
***Out of Control***

|A (GAY) Harry Potter Fanfiction| ***This is my first fanfiction, so please be kind. I appreciate constructive criticism and advice.*** A few changes can influence your whole life. Harry don’t know how bad his life could have been, had he not received that letter from Gringotts. After Harry’s third year at Hogwarts, he gets a letter from Gringotts, asking him to come and meet his account manager. Harry leaves Privet Drive, with his aunt and cousin, intending to never return. Harry learns of betrayal and hidden loyalty. With three father-figures, one less best friend, and two loves, how will his future years go? |For some reason I can't add tags, and the tags I did add have disappered somehow, so here is some "Tags", I guess. #Gaylove #HarryxFredxGeorge #MollyBashing #GinnyBashing #HermioneBashing #DumbledoreBashing #ICan'tWriteShortThings #ImpliedMpreg #GoodPetuniaAndDudley. I think that is all... don't know|

Tyra_Pastel · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
38 Chs

Extra 1

1.1. Art and Lucy

On the inside Arthur was raging. How dare he! He hadn't had time to prosses what had happened until he was at work the day after. Dumbledore put compulsions on me! And that bitch! She obliviated me! To be short, Arthur was furious.

"Arthur," a voice from behind Arthur called out. He stopped his angry march through the corridor and looked behind himself at the owner of the voice. Lucius. There he stood, Lucius Malfoy, in all his platinum blonde glory. "We have to talk," Lucius said as be began walking up to Arthur.

"Oh, well. Your office?" Arthur asked as he waited for Lucius to catch up to him. if anyone had been in the corridor at the moment, their jaw would have been on the floor; Arthur Weasley and Lucius Malfoy talking with each other, willingly and civilized! Unheard of! But no other person was there, so no one would know for now.

They kept up the act of hating each other while going up to Lucius' office and anyone they walked past probably thought they had been forced to talk together for something work related. Lucius kept up his sneer and Arthur kept the angry face he had had all morning.

When the door to Lucius' office finally closed behind them, they both sighed in relief. Lucius was quick to cast a few spells, making eavesdropping almost impossible. When he was finished, he turned around and walked up to Arthur. "Art! My friend!" Lucius said and hugged Arthur.

Arthur smiled, "Hey, Lucy," he said as he hugged Lucius back. "It's good to finally see you again," he confessed, because, really; they hadn't met in years, not as themselves. Arthur finally had his friend back, and that calmed down the rage he had felt since the day before, at least for now.

They didn't get to talk for long, they were at work, and they still had to act like they hated each other. Soon, they both went about their business for the day, but throughout the following week they met to either catch up or to stand guard by the Slytherin Manor together, catching up after 13 years.

1.2. Ron's Miserable Day Out

Right now, Ron did not have a good time. While Fred and George got to visit Harry, disguised as a visit to Dad's work, Ron were out in Diagon Alley with Ginny and Molly. Usually, Ron didn't really care about spending time with them, but now he really didn't want to. At least then he thought they were his real family. This is not my mother, nor is Ginny my sister. They were on their way to Gringotts. Molly wanted to take out a few coins to spend for the day. From her own vault, of course, the one only she had access to. Ron had learnt that the money in that vault was taken from the Weasley family vault. At that point it was only one more item on the list of thing Molly had done.

He also had his own vault, one that Molly had opened for him. He had gotten access to the vault the summer before he started school, Molly had said that "his rich future, best friend gave that money to him" and left it at that. Even as an eleven-year-old he could understand that that was not the truth, and he couldn't understand why she would even tell him that. What a stupid move that had been of her.

At the time he had tried just telling his father, but it was like he didn't hear him, and Ron gave up after a week of trying. It was then that he began planning. A plan of how to get away from her. Ron was fully aware of what he had to do to achieve that. First, he had to go along with what his mother wanted. Second, he had to play a role, he didn't know who was on his mother's side, even at Hogwarts. Which turned out to be true when, as soon as he got on the Hogwarts Express, a girl began talking to him about how they could best become friends with Harry Potter. He later learned, when she slammed the door open to ask about Neville's toad, that her name was Hermione. It was then, while sitting opposite Harry with Hermione in the seat beside him (she had rudely dropped down on the seat beside Ron, almost squishing Scabbers), that he would have to play his role in front of Harry too.

