
An Unexpected Visitor! Daughter From... The Future?!

A few days after the whole Toga incident, we all went out to that mall we visited a while ago.

"Say, we haven't been here in a minute! I wonder if there's anything new here?" I wondered.

We entered the mall, and it looked way bigger than before! As we walked in, some girl bumped into me, before she fell on her face, I grabbed her arm.

"Woah, are you okay?" I asked.

She looked up at me, she looked oddly familiar.

"Y-Yeah. Sorry about that." She apologized.

"You look... familiar. Do I know you? Sorry if you do recognize me, I lost my memory a while ago!" I grinned while rubbing the back of my head.

I shifted my sunglasses downward so that she could see my entire face.

"I... I don't think so." She responded.

She apologized again to me and quickly walked away.

"Everything alright, Alyx?" Iida asked.

"Yeah... everything's alright." I replied.

We continued our shopping adventure; I bought some new clothes and a couple of jackets. I met up with Kirishima on the top floor of the mall.

"I can tell something's on your mind, bro. What's up?" He questioned.

"That girl that ran into me... Didn't she look familiar to you?" I answered.

"Well, now that you mention it, she kind of did. She looked to be about our age. I wonder what school she goes to? I didn't see her at the Shiketsu tournament." Kirishima wondered.

"Yeah, good point. I didn't see her either." I agreed.

I guess I shouldn't ponder on it, it's not like I'm going to see her again. As we headed back home, I felt a huge heat energy following us, it didn't feel like a threat, but I kept my guard up just in case. We were just about to enter the dorms until I heard a bush rustle.

"What is it?" Momo asked.

"Someone's here, over in that bush." I whispered.

Momo and I walked over to the bush, we pushed through the branches and... It was that girl from the mall!

"What are you doing here? How'd you get past all of the security?" Momo interrogated her.

"W-Well... Hey, Mom... Dad..." She told us.

Momo and I stood there staring at her for a moment.

"WHAT?!?!" We both shouted to break the silence.

"Y-you're kidding, right? You aren't some random stranger that's just decided to break into U.A.?" I asked.

"N-No! I'll prove it to you," She stepped out of the bush, "Please, fight me!"

The girl activated her Quirk, it looked exactly like mine!

"Wait! You can't just fight her out here! Mr. Aizawa's gonna be upset!" Momo argued.

"Hey, it'll be fine! As long as we don't destroy anything, it'll be okay. Besides, if this really is our 'daughter' I wanna see how strong she is!" I smiled.

Momo looked at me with a very tired & disappointed look, "Okay, fine."

I went into Mode Two and threw off my sunglasses. I closed my eyes and got into my fighting stance.

"Don't hold back, alright? If you really are our daughter, I expect you to go all out!" I told her.

"Yes!" She replied.

I heard her fly off the ground, "Nebula Rain!"

I felt different vibrations in the air, I put a shield up and heard thousands of impacts on it! I flew up towards her with my shield, I used my shield to knock her hands into the air. I threw a kick at her, but she ducked it. I felt her right hand come towards me, I countered it with a fist of my own. We started rapid fire punches in the air.

"DORARARARARARA!!!!" We both were yelling.

We collided one last fist before flying back from each other.

"You're pretty good. You're using Mode Two, I can tell. You aren't half bad, if you are telling the truth, color me impressed!" I complimented.

We landed back down on the ground and I picked my sunglasses back up off the ground.

"So, are you really our daughter?" Momo asked her.

"Yes, I know it's a bit hard to believe. But my name is Mabel Leonidus, I'm currently a first year at U.A. High in Class 1-A. I'll tell you more, can I come in?" Mabel told us.

We invited her inside the dorms, and everyone looked at her.

"Hey, who's that?" Kaminari asked.

"She looks H.O.T.!!" Mineta yelled.

"Well, for starters, this is Mabel." I introduced her.

"Hey... You're that girl from the mall! What are you doing here?" Kirishima wondered.

"Well, I need your guy's help. Plus, I didn't just want to rely on my parents either." Mabel spoke up.

Everyone looked around. I guess they were expecting her parents to be here when in reality, as confusing as it is, were right in front of them.

"Are your parents here or something?" Bakugo questioned.

Momo and I stood next to Mabel, "Yeah... They are actually."

"Oh, are they outside? I don't see anyone out there." Mina observed.

"Well, my last name is 'Leonidus' if that gives you any clue." She informed.

Everyone stopped and stared at me. Their mouths all flew open with shock.

"WHAAAT?!" They all shouted.


"No! No! As odd as it'll sound, I'm from the future. Or well, from a different time." Mabel declared.

"Oh, really? Then am I the number one Pro Hero out of all these idiots in the future?" Bakugo furrowed his eyebrows.

"W-Well, I can't really tell you that. It's different in my time." She replied.

