." He goes back into Djeeta's house and sees that Djeeta and Vyrn have not come out of their room yet.

"It seems they are still sleeping. In that case, I will prepare breakfast after cleaning myself up." Rei goes to the bathroom and starts to clean himself.

After cleaning himself, he returns to his room to put on the clothes that were given to him by the villagers.

"Suddenly I have so many clothes like this. The people in this village are truly kind and don't suspect me at all. Just by listening to Djeeta's explanation (without telling them that he is from another world), they accepted me immediately." Rei thinks back to the first time he arrived in the village.

After cooking the ingredients that Djeeta Hunt a few days ago, Rei went to wake up Djeeta and Vyrn.

"Hey Djeeta, Vyrn, wake up, the food is ready," Rei entered their room and found them both sleeping while hugging each other (more like Djeeta using Vyrn as a pillow).

"Ughh Rei? Let me sleep for a few more minutes," Djeeta tried to go back to sleep and hugged Vyrn again.

"AHHHHHH, release me Djeeta, your head is heavy, I can't move," Vyrn woke up and realized he couldn't move and his body was in pain.

"Djeeta, why do you always use Vyrn as your pillow when you already have your own pillow," Rei released Vyrn from Djeeta's head.

"Hah...hah...hah, I'm saved, thank you Rei, I thought I was done for back there," Vyrn finally freed himself from Djeeta and went to wash his face.

"Okay, now it's your turn Djeeta, wake up," Rei pulled Djeeta's hand and tried to wake her up again.

"Ummm, 5... more... minutes," Djeeta still tried to go back to sleep.

"If you don't wake up, your food will be eaten by Vyrn later," Rei threatened because he knew it would work for Djeeta.

"What! No, that's my food, I won't let anyone else eat it," Djeeta suddenly ran to the dining room and left Rei.

"Hahaha, that method always works," Rei proud of himself and went back to the dining room.

"Djeeta, before you eat, you have to wash your face first, there's drool on it,"

"Drool! Ahhh, don't look!" Djeeta ran back to the bathroom.

"Hah, every day it's always chaos in here," Rei sighed.

After breakfast, the three of them were still in the dining room chatting with each other.

"Rei, what are you going to do after this?" Djeeta asked Rei.

"Hmm, after this, I will go to grandmother's house and ask her to train me again," Rei planned to train as much as possible because he knew the plot would start due to the events a few days ago.

<Flashback a few days ago>

Rei was lying on the grass and watching the stars. "The view is really different. I can see the stars clearly without any air pollution."

"Rei, what are you doing?" Suddenly, Rei heard a voice he knew very well.

"Ah, Djeeta, I'm watching the stars. It's rare for me to have time to lie down and gaze at the sky like this," Rei turned towards Djeeta's voice.

"Haha, it's true. Since you started training with grandmother, you always come home beaten up and faint right in front of the door," Djeeta chuckled, remembering how she and Vyrn always carried Rei and cleaned him up when he fainted.

"Haha, thank you for that. Both of you really helped me."

"Yea yea, keep praising me," Djeeta said proudly and sat beside Rei, looking at the stars.

The night was quiet, almost eerily so, with only the soft rustle of the leaves in the trees. Rei lay on his back, his hands behind his head, staring up at the vast expanse of the night sky. The stars twinkled above, casting a gentle glow over the scene below.

Beside him, the girl sat cross-legged, her eyes fixed on the same stars display. Her blonde hair cascaded over her shoulders, She was silent, lost in her thoughts

"Hey Rei, can I talk to you about something?" Djeeta suddenly broke the silence and started the conversation.

"Hmm? What is it, Djeeta?"

"Um, you know... that my father is a skyfarer who ventures to different skies and searches for Estalucia right?" Djeeta hesitated to discuss her issue.

"Yes, I remember you telling me that your parents are former skyfarers, but your father still goes on adventures alone while you and your mother wait for him at home," Rei replied to Djeeta.

"Yes, actually a few months ago, my father sent a letter to Vyrn and me," Djeeta continued her story.

"When I read it, I was really amazed by my father's achievements and... I really want to become a skyfarer, but I don't know what will happen after I leave this island..."

"All my life, I have always been on this island, and leaving this place makes me hesitant."

"Hmm, it's strange in the game Djeeta has no problem leaving her home at all, even without saying goodbye to anyone in the village," Rei felt strange because in the game, Djeeta had no problem leaving the island where she was raised.

"I'm sorry, Djeeta, I can't give you my advice. In my world, I have never had to make such choices, so I can't offer a good solution," Rei apologized to Djeeta because he couldn't help at all.

"Ah, it's okay. I just wanted to talk about it with someone. I discussed it with Vyrn before, at first he was worried like me, but he said he would always support my choice," Djeeta shook her head and smiled.

"Like Vyrn said, I will support your choice as well. Besides, I'm here and have a place to stay and friends in the village thanks to you and Vyrn, so if you want to become a skyfarer, I will be your first crew member," Rei said proudly.

"Haha, in that case, if I become a skyfarer, I will invite you to be my member but you will be the second member because the first one is Vyrn," Djeeta laughed while pushing Rei.

After that, they both continued their conversation. Djeeta asked about Rei's world and Rei asked for advice on how to fight.

"Hmm, this atmosphere is not bad either."

<Present Day>

"Hah.....Hah.....hah.... Grandma, why do you never get tired when training me?"

"Hohohoho, you young people these days are already tired just like this, aren't you ashamed of losing to this old woman?"

'Old woman? Well, she is indeed old but she's too strong. It's been almost a month since I've been trained by her, but I have never seen her tired at all.' Rei was curious about how grandma never seemed to get tired, even when Djeeta trained with him.

'And also, shouldn't this body be an astral body? Why am I so tired?'

"So, Rei, do you want to continue your training?"

"Hahhh, of course, I can still move, at least I will make you tired." Rei prepared to attack again.

"Hohoho, then come." Grandma prepared her stance for Rei.


Don't forget to give me your feedback if you have the time

thank you

IamReallySaladcreators' thoughts