
Mind & Body Erosion?! Insanity, Plan and Simple

I wasn't really feeling well today so I stayed home from school. Mr. Aizawa told me that we'd continue my Battle Trials tomorrow, if I'm feeling better by then. Since the teachers were mainly testing students three at a time, all of us had to stay at the dorms until testing was over. I'm not sure why, but I've been having this feeling of dread, maybe I just didn't get enough sleep last night? Everyone was going out to get lunch and to buy some other things for the dorms. I made my way downstairs and found the girls all home already.

"Oh? That was kinda quick. You guys weren't even gone an hour." I noted.

That feeling of dread quickly returned to me as I noticed that they didn't come back with everyone else, neither were they carrying any bags of food or other items, Momo turned her head and smirked.

"We were just looking for you, Braveheart. It turns out your friends are rather gullible." She grinned.

"W-What? If this is some kind of act, I highly suggest you tell me now." I warned.

They all turned around, I put my guard up and didn't take my eyes off of them.

"You're the perfect specimen for what I need, or rather, the perfect mate! And I've gotten control of the perfect bodies to do it!" Mina added.

I held all of my fingers out and they began to glow, "You take one more move, I'm blowing you to pieces! Whatever you are, you best leave, now!"

"Ho ho! You'd really blow away your friends and darling dearest? That's not so heroic, now is it?" Momo questioned.

"She's right, Alyx! This is the work of a Quirk!" Mikaboshi exclaimed.

W-What?! I turned around after hearing a noise and saw something flying right at me. It hit me square on the face and I blacked out. I woke up in a flash.

"W-Where?!" I shouted.

I was breathing rapidly, I looked down and noticed that I was in my bed. I threw off my blanket, sweatpants and no shirt, exactly how I went to bed. Was that some huge dream? I closed my eyes and steadied my breathing. I heard my door open so I opened my eyes to see who it was.

"Hey man, we brought lunch home! Bakugo had us stop by Burger King to grab something to eat." Kirishima told me.

"Okay, I'll be down in a bit." I replied.

Kirishima nodded and closed my door. I sat up and looked in my mirror, there weren't any markings on my face, maybe I was dreaming? I put a tank top on and headed downstairs.

I rubbed my eyes and yawned, "Good morning, or well, afternoon!"

"Morning Alyx!" The girls beamed in unison.

"My goodness, your hair is a mess!" Momo noted.

I sat down and started to eat. I guess I forgot to brush my hair out! Momo sat down on my lap and brushed through my hair with her fingers. This was... Definitely new.

"Haven't I told you about brushing your hair? Come on, let's go fix that mess up!" Momo scolded.

She grabbed my hand and took me upstairs, I'm pretty sure everyone was wondering the same thing, why exactly was she freaking out about this? We headed into the bathroom.

"Alright, now..." Momo muttered.

Momo locked the door behind her and pressed herself up against me. That look in her eyes... It was exactly like what I saw earlier!

"If you can't do your hair, you can at least do me, right?" She grinned.

I quickly activated Gear Two, "Heaven's Gates: Bind!"

She slammed against the door, unable to move, I held her there without problem.

"S-So... You like it rough? I like my men like that!" She cackled.

"I knew it! I wasn't dreaming after all! Who in the hell are you?" I shouted.

"As if I'd tell you, they were right, you're handsome AND stubborn!" Momo smirked.

I stepped forward, "Just wait until I tell the others, they'll-"

"Ah, not so fast. You're sick, remember? Do you really think they'll believe you? After all, you could've just had a fever dream." She laughed.

"N-No, that's not true. Although I may be sick, they know for a fact I wouldn't lie about something like this, even if I'm not feeling well." I argued.

"Alright then, go on, tell them." Momo replied.

I cautiously unbound her from the door, she hopped down and resumed her Momo act. I hurried out of the bathroom to tell the guys that something was wrong.

"Guys! We're under attack, but... But not really, more like the girls have been taken over by something, I seen it before you guys came home! Kirishima, right before you came into my room, they attacked me!" I urgently told them.

"Woah, what? Hold on, the girls are as right as rain. It must've been some wacky dream." Kaminari reassured me.

I shook my head, "No, it wasn't a dream! I got hit in the face with something then woke up in my bed!"

"Alyx, if you got hit in the face with something, where's your injury? I do not see any sustained damage to your facial region. I think you need to rest; you may be experiencing the after effects of a nightmare. Uraraka, can you take care of Alyx for us and make sure he's safe and soundly asleep?" Iida replied.

"Sure thing, I'd be glad too!" Uraraka beamed.

I tried to say something but I couldn't bring myself to even make a coherent sentence. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Momo smirk. Uraraka took me up to my room.

