

As a wise man once said: "even if life isn't the party you awaited dance as beautifully as you can..." Well, I partied (lived my life) the hardest(most vicious) I could! Of course, I did that believing that one day, that famous transmigration vehicle would run over me...! YES! I literary prayed everyday to whomever god I could, to take pity on me and send that damned vehicle. My prayers weren't received at all, or maybe they were received but there was some misinterpretations. Not surprising though, After all I had long, around my families bankruptcy, lost all faith in those prayers. But what is a real shock is the scen before my eyes. It's long before summer but the "food heaven" supermarket locating in the minus eleventh floor of the grand shopping " Diamond", which very unrelated was once owned by my family, is now a hot hell. Monsters more vicious looking than my actions are hoarding around while splitting human body parts in all directions. Am I dead? Or has hell come to me?

AngelsCompanion · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

Author message

Sorry for the discomfort but the book is redirected to this address: https://www.webnovel.com/book/30616803608951105 

ps. Recommended to read the chapters anew as there has been changes. 

*Chapter 11 will be released in the new address on 18th september!

Thanks for reading,


Webnovel has made soome new rules and therfore I couldn't submit the work from this address. Sorry for the inconvience!

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