"Well, who's the lucky lady, Alyx?" Kaminari winked while elbowing me.

"Yeah! Who is it? Did she tell you?" Deku asked.

"She's got long black hair with dark brown highlights and she's got hazel eyes. Doesn't that look a bit familiar?" Momo while pointing at Mabel's features.

"Y-YAOYOROZU?!" Everyone shouted once more.

[A Few Minutes Later...]

We all tried to take in what Mabel was telling us. There was a lot of information to take in.

"Hold on, Ernesh? What kind of name is that?" Kaminari joked.

"His name might seem like a joke, but he's wiped out half of the planet. Like I was saying, I came here so I could get some help from you guys." She continued.

"What happened to us? I mean, us from your time?" Jiro asked.

"Well, I don't want to sugarcoat things, but most of you died. Either that, or you work for Ernesh himself. My Mother and Father from my time are luckily still alive, however. The Pro Heroes tried their best, but it felt like we were doing nothing." Mabel explained.

I looked down towards Mabel, I could tell she's been through a lot, way more than any of us in this room.

"So, where is this guy at, anyway?" Shinso questioned.

"That's the thing, I'm not entirely sure myself. While I was traveling here, he followed me through the portal. I blasted him away right before I landed here. I didn't see him come out, so it's anyone's guess at this point." Mabel told us.

"Well, if you'd like... Since I'd imagine you'd need a room, I've got a spare bed you can use." Mineta insinuated.

"I'll pass. Thanks." Mabel scowled with a disgusted tone.

[A Few Hours Later...]

As I was getting ready for bed, there was a knock on my door. How many times is this gonna happen? I opened it and it was Mabel.

"Oh, Mabel. What do you need?" I greeted.

"Can I talk with you about something?" She asked.

I nodded and she walked into my room. She sat down on the bean bag chair and I sat on my bed.

"What's on your mind?" I wondered.

She looked down at the ground, "How are you so strong?"

"Well, I've trained a lot with-" I tried to say.

"Uncle Kirishima, right?" Mabel interrupted.

"Yeah, but I'm gonna guess here and say that's not the kind of 'strong' you're looking for, right?" I replied.

She nodded at my assumption, "I'm just... Scared. That's all... I never told my Father in my time this, but I don't like fighting, not like he does."

I could tell she thought that I was disappointed with her.

I walked over and sat down beside her, "You know... I may not exactly be your old man, but I'm not disappointed in you. I wouldn't expect you to throw your life on the line like I have. I don't expect anyone to for that matter." I told her.

"But I made a promise to Todoroki that I'd beat Ernesh. It just feels like a pipe dream, if I'm too scared to fight, how would I keep my promise to him?" Mabel lamented.

"Listen, not every promise you'll make is gonna be easy, you know? I promised everyone here that I'd protect them, no matter what the cost. It's not exactly easy, and at times I felt what you're feeling now," I got up and put my hand on her shoulder, "But the easiest promise, is to promise yourself to keep fighting no matter what."

"Thank you, Dad!" She gave me a hug.

"You're welcome, Mabel." I replied.

She left my room and I stood there in silence. I walked out onto my balcony and leaned on it. This was all so unreal, my daughter from another timeline was here. Does that mean that there's more than one me?

"Something on your mind?" I heard Uraraka's voice.

I looked over and saw her floating to the side of me.

"I'm gonna guess here and say you and Jiro heard everything I said, right?" I questioned.

"Yep, we did!" Uraraka giggled.

"Good grief... Yeah, something's on my mind." I sighed as Uraraka landed on my balcony.

"I just feel like we aren't going to be able to help her. As much as I hate to say it, this whole thing sounds a bit far-fetched." I told her.

"Well, maybe it's not as bad as she's making it out to be. It couldn't be as bad as Shigaraki, right?" Uraraka wondered.

I nodded, hopefully her optimism was right.

"From what it sounds like, he might be worse than Shigaraki." I assumed.

The next day, I stayed at the dorms. Those new wraps Recovery Girl gave me were actually working! I turned on the T.V. and the first thing I heard was a breaking news report.

"... Large fires and huge pieces of debris are scattered all over the place! These U.A. students just can't seem to catch a break!" Wait, U.A. students? I slid my wrap down so that I could see, and pulled out my phone.

I called Momo but got no answer, "Shit, they're in trouble!"

I put my wraps back on as I headed out of the door. I activated Mode Two and flew towards them. How far were they? I couldn't sense their heat energy, so they must be beyond 5 miles away from school. But what direction? North? South? East? West? As I was flying, I felt my phone ring, I stopped and answered it.

"Hello? Are you guys alright? Where are you?" I asked.