"Do you need any... Assistance?" Uraraka insinuated.

I stopped her from entering my room, "No, I don't. Go."

"But Tenya said-" Uraraka tried to argue.

"And I said fuck off. I know your goddamn game." I retorted.

I slammed the door and locked it. It was almost as if this villain was two steps ahead of me. I guarantee you they'll put up an act since I told them to fuck off. I couldn't let this go on any longer, if this gets to school, who knows how many other people this villain will take over! The perfect mate? What is this, a damn alien? I laid down in my bed and faced my wall. I needed to think about what to do next. There was a knock on my door which interrupted my thoughts.

"Darling, are you alright? Uraraka told us that you yelled at her so we got rather worried." Momo asked.

Her voice almost sounded genuine, but I knew who was on the other side of that door. A fake, off brand Momo Yaoyorozu. I didn't answer her and my doorknob began to jiggle.

"Alyx, please, let me in. I just want to talk." She pleaded.

I held my pillow tightly, how could I do this if nobody believes me? There wasn't any more noise coming from the other side of my door. I felt someone tap my shoulder, I shot up but immediately calmed down.

"Hey, could you unlock your door, please?" Dark Shadow questioned.

I nodded and headed towards my door. I unlocked it and there stood Tokoyami. Thankfully, he was by himself.

"It was foolish of them to be so dismissive of your concerns. You wouldn't normally freak out like that unless something actually happened to you. I'm sure you of all people can distinguish dreams from reality." He told me.

"So... You believe me?" I asked.

"That I do. I couldn't help but notice an unusual smirk on Yaoyorozu's face as you were escorted up here by Uraraka. That in itself told me something was wrong." Tokoyami agreed.

Thank the lord that someone believes me! I let Tokoyami in my room before quickly locking my door.

"Alright, first things first, this has to be some kind of Mutant type Quirk. An Emitter or Transformation wouldn't last this long. Wait, did Laura go with you all?" I announced.

"Not to my knowledge. If I recall, she stayed home to finish some homework." Tokoyami informed me.

I nodded and hurried over to my door, "Okay, stay here, I'll be right back. Don't open the door unless it's 100% me."

I carefully walked out of my room. Tokoyami locked the door as I left so that way they couldn't enter and harm him. I quietly made my way down to Laura's room. Another positive is that Laura finally had her own room, here's hoping that she doesn't act like the others. I made my way to the 4th floor and entered her room.

"A-Alyx? What are you doing?" Laura wondered.

"You've been in here all day, right?" I replied.

"Yes...? Was I not supposed to or something?" Laura told me.

I rushed over to her and hugged her. She hugged me back. I honestly didn't want to let go of her, what if that villain comes after her next? I looked at her and she looked worried.

"We need to get to my room, I don't know what's wrong with the other girls but some villain's taken control of their bodies and minds completely. It's not multiple villains either, it's one." I explained.

"Okay, let's go!" Laura nodded.

Laura and I peeked out of her room, making sure there wasn't anyone out in the hall, then we started to leave.

"We need to make it seem as if you're one of them already, so I guess just be yourself, alright?" I whispered.

She nodded and held my hand. As we turned the corner up to the 5th floor, we were stopped by Momo!

"What do you think you're doing?" She asked.

Laura quickly wrapped herself around me, "Sex, what else?"

Laura looked up at me and licked her lips. Talk about taking this seriously, she definitely was knocking it out of the park!

"Good, at least I know I've gotten control of all of you women. Have you finally given in, Braveheart?" Momo deviously smiled.

I didn't say anything to her, I only glared at her as we began to walk inside of my room. I stood at the door and knocked my finger against it 4 times. It unlocked and we quickly entered.

"Holy shit that was close!" I exclaimed.

"Alright, what now? We need to formulate some sort of plan." Tokoyami added.

I sat there in thought, "Hmm... Oh shit, I can't believe I'm going to do this... But if it's for Momo's sake, I'll do it."

"What? Aly, don't tell me you're gonna do something extreme." Laura responded.

"No, we're gonna need Mineta." I sighed.

[5 Minutes Later...]

"Wait, you actually want me to be a pervert? Seriously?" Mineta questioned.

"Yep! I'll be putting on an act by the way. So whatever I tell you, it's all pretend, okay?" I replied.

He nodded and put his thumb up, "You got it! Grandmaster Sexay is in the building!"

He scurried out of my room, I told Laura and Tokoyami to make my room look as if I've completely lost it. I left my room and right as I was making my way to the stairwell, Mineta came up with Momo, a look of lust was in her eyes. I guess this villain really was fine with settling with whoever besides me! I stopped in my tracks and began to put on the act. Mineta and Momo stopped in front of me.

