
Enlightenment - Part 1

Looking at what was in front of me I was stupefied and amazed as it was truly a beautiful sight to behold. The cave was red from afar but the instant I stepped into it I was instantly assaulted by a myriad of beautiful divine colors I had never seen before coming from inside several thousands of translucent stone looking objects hanging from the walls.

"Sister are those... So many Divine grade Aether crystals... Amazing" Silvia exclaimed and truly her expression was not off by an atom. If anyone else had seen this they would not only exclaim but instantly start collecting every last one, leaving nothing behind out of greed of it falling into the hands of others.

"I have never seen such pure ones... how long have these been here" Celica had said as they truly were far denser than they should be, meaning these had been here for more than a 100,000 years and hadn't been found but thinking about it she instantly understood why these haven't been found for so long as she remembered they were dead center of the Verdant Forest north of the Verdant empire.

Silver right now was standing in front of a corpse that sat in a cross-legged position, with both its arms stretched out while facing upwards. Instinctively he too went into a cross-legged position and placed his palms on top of the corpse's palms and at that moment his Aether began leaking out but not wildly like before but in a calm manner as if it was a river flowing endlessly with aether this was incredible because usually people only feel it leak out but can't see it physically.

It slowly permeated and engulfed the entire cave causing everything to have a golden glow though if a person looked closely you could sense the Aether crystals purity getting higher at a very stagnant and slow pace as for the Phoenix it sat down and began absorbing the Aether in the air as it began advancing using the mix of pure Aether and Aether crystals.

Silver was now in a pitch-black room seemingly confused as he tried to familiarize himself with his surroundings and understand the goal of this seemingly isolated space. He began thinking of what the purpose of this place was as he knew this was some kind of trial or something similar.

"Speaking of which how long have I been in here?" Silver said in a dire tone as he felt he had been here for an eternity.

He sat down again instantly achieving a state of enlightenment and synchronization causing all his senses to be attuned as one and that's when it hit him, his eyes glowed as the shot wide open and in an ethereal voice that could shake the soul of any person who would hear it saying,

"Look not into the Abyss,

But look beyond the abyss

Reality becomes an illusion,

One with the body and soul,

Becoming one entity

Peering through its facade,

From the ashes of deception,

Inception is born,

In that name I say,


Upon finishing the chant the abyss around him instantly shattered like pieces of glass and he was now in a pocket dimension looking at a man who looked refined with an aura of nobility and dominance making him feel like he should bow in reverence but, his bloodline would never let him even tilt at the smallest angle as he was superior to every bloodline on the planet.

"Boy, you finished my trial in less than half the expected time huh... you can consider me deeply impressed," Said the Old man.

"If I were to guess, I wouLd say you are the corpse in the cave?" Silver said but it was more of wanting confirmation than a question.

"Smart boy and so young too only 7 years old. That being said I won't ask what you are doing so deep in this forest but as you have passed my trial I will now grant you all my past possessions and all my riches including my memories." Saying that the old man made a white ring appear out of nowhere which then slowly flew toward his middle finger fitting around it.

"I have bound the ring to you using your blood, meaning it will not come off unless you will it and you're the only one who can open it, this applies when you are dead too. But my main Inheritance to you is the "Celestial Titan Gods Art" as for its capabilities, well you can discover that on your own as my time is up. Do not disappoint me, child"

Silver was instantly dragged out of that space back to reality but his main question was that did he say 7 years old?! Silver clearly remembered he was 5 when he went in that space, but he did not have time to think about this as he instantly felt a mind piercing pain causing him to scream loudly and eventually causing him to pass out.

Waking up he saw Celica and Silvia doing some minor tasks and putting some fruits in baskets and moving around cleaning up the now 10 meters tall, 7-meter wide divine phoenix as it had broken past the Rank 10 barrier and has truly ascended into the higher beast realms.

Becoming a Divine Phoenix but upon solidifying its Aether core it fully became a divine beast and a column of light shot up into the sky for the entire continent to see, and many sleeping masters wanted to claim this treasure for themselves, once again showing the greed of man. The only reason why the column shot up now was that now that silver had awoken it could no longer absorb anymore pure Aether from him hence, its breakthrough.

In the Capital city of Verdant, everywhere was bustling with business and people going about their daily lives, cars on the street, and some even practicing their magic casting in preparation for the new year.


In one out of the several family halls of the 6 great families, you could see the head of the family on a seat instructing every member of a certain family and this family was the golden phoenix family as this was what the direct descendant had for their Beast companions.

"I want every member of the family out there looking for that beast as you can all tell it is a phoenix and it is beneficial if we refine it for out beast companions and our mage core". Said the family head in a commanding tone dispatching every possible member that could be mobilized into the verdant forest.

"Sigh..... Let's just hope no one reaches it before we can." He said in a rather hopeless and wishful manner.






Please read the comment I posted on the last chapter and do ignore the chant, please. I'm only 17 and that was the best I could come up with on the spot if someone has a better idea, please let me know and he is going to have to work tirelessly to be strong as the infinite magic capacity is a blessing and a curse.

Whiteoutcreators' thoughts