There was no response, but a slight background noise was going on. I realized what it was, it was the sound of a plane engine! They were by the airport! I hung up and zoomed over to their location. From what it sounded like, the whole place was destroyed, almost like Jaku City! I searched for everyone's heat energies; they were scattered about. Ojiro's was the most prominent, why? Albeit this was hurting my eyes, I needed to figure out where everyone was at. I lowered myself down further to the ground and peeked out of my wraps. Someone was creating some sort of energy blast! Was that Ernesh?! I zoomed down towards Ojiro as quickly as possible. I landed in front of Ojiro and knocked the energy blast from Ernesh away.

"How dare you?!" I yelled.

"Oh? You must be the Leonidus from this timeline! How dare I? How dare you for interfering with my work!" Ernesh shouted.

I clenched my fist, and tightened my body.

"The truth is, I'm nowhere near a level to defeat you. But if anyone... Tries to hurt my friends..." I scowled, "THEY'RE GONNA PAY!!!"

My Base Mode aura intensified, and I rushed Ernesh. I slammed my fist into his face and the impact shattered the ground behind him. He tried to grab me but I dodged his arm and grabbed it! I swung him around and around and threw him into something!

"Heh... Not too bad, Leonidus." I heard him announce, "You almost had me worried there. Keyword, 'Almost'."

"I can tell you aren't at your full power, so you really aren't worth the fight. However, that wife and daughter of yours put up quite the struggle. It's a shame that my disposables had to deal with them, but, oh well." Ernesh smiled with a hint of smugness in his voice.

"Why in the hell are you here? What's the point in destroying this city?" I questioned.

He laughed at my statement, "You'll know soon enough, my friend! My time is up, goodbye for now, I'll see you soon..."

I heard a warp sound and, in a flash, he was gone.

I turned towards where Ojiro was, "Hey, are you alright?"

I made my way over to him, making sure not to hurt myself in the process.

"Y-Yeah... I'm alright. Thank you, Alyx." He panted as I helped him back up on his feet.

"I tried my best, but it felt like everything I threw at him wasn't hurting him at all." Ojiro continued.

"Hey, that's alright. The only thing that matters now is that you're okay. Where's everyone else at?" I wondered.

"Scattered. Luckily, they were scattered in groups. If you're wondering, Mabel and Yaoyorozu are with Midoriya and Shinso." He told me.

I nodded, hopefully everyone was alright.

"I can take you to them, when you search for heat energy is effects your eyes, right? That's why you went into your Base Mode against Ernesh?" Ojiro was spot on, I guess he could read me like a book as well!

"Yeah, I was risking hurting my eyes while flying here too." I confirmed.

Ojiro guided me to where Mabel and the others were.

"Dad!" I heard Mabel shout.

"Where's Mr. Aizawa? Were any of you hurt?" I asked.

"No, we're okay. These lackies of his got banged up pretty bad though." Shinso responded.

"Why do you have those things around your eyes?" Mabel slightly giggled.

She pulled at my wraps and let them hit my face, "Because I've damaged my eyes. I could've damaged them even more since I flew here. My Base Mode is really the only thing I can use right now."

"Well, we can't exactly let you do that. Mabel can help you back to the dorms while we clean up here." Momo chimed in.

"Are you sure you guys don't want me to help out?" I asked them.

"No, we'll be fine. You shouldn't strain your eyes, Alyx, we'll handle it from here." Deku responded.

I nodded and Mabel put my arm around her shoulder and we took off into the air.

"Eraserhead's fine, if that's what you're wondering." Mabel informed me.

I still couldn't help but feel like dead weight to them, how would I even be able to help out when I'm like this? After a while, we landed on the ground in front of the dorms.

"Oh! Young Leonidus, who's this you've got with you?" I heard All Might's voice from behind me.

"Hey, All Might! This is gonna sound completely weird but, this is my daughter, Mabel." I told him.

I heard him cough up blood, "What?! You have a daughter?"

"Well, I'm from another time. It's a lot to explain." Mabel restated.

I heard Mabel fly away and I stood there next to All Might.

"You know, she kind of looks like-" I interrupted him.

"Yaoyorozu, right?" I smiled.

"Yeah... But, did you need something? You look a little distressed." All Might asked me.

I don't know why I didn't think of this before, but Hatsume might be able to help me out with my sight problem!

Hey! I hope you all have been enjoying this story so far! If you'd like to support me even more, feel free to leave me a power stone, review or comment on what I should do to improve the story or even just a suggestion as to what you'd want to see next! I'd really appreciate your thoughts, ideas, and support! I really would like to see this rank high up in the rankings!

Also, I've got an Instagram page dedicated to posting various art from the story and other things! It's the same username as the one I have here: @TheOverdriveHero

Again, I can't thank you all enough for reading my story! I hope you all enjoy! (Also, if you'd like to send me any fan art or ideas, you can message me on my Instagram as well! <3)

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