
Tough Silence


I sat up in my bed sharpening my Nichirin Blade, there was a knock on my door, I looked up as Momo opened it.

"Hey, I was just letting you know that dinner's ready!" She told me.

I looked at her for a bit before going back to what I was doing. She stood in my doorway for a bit before finally leaving. I finished up sharpening my blade and I walked downstairs towards the kitchen.

"Yo! Hey man! Glad to see you're awake now!" Kaminari beamed.

I blinked a couple times before sitting down in my usual spot next to him and Sero. I sat there quietly as I waited for everyone to sit down. As everyone entered the kitchen, I was the first person to get my food from Momo.

"Alright, eat up! I made everyone's favorite tonight!" She bubbled.

I didn't say a word as everyone conversed amongst each other. Before I finished eating, Bakugo mentioned something about me to Deku.

"Oh, right! Alyx, that Breathing Style stuff, is it easy to teach to other people?" Deku wondered.

I moved my eyes up from my plate to him for a couple of seconds, then I moved them back to where they were. I could tell the mood of the room changed completely because of this, but to be honest, I guess I didn't really care.

"Is everything okay, Alyx?" Momo asked.

Out of all the people to ask me that question... I got up from my chair, rinsed my plate off and returned back upstairs to my room. As I did, I could've sworn I heard them talking about me, mainly Kaminari's voice. I can already hear the generic comments from everyone now.

[The Next Day...]

"Alright, I hope you're all ready for this, you'll be going through all of these Robot Villains as quickly as possible. The real key to becoming a Pro is having the ability to resolve a situation fast and effortlessly, although at times you'll find that hard to do depending on the situation. Would anyone like to start first?" Mr. Aizawa instructed.

I stepped forward while holding onto the hilt of my sword. I closed my eyes right before I heard Mr. Aizawa start the timer.

"𝘛𝘩𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘉𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨... 𝘍𝘪𝘳𝘴𝘵 𝘍𝘰𝘳𝘮... 𝘛𝘩𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘤𝘭𝘢𝘱 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘍𝘭𝘢𝘴𝘩... 𝘎𝘰𝘥𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘦𝘥!" I thought.

Lightning burst out around me and I took off right as Mr. Aizawa started the timer. I was on the other side of the field with my sword placed back in its sheath. All of the robots were cut into pieces as they crumbled to the ground. I looked behind me as Mr. Aizawa looked down at his stopwatch.

"One millisecond." He announced.

I made my way back to the line as the kimono I was wearing tore into pieces due to my attack. I stood next to Shinso who looked over at me.

"Impressive, that was pretty damn cool, Alyx." He complimented.

"Thank you, Shinso." I spoke quietly.

I already knew I had the best score out of the entire class, so I could watch everyone else comfortably knowing I passed this small test. I analyzed everyone's movements thoroughly as they each completed the test. The bell soon rang, signaling that it was time for lunch, I was the first one out of the gym. I didn't care for packing up my stuff slowly, I had no reason to wait anymore. I felt Laura's presence next to me as I was walking, once we got to the lunchroom, I sat down at our usual spot. It took a few minutes before everyone else sat down. In my right peripheral, I saw Rei walk up to me. She placed her head on my shoulder and sighed.

"Soooo, a little birdy told me you're on the market! Is that true?" Rei wondered.

"Yeah." I muttered.

"Ooo! Does that mean you'll take me on a date now? Does it?" She asked giddily.

"No." I responded.

"N-No...? Are you sure? Like, 100% sure?" Rei answered.

I returned to my phone, I think Rei might've gotten the hint, being that she left defeated afterwards.

"Hey, Alyx, do you wanna go hang out at the mall after school with the girls and I? I'm sure you'd like to get out of the dorms for once." Mina smiled.

I didn't say a word to her as I continued to look at my phone. I had more things I needed to do besides that, especially with my Breathing Style training. I felt the table's mood change once more quite a bit. I'm pretty sure I saw Momo look at me out of the corner of my eye.

[Several Hours Later...]

"Hey, Alyx, get up." I heard Bakugo's voice.

"H-Hmm... Huh?" I groggily uttered.

"Come on, we're going hiking." He told me.

Hiking? That's rather interesting, but if it's going to waste my time, then I guess I can go. I got up and put a hoodie on before following Bakugo out of the dorms and out of U.A. We made our way to a nearby park trail that overlooked Musutafu.

"Why exactly are we doing this?" I sighed.

"It gets rid of stress for me, I figured it might help you out as well." Bakugo replied.

I slowly nodded as we made our way up to the trail. We sat down on a path that was in view of Musutafu. Bakugo looked over at me and gestured for me to do something.

"Go on, say whatever's on your mind, no matter what it might be." He instructed.

I looked towards Musutafu, "I guess I can do that..."

"I just don't understand why bad things have to happen to me constantly. No matter how much positivity I give into something, I always get a negative response back. But... Right when I'm about to give up, it always pulls me back in, almost like some sick, twisted game. I guess I just don't know how much more I can take of it, it's the same every damn time. My mind's gotten so used to the pain that I'm numb to it completely. I wake up, fight, have something bad happen to me, go to bed, and wake up the next day to repeat the cycle." I stated.

I felt rain start to tickle my arms and the back of my neck, "Neither do I really know what to believe or trust anymore. The only thing I hold true is everything that's been done to me. Every day, I think about how much I'd be at peace right now if I stayed dead. Maybe I really am dead, and these bad things are my own personal Hell, a Hell where I'll truly never reach a deserved happy ending. So, if that's the case..."