Ron had at the first chance he got, the summer after first year, he closed his vault for anyone other than him. No way he would let Molly have access to that money. Molly had questioned him about that as soon as she found out, but he had found some nonsense excuse she for some reason accepted.

He knew this outing also double as a search for one runaway "Chosen One". Molly probably thought that she would find him staying at the Leaky Cauldron like last summer, Ron had almost laughed when he saw her head swishing around when they stepped out from the fireplace in the Leaky.

While Ron recalled this, they had already arrived at Gringotts, and Molly had already been rude to three goblins. Luckily, the rest of the short visit went smoothly, and none of the new secrets were reviled. That was really the only reason Ron agreed to go on this outing; to make sure Molly didn't find out.

Ron spent the rest of the day following his fake mother and fake sister, not really engaging with them at all. Ron was almost thanking the heavens when they finally returned home.

1.3. You're too Fast, Remus

The door had just closed behind Harry, Fred, and George when "I thought they were going to ask about being in a polyamorous relationship," sounded out in the room.

Severus and Sirius stared at Remus. "Really…" Severus was the first to answer, "What gave you that idea?" he asked, looking half puzzled, half amused. Remus and Sirius had taken a long while with hard work to be able to distinguish the different tones in Severus' voice, but by now they did it without even thinking.

"They are soulmates," Sirius said contemplatively.

"That doesn't mean that they have to get together," Severus said, "Not all soulmates end up together romantically," he reasoned after a few seconds.

Sirius gave Severus an unimpressed, and fond, look, "You know as well as I do that Harry likes them," he said as he leant forward to look past Remus at Severus. They were still sitting by the table, with Remus in the middle.

"Well, I know that, but do you really think he would come and ask us, with them there might I add, so soon after the cleansing ritual? Because we all know Harry didn't have a clue about those feelings before," Severus said as he leant a little closer to Remus.

Remus wrapped his arms around his two husbands before Sirius could answer back. "Does it really matter right now? We know they all like each other, it's just a matter of time," he said as he pulled both men closer to himself.

1.4. For the First Time

(A/N: I remember reading a one-shot like this, but I can't find it. if someone know I would appreciate it if they told me in the comments so I could give credit to the one who came up with this!)

Harry walked up to Fred and George. He hadn't had the time to ask this question to them yet, all with getting to know the castle and all. They were sitting in one of the sofa arrangements in the common room, talking with people Harry assumed were their year mates, at least Lee Jordan was there.

"Hey, Harry!" one of the twins noticed him and shouted out.

"You need something?" the other asked just as jubilant as his twins greeting.

Harry quickly took a few steps closer to be at speaking (not shouting) distance, "Yeah, actually…" he began, "Could I maybe talk to you two in private?" he directed his question at Fred and George.

They smiled at him, "Yeah, sure," they said together. They stood up and together all three of them found a secluded little nook. "So, -"

"-what did you want -"

"-to ask?" they asked, and Harry had to concentrate a little to understand the twin-speak. Harry wasn't really used to it, not having even known them a month. It also felt like they were trying to hold it back, something which Harry found unnecessary.

"Um… which one of you is which…?" Harry hesitantly asked them, not really looking either of them in their eyes. After a few seconds of silence Harry looked up at them. They were just staring at him, looking slightly shocked. "What?" he asked, not really sure how to react to their reaction.

That, though, seemed to knock them out of their stupor, "Um… why -"

"-do you ask?" they slowly asked back.

"Just, I don't know which of you is Fred and which of you is George," Harry thought that was a valid reason. He wanted to know them, not as "Fred and George", but as "Fred" and "George". "Also, please be truthful, I want to get it right."

The twins opposite Harry gave a glance to each other before talking, "I'm Fred," the twin on the right said, "And I'm George," the twin to the left said. Harry took good look at him, they both had the same hair style, but Fred's hair was just that bit lighted at the ends, while George's had the same color from root to tip. Fred also had a few more freckles than George. George's face was a bit thinner than Fred's and his eyes were a few shades bluer than Fred's.