"O-Oh... D-Darling, it's not what it looks like, I promise!" She quickly told me.

I stood there and twitched my fingers. I began to slowly cackle before turning it into a violent one. I made eye contact with Momo and smiled deviously as I put my hand on my face.

"A-Alyx... Y-You're scaring me..." Momo muttered.

"Scaring you... Scaring you..." I sang out.

I rocked slightly to the left and right as I approached them, Mineta was shaking in his boots! I grabbed Momo's arm tightly and started to drag her to my room.

"S-Stop! Please!" Momo cried.

I turned my head back towards Mineta, "Say one word... I'll be eating your kidneys for dinner, and serving the rest of you to everyone in the house."

I grinned a grin Shigaraki would be proud of, then walked into my room, slamming the door behind me. I tied up Momo onto my bed and lit a candle.

"What are you doing? Let me go you crazy fuck nut!" She shouted.

"I'll let you go, once they believe me... Believe me... They didn't do that..." I muttered.

I grabbed a knife and tapped the other end on her neck, "Once I... Dissect you... I'll get my answer. Then... THEN they'll believe me!"

"N-No... Stop! You can't do this! You can't!" She cried out.

I leaned closer to her and smelled her.

"Go on... Cry... I love it when my victims try and reason with me. It gives me something to tell their loved ones... The look on their faces when I tell them... It's invigorating..." I grinned.

I licked a tear off her face which caused her to shudder. I stood back up and began to sharpen my knife.

"Your jugular... I bet it would taste sweet... Not to mention your liver. You'll be a fine main course... Much like the others." I continued.

I turned my head and looked at her. I don't think I've ever seen that amount of terror on someone's face before in my entire life. I turned around and crouched down to her.

"I think your skin will look pretty as my bed sheet. What do you think... Hm?" I wondered.

She didn't say anything, she only looked on in horror, this was rather amusing in a strange way. Dishing out fear like a villain was honestly an interesting way of getting answers out of someone. I held my knife close to her wrist, this was definitely going to be risky, I couldn't make deep cuts against her. I didn't want to kill her, only get whatever the hell that's possessed her out of her.

"How should I cut you? Vertically or horizontally? Feel free to choose... I have all day." I smiled.

Her breathing began to go haywire and her head hit my pillow. Something oozed out of her ear and onto my floor. There it was! The lights turned on and Laura and Tokoyami quickly came out of hiding. I grabbed the jar on my desk as that thing seemingly began to stand up!

"DORARARARARA!!" I shouted.

I broke the jar and reconstructed it around the thing.

"Laura! Tokoyami! Seal it for good measure!" I yelled.

Laura stepped in front of the jar, "Phoenix Lock: Twist and Bind!"

"Darkness Mixer!" Tokoyami shouted.

They sealed the jar and prevented the thing from breaking out. I picked the jar up and set it down on my desk. I looked over towards Momo, she was slowly but surely regaining consciousness. I rushed over, untied her and held her as tightly as I could.

"U-Uh...? Alyx...? W-What... What's going on?" Momo groggily muttered.

(I.R.P.: Listen to "Interception" From Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable)

"It's okay, you're alright now." I told her.

Mineta came charging into my room, "Alyx! The girls are leaving!"

"What?! Alright, Mineta, stay here with Momo. Do NOT open that goddamn jar!" I yelled.

Tokoyami, Laura, and I ran out of my room. I hopped down the banister and ran towards the dorm doors. I heard Deku yell something towards me but I didn't listen to him. Tokoyami and Laura caught up with me as I ran outside of the dorms. We made our way closer to the end of the campus.

"We can't let them leave campus! If we do, this whole city is fucked!" I shouted.

"Right! I'll go this way, Laura, you follow Alyx!" Tokoyami replied.

We ran in opposite directions, where were they at? Laura squinted her eyes and pointed.

"There! Right there!" She yelled.

They were making their way towards the main campus wall! If they got out of that gate, we'd definitely lose sight of them! Not to mention the amount of people that villain could infect while it passes by other women! If we can't stop them right here, right now, we're done for! In order for them to get out, they have to do an ID check, which was something none of them had on! Bingo, that just bought us time to get over there! But to my dismay, Uraraka pulled something out of her purse. The computer scanned it and the gate opened!

"S-Shit! The gate's open!" I shouted.

Laura hopped on my back and I entered Gear One. We raced towards them as they hurried out of the gate. The gate was slowly closing on us! I pretty much had one shot at this entire thing, if I missed, I guarantee I'd lose them! I didn't want to separate us from Tokoyami, so stopping them here was my only option. We got closer to the gate.