"Why in the fuck is this a Hell?! What have I done to deserve something like this? I've poured my heart and soul out to make things better for everyone, just for it to be dumped out right in front of me onto a filthy floor, just for it to be trampled on carelessly by everyone I know. Could you fucking answer me that, can you?! You can take my Quirks, my chance at being a hero, you can take almost any damn thing that you want... If I can get even the slightest chance of being truly happy, I'll take it. Do you hear me, do you?!" I shouted up at the sky as I stood up.

The rain started to pick up, lightning scattered across the sky, "That's right, get fucking angry! You don't like it when I call you out on your wrongdoings, do you?! How fucking dare you... Make someone like me go through Hell for no reason, when I've done nothing to deserve this! So, strike me down if you have to, but I couldn't care none the less. Because whatever you might put me through, I'm sure it'll be way better than this! I'm not asking for an apology, I'm asking for an answer, an answer that I've searched for all over the world for so long. Why me? Why do I have to go through this?"

"Just... Give me something... Please..." I muttered.

Bakugo placed his hand on my back. I looked over at him as he stared up at the sky.

"Let's go, I didn't think it was gonna fuckin' rain today." Bakugo told me.

I nodded and followed him down the muddy trail. We entered a small noodle shop that was nearby to wait out the rain.

"I took Yaoyorozu up here an hour ago or so, by the way." Bakugo informed me.

"Cool." I responded.

"Surprisingly, I figured she would rant about Icy-Hot, but all she talked about was you. I don't think I've ever heard her confess like that, neither have I seen her breakdown like that before. I figured you two were done after the party, but I guess not? Shit's kind of confusing to me." He continued.

"Are her and Shoto... A thing now?" I wondered.

"Heh, Half 'n Half couldn't show a fuckin' baby any emotion, do you really think he's gonna really start dating anyone?" Bakugo answered.

I guess he was right. Bakugo leaned back in his chair as he looked out of the window.

"All I'm tryna say is, Yaoyorozu wants a chance to redo things. She's even gone as far as apologizing to Fire Hair for what she's done. I don't think that she's talked to you about it, right?" He continued.

"No, she hasn't." I confirmed.

"Well, she told her that as long as she promised her that you'll be okay, she'll get rid of those feelings she has for you. Yaoyorozu agreed of course. Fire Hair told me that she didn't want you doing anything crazy, so that's why she confessed to you." He told me.

Don't do anything crazy? I think I've done that already... The rain began to let up and we left the shop to head back home. I returned back to my room to try and process what Bakugo told me. Was it all true or just a lie, I'm not entirely sure. But at this point, I wouldn't be surprised if it was all just an elaborate ruse. As I entered my room, I saw Giyuu looking out of my balcony window.

"Oh, Giyuu, what are you doing here?" I questioned.

"I came here to check in on you, Tanjiro's wanting you to come visit as well." He told me.

I nodded at him, "Alright, let's get out of here then."

I grabbed onto Giyuu's shoulder and we were transported to the Seventh Plane. We appeared in front of the huge manor as the Wisteria trees nearby were glowing ever so brightly. Giyuu and I entered the manor, I was greeted by the usual crowd of Overdrive Users as we walked up the stairs to one of the upper floors. We opened the door to hear Uncle Inosuke's screaming at Uncle Zenitsu.

"Inosuke, you big dumbass! Knock it off!" Aunt Aoi scolded.

"It's not my fault he decided to stab my boar mask!" Inosuke argued.

"I-It was an accident! You shouldn't have kept it there in the first place!" Zenitsu defended.

Great Grandpa came over to greet the two of us, "Ah, Giyuu! Alyx! It's a pleasure to see you two! Come on in!"

We walked in and sat down on zabutons as Aunt Nezuko managed to calm the situation between Uncle Zenitsu and Uncle Inosuke down. Aunt Nezuko sat next to me and cupped her hand around my cheek.

"You look saddened, is there something wrong, dear?" She wondered.

"Everything is wrong, it feels as if everyone I know is just generic. Almost as if they're fake talking heads trying to make me feel better by saying the same things constantly. I really don't know what to do, Aunt Nezuko, everyone. I haven't spoken to anyone in so long, but I feel as if they deserve it after what happened to me, except for Laura and Mr. Aizawa." I admitted.

"And how are you feeling about it, Alyx?" Great Grandpa asked.

I looked over at him, "Angry, hateful, spiteful. Almost as if I've been screwed over for the last time."

"Take that anger out then! Just let it loose on shit that's not your friends! Not everyone knows what to say if they aren't sure what's going on, Alyx." Uncle Inosuke chimed in.

"He's right, your friends want to help you, but without proper communication there's no way they can besides those generic responses. You need to reach out to them as well." Great Grandmother added.

I looked down at the table in front of me. The both of them were right now that their words were sinking in. I guess my mind was clouded from everything that happened a while ago.

"You can't hold that grudge against her, Alyx. If you're wanting to fix things, you'll need to start with her first, okay? I'm sure she's feeling the exact same." Great Grandpa advised.

"Okay... I think I understand now. I think I can try to do that." I replied.

"Wonderful! That's the spirit! It'll be difficult but I'm sure you'll be able to do it. All you have to do is just reach out and you'll be fine!" Great Grandpa beamed.

"I'm glad you all at least have confidence in me still, more so than what I do." I slightly smiled.

Uncle Inosuke took a huge bite out of his chicken, "Ah, of course! The hell kinda family would we be if we didn't?"