Harry smiled after finally getting to know which twin was which, "Okay! Thank you! that was really all I wanted to ask. Anyway, I have to get back to Ron." Harry waved goodbye as he turned and went back to where Ron was sitting by one of the fires, talking with Dean.

1.5. Talk to us

At first, it was them pestering him, asking him why he looked so down. The first time they finally got him to answer them was right after Halloween in Harry's first year.

"What's wrong." They demanded after dragging him away from Ron and Hermione. Right as Harry was about to say something they interrupted him, "And none of that 'nothing is wrong' crap. We can see that something -"

"-is bothering you," they said, slipping into twin-speak. At that, Harry looked down, but didn't say anything.

Right as they were about to pester him again, he finally began talking, "I didn't know that my parents died on Halloween," he said, barely loud enough to not count as whispering. Fred and George didn't really know what to say to that.

'He didn't know?'

'How is that possible, the whole wizen world knows,'

'Yeah, and even if he was raised by muggles, shouldn't they know?'

Resolving that they should figure this out later, they tuned back to Harry, they didn't know what to say, how to comfort, so they didn't try. "Can we hug you?" Fred asked, startling Harry. That was the best they could think of at the moment, the only comfort they knew without words being needed. Harry looked at them for a few beats before giving a slight nod, and Fred and George slowly, like they didn't want to startle a small animal, wrapped Harry in a hug.

After that Harry would sometimes seek them out to talk. The first few times Harry would show up and follow them around until they talked him into telling them, but after a while he would almost drag them away from where they were to tell them his latest concern.

Harry told them about his invisibility cloak, the mirror of Erised, and Hagrid's dragon Norbert over that winter. Those were some of the better "secrets" Harry shared with them. Others, not so much.

They got quite the shock when Harry told them about the three-headed dog that was guarding the philosopher's stone made by Nicholas Flamel right after Christmas break. On the last of school for that year Harry told them about Quirrell's attempt to steal the stone, how He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named was there, and how Quirrell had turned to ashes in Harry's hands. Harry had cried while Fred and George had hugged him, reassuring him that everything was alright now.

"It's not going to be alright. I have to go back to the Dursley's for the summer," the way he said it was setting of alarms in Fred and George's shared mind space.

'That is not a good sign.'

'No shit! That is the biggest red flag I have seen.'

Still, they couldn't do anything, and had to watch Harry leaving the train station with his abusive family. Only a month later did they get the chance to save Harry, Ron tagging along when he discovered them sneaking out. They got one hell of a beating from their mom, and the only reason it wasn't worse was because she didn't want Harry to see.

It didn't even take a day after the beating for Harry to figure it out, though. He had knocked on their door, and they had scrambled to put on shirts and sit up straight before allowing him in. But all disguises had been for naught for the moment he closed the door he had asked what was wrong with their backs. They hadn't been able to hide what had happened, much to their embarrassment. Harry, in the hopes to lighten their mood had told them about his own "family", and it was much worse that they had thought. And that's saying something seeing as they just rescued him from having been locked up like a prisoner. 'We thought he looked thinner.'

After that they formed some kind of bond, something much stronger that they had only a month before. Now, it wasn't only Harry seeking comfort form "older brothers", now, Fred and George also went to Harry. They talked about their mother for the most part, but also about more "mundane" things, like how school life was treating them.

Still, Harry continued getting into one trouble after the other, voices in the walls, talking to snakes, the diary that talked back, and "the Gran Finally" the basilisk. And that was only their fourth year, Harry's second.

In their fifth (Harry's third), Harry was being hunted by a convicted murderer. Though it did turn out, at the end of the year, that Sirius had not escaped Azkaban to kill Harry. Harry told them that the day after "the Gran Finally" for the year. 'A pattern is forming…'

So, when at the meeting, Fred and George didn't feel nearly as surprised by Harry and Ron's yearly adventures as the rest of the people gathered.

(A/N: there will be more chapters like this in the future, I will post them when they become long enough to make up chapters together. Some of these are actually based on comments and questions. Btw, if you have any ideas for small oneshots with different POVs that you want to see in this AU, you just have to ask and maybe I'll write them.)