"S-Shit... We aren't gonna make it!" Laura screamed.

"Nonsense! We've got this!" I grinned.

I activated Gear Two and zoomed right on through the narrow opening of the gate! We landed down right in front of the girls who looked shocked to see us.

"How did you find us?" Hagakure asked.

"A little perverted grape boy told us, I'm assuming you let him in on everything since he's 'gullible' right? Although Mineta isn't exactly a fan favorite around here, he's still someone I can call a friend. Better yet, a reliable guy. Just because the kid might have a shit Quirk doesn't mean he's some sort of dumbass. That whole thing with Momo, he planned that out with me." I explained.

(I.R.P.: Listen to "Breakdown (Leitmotif only)" from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)

"And another thing," I added, "I'm gonna fucking kick your ass for taking over my friends! You aren't leaving here alive!"

I activated Gear Five and Laura activated her Quirk. The girls stood together, which was a rather dumb thing to do, especially with what we had planned. They charged towards us and Laura & I smirked.

"DORARARARARARA!!! DORARARARARARA!!" We shouted in unison.

Our fists flew, knocking the holy hell out of the girls, each fist knocked some of that goo stuff from their heads!

"DORA! DORA! DORA!" I shouted.

"DORA DORA DORA!!!" Laura added.

We landed a fist to each of their faces, knocking the remaining goo out of their heads, it amassed in a pile on the ground in front of us. It started to take shape and it changed from its red-purple color into a person! The woman laid on the ground in shambles, I walked over to her and grabbed her by the shirt.

"O-Oh... Braveheart... Surely you wouldn't hurt a woman, right?" The woman asked.

"My fists and ideals are not limited by gender, if I see a villain, I'll punch the shit out of them regardless of who they are. And you seem to fit that description just nicely." I replied.

I slammed my fist into her jaw and she went flying backwards, connecting with a mailbox and I knocked her out cold. I blew the steam off of my fist then helped everyone back up to their feet. I healed them up and explained the situation to them.

"Woah, what? Holy hell, sorry if I did anything, that must've been weird." Jiro apologized.

"Oh, you don't need to apologize. You guys weren't in control of yourselves, honestly though, that was rather therapeutic. I haven't let off that much steam in quite a while!" I replied.

Tokoyami made his way out of the gate with Mr. Aizawa and the other teachers. The police were called and they quickly arrived, arresting the villain, thankfully we stopped it just in time!

"Aly, remind me to always be on your good side." Laura told me.

"Yeah, that whole thing with Yaoyorozu was rather... Interesting to say the least." Tokoyami added.

Laura pulled her phone out, "I have the entire thing recorded! Tee hee!"

[10 Minutes Later...]

After telling everyone else about what happened, they apologized for not believing me, which I kindly waved off. Laura showed everyone the whole insane act I put on in order to draw that villain out. I sat there normally and Momo slowly turned her head to me.

"D-Did... Did you really do all that?" Momo asked.

"Yeah! I'd be a pretty great villain, huh?" I laughed.

Everyone looked at me as I kept laughing.

"Yeah, I think I'm sleeping with one eye open now." Shinso spoke up.

"Do you even sleep to begin with?" Mina giggled.

After that whole video, I went upstairs and found the goo in the jar turned into ash. I heard my door open, I turned around to see Momo standing there. She walked over to me and threw her arms around me.

"I didn't harm you or anything, did I? You don't have any injuries anywhere?" Momo questioned.

"Well, you did try to fuck me in the bathroom this morning because my hair wasn't brushed. Which is honestly a really interesting reason for a villain to do that." I responded.

Momo put her hand on my mouth, "What did I tell you about using vulgar language all the time? Just try communicating without it, please? Although you do manage to make it sound charming at times."

I sat there and tried to say that sentences again without cussing, how exactly would I say that without cussing?

"Okay, so... Like... You tried to like, force your voluptuous behind into my Flash Cannon but I said 'no'." I replied.

"Voluptuous behind? That's quite the way to describe it!" Momo giggled.

We crashed down onto my bed, after today, I really needed a break from the action. Maybe tomorrow would be an easier day for me?

Hey! I hope you all have been enjoying this story so far! If you'd like to support me even more, feel free to leave me a power stone, review or comment on what I should do to improve the story or even just a suggestion as to what you'd want to see next!

Also, I've got an Instagram page dedicated to posting various art from the story and other things! It's the same username as the one I have here: @TheOverdriveHero

Again, I can't thank you all enough for reading my story! I hope you all enjoy! (Also, if you'd like to send me any fan art or ideas, you can message me on my Instagram as well! <3 )

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