
Relief Just in Time! A Temporary Danger?

Valentine's Day was uneventful, Momo and I spent most of the day in bed, we also talked with everyone else of course! There still wasn't any word from the news about Mr. Detonator, I'm assuming the Pro Heroes are out looking for him. Today, however, I stood outside my balcony taking in the still cold February air.

"When in the fuck is it gonna get warmer?" I thought to myself.

I walked back inside my room and Momo came bursting through my door.

"Alyx, darling, light of my life, I've got some exciting news!" She exclaimed with glee.

"They've found out a way that'll keep me from almost dying all the time?" I answered.

"I said 'exciting news' not a miracle, but I digress. The HPSC has revised that bill, the only thing we can't do is participate in large scale events, other than that we're free to do whatever!" Momo smiled.

I got into a charge up stance, "YOU'RE KIDDING ME?!"

"Nope! I just read the article and explained it to everyone else a couple minutes ago!" Momo replied.

"YOOOOSHAAAA!!!" I shouted.

Both of my Quirks activated at the same time, nearly blowing away everything in my room! I blinked a couple of times and looked up at her.

"I have no idea how I did that, but that was pretty cool!" I laughed.

I walked downstairs with Momo after deactivating my Quirks, everyone seemed pretty happy about the news.

"Hey, how about we go get something to eat? Now that we can ACTUALLY do that without having to worry about being fined or arrested." I suggested.

"As long as you don't spend over ¥50,000 on food, sure thing, Amnesia." Bakugo laughed.

"You know, how about we bring Hatsume along? I'm pretty sure she'd enjoy a day out well!" Deku added.

[40 Minutes Later...]

I'm pretty sure we went to an all you can eat buffet for a reason...

"D-Darling, are you sure you're not full already?" Momo questioned.

Deku looked at the stack of bowls and plates I had next to me.

I shook my head, "Nope! I've sthill... Got womb fo more!"

I swallowed my food and rubbed my stomach.

"Man, this stuff is really good! I think I might-" I said.

"Don't tell me you're getting more. That's like your 150th plate already!" Mina exclaimed.

"She has a point, don't you think that's a bit much?" Shinso wondered.

"Well, actually, this about the middle ground for me. Endeavor told me that I needed to eat well in order to keep my shape, luckily my Overdrive does that for me. It actually has similarities to Momo's Creation Quirk! Since my speed and strength is increased along with my basic senses, my other internal processes are sped up and strengthened as well! I pretty much have a very fast metabolism." I explained.

Kirishima looked at me and tilted his head, "So... You can eat a lot because of your metabolism?"

"Uh huh! That's basically what I meant!" I confirmed.

After lunch, we walked around town, it was nice to see that everything was back to normal again. We walked into a park that had this beautiful looking lake! We all stood and looked over the frozen lakebed. I couldn't wait until Spring, I'm sure this place would be a lot prettier than it already is!

"Ooo! Is that a goose?!" Hatsume shouted.

"Hatsume, why would a-" Sero tried to say.

Sure as shit, there it was! It was just sitting on the edge of the lakebed without moving a single muscle. Hatsume slowly walked towards it and knelt down next to it. She started patting its head and it didn't bite her or anything!

"Wow, that's the first time I've ever seen a friendly goose." Jiro noted.

Kaminari held his arm up, a goose was hanging onto his coat with its bill, "And it definitely is the last."

I sat down on a park bench and thought of something, I haven't worn that Gi Tomikoa gave me in quite some time. Didn't it get ruined or something? Now that I mention it, that tournament felt awfully familiar...

"What are you thinking about, darling?" Momo wondered.

"Oh, just some things, that's all. You wouldn't happen to know what I did with that Gi I wore during that huge tournament, do you?" I replied.

"You told me to have Shoto burn it before we left for London. I made you a new one anyway, remember?" Momo told me.

I felt a confused look come over me, "Huh? You did? I guess I forgot!"

"Alyx! Look at this!" I heard Sato shout.

I looked up and he waved me over. I walked over to the frozen lakebed and stood next to Sato.

"Is that what I think it is?" He asked.

I squinted my eyes and looked closer, "No way... T-That's... That's a person!"

Everyone hurried over and looked into the lakebed. We all stared at each other, we weren't sure what to do!

"Alyx, can you try and search for any Heat Energy?" Tokoyami questioned.

"No, it only works if I've touched someone while my Overdrive Quirk is active. But I think I can sense his heartbeat through vibrations? Jiro, could you help me out please?" I said.

Jiro nodded and she sunk her earphone jacks into the ice and I placed my hands on the ice.

(I.R.P.: Listen to Saiyan Enigma's "Unofficial Super Saiyan 3 Broly Theme"!)


As the two listened for a heartbeat, the figure seemingly came to life! Bursting out of the ice, he grabbed Leonidus' face and slammed him down through the frozen lakebed.

"GRAAAAGH!!" He roared.

"Alyx!" Deku shouted.

He turned his attention to the others, "OUT OF MY WAY!"

He launched an attack that knocked Class 2-A away from him! They slammed into park benches, trees, and the ground hard! Alyx flew out of the lake in Mode Three, ready to fight!

"Leonidus..." He growled.

The man bulked up and a fierce light surrounded him! Unknowingly, Class 2-A and Hatsume had awoken exactly the fearsome berserker Alyx told Momo about hours prior! That beast... Was Jax Boyd, the same person his father, mother and other colleagues had fought many years ago!

People ran out of the park, cries of terror echoed down the streets, attracting the attention of nearby Pro Heroes!

"Nejire, can you check out all the noise going on down there? Also, your transmitter's on." Mirio relayed.

"Yuh huh! I'm on my way!" Nejire replied.

Nejire zoomed down towards the park, not knowing what adversary would be waiting for her! As she drew close to the park, she noticed something flying at her, and rather quickly! Alyx slammed into her and Nejire went flying through the air before regaining her composure.

"W-Woah! What's going on? Are you alright?" She asked.

"N-Nejire! I... I'm okay. Listen, I need you get more Heroes down here!" Alyx told her.

Before Nejire could speak, Jax had come barreling towards them!

"LEONIDUS!!" He thundered.

Alyx floated in front of Nejire and caught Jax's fist. He rammed his knee into his face and sent Jax away from him. Jax roared and charged towards him once more! Nejire pushed Alyx aside.

"It's time to cool it!" She shouted.

Nejire blasted off a Gring Wave directly in front of Jax! It sent him flying down to the ground, leaving an impact crater.

"Thanks! That should've put the hurt on him!" Alyx smiled.

Little did anyone know the sheer power Jax Boyd would let loose upon the Heroes and Class 2-A!

(I.R.P.: Listen to "Dragon Ball Super Next Episode Preview ~Limit Break x Survivor Ver.~ OST"!)

Heya everyone! Izuku Midoriya here! It seems things have gone from good to worse! An intense battle is about to break out and Alyx seems super pumped! Oh man, this isn't good at all, he's getting overwhelmed! Not even my punches at 100% seem to faze him! How are we gonna take this guy down?! Find out in "Leonidus Vs. Jax! Survival of the Fittest!" Things are about to heat up!

Hey! I hope you all have been enjoying this story so far! If you'd like to support me even more, feel free to leave me a power stone, review or comment on what I should do to improve the story or even just a suggestion as to what you'd want to see next! Also, I've got an Instagram page dedicated to posting various art from the story and other things! It's the same username as the one I have here: @TheOverdriveHero

Again, I can't thank you all enough for reading my story! I hope you all enjoy! (Also, if you'd like to send me any fan art or ideas, you can message me on my Instagram as well! :) )

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