
(Lost Legend)

Cyber era: year 11355 After thousands years of constant progressive developments. Catalyst came to Earth in a form of extraterrestrial cyan crystal, driving humans to the verge of extinction. In fear in another strike that may wipe the entirety of humanity. With what little remains, they formed STELLAR - The utmost elites humans could produce, boarding a grandest galactic vessel to venture towards endless galaxy in search of Catalyst origin. After countless years traveling through the endless expanse of starlit void. STELLAR had finally fallen. Leaving one miraculous survivor to carry it's impossible mission - Find and destroy Catalyst. Zyro, a forced recruit from the slums had only wanted to live in life. Nothing ambitious worth bragging about. However, never on his wildest dreams would he expected to find himself as the last remnant of STELLAR. Waking up in a world of magic and swords.

Caile · แฟนตาซี
69 Chs

Chapter 58: Monster Spite

"What happened?" Chasing remnants of slumber away, Zyro asked.

"Earlier, when I woke up to take in fresh air outside. I saw a commotion, when I took a look..." Pert expression turn grave.

"The guards patrolling last night, they're dead."

Cracking his neck, Zyro impassively raise an eyebrow.

"Isn't mine-guards being killed in night frequently happened lately? What's so special now?"

Before their departure to visit the great wall of fog. Night shunner's were being taken down more than usual, resulting numerous vacant spots opening. Ready to be refilled by slaves who meet certain requirements. Zyro and Pert considered this option, but decided against it after forming their plan to scape through Log Wall. However, there's a question that bothered him, no, the every workers of the Mine. Who was the culprit that suddenly appeared, reaping lives of night guards?

The mystery was yet to be solved for the mysterious predator was too quick and elusive when executing it's victims. Enabling anyone from witnessing it's visage. There was some theory's, but none were certain. Zyro had his own guess too.

"What's new? Well, I literally mean what I said. They're dead, All of them, the guards patrolling last night was dead. Hundreds of their corpses are laying outside right now."

That news struck Zyro like a cold bucket of water, jolting him completely awake.

Those guardians aren't weak, the number of Alpha's in their cohort cannot be counted by a single hand. Adding the numerous mundane warriors separated to multiple squads to roam around, wiping them all in a single night was impossible. But that impossible task was achieved a few hours ago, while he was sleeping. What kind of creature could do that?

"I'm finally becoming a guard, I won't be a slave anymore!"

"Yeah, our life is gonna be better starting today. Right, we're tasting meat again"

Two skinny, young slaves cheered excitedly.

"Umm, aren't you worried though? I know I'm dumb and all. But I can atleast figure out why weaklings like us are being recruited. It's because of what happened last night, I mean, almost every patrollers was killed! And were replacing them soon. I think we should reconsider, our lives is more important."

Another youthful miner timidly exclaimed in an attempt to reason with his friends.

"Coward, that's why you'll die as a slave. Unlike us, were getting out of this damned Mine someday."

"You hear him, I don't want to live here forever. I wanna have a family and a house, too. The first step is becoming a guard and save money. Come on pal, we gotta be bold here, so what if there's monsters out there. I'll kill them."

"...Fine, I guess you two are right. There's no rewards without risks, so let's do this and regain our freedom!"

"Yeah, freedom!"

"For freedom!"

The kids rejoice for their dream.

Passing by the barren tunnel where the young slaves are chatting, Zyro sighed with a dark expression. He was eavesdropping around the mining caverns on his fellow lowlifes conversations to collect information. Recently, the news of majority of last nights patrols missing or found dead reach spread throughout the mine. It cannot be hidden, for the loss of mens were too great, alerting those who knew the diseased guards.

Furthermore, this grievous occurrence didn't came as a total surprise. A few days ago, night shunner's were being taken down more than usual by a mysterious dweller. Still, the damage it cause was salvageable thanks to the generous amount of desperate miners that could be recruited anytime for a penny. At first, the recruits were required to meet certain requirements such as ripe age. But those newly appointed guards died last night. So another set of replacement was being called. However, few shackled miners left are in proper, mature condition. Hence, the requirements was removed, inciting the naive youths to take part on night combats to shun feral beasts away from the Mine. It cannot be left vulnerable, even for one night.

This shows just how severe the impact caused by that mysterious guard hunter. Making the owner of the Mine - Boss Boru, desperate enough to hire kids as protectors of his territory. Or rather, cannon fodders. Immature kids pose trivial firepower in real battles, therefore, the role they'll play was evident. Either feeders to buy time or meat shields for strong attackers to use.

Zyro was no stranger to cruel warfare strategies, he was a soldier who heed this cold commands in the past, as well.

So this lads being invited as combatants, primally unaware of what they will be used for doesn't sit well with him.

Zyro spare the immature trio a indifferent glance before leaving.

Soon, he found himself outside. Steeping out of the Cave mouth, he was greeted by the rising sun radiance. Far away, Zyro saw the three story mansion made of timbers. And laying corpses sheeted by silks drenched in blood. It was the body of the diseased guards, hundreds of them.

Some fortunate guards were supervising here and there, dread clearly written on their tough looking face. Of course they're worried, when the sun fall down, they'll be next block whatever claim the lives of this corpses.

Standing near one of the diseased body, without cover due to insufficient sheets. Zyro studied it indifferently, it didn't take long because the sign his searching for was clearly shown bare.

There's only a single injury. On the pale chest of the man where the heart is, a mangled hole rested. As if is was pieced by a giant spearhead... Rather, a beak.

Zyro silently cursed.

"That mustard, what is it doing?"

It was the notorious creature feared by all, known for victimizing in the blink of an eye. The Blinker. Zyro had alot of questions for the vile monster, however, he had a more crucial matter to tend to.

Running towards him, Pert halted at Zyro side and said.

"Your here, I've successfully save us a spot again. There's actually many left to be filled, because, you know. Hundreds of capable guards suddenly died. Anyway, the cargos will be leaving soon, so we better hurry up."

The blonde kid turn to head out, expecting Zyro to follow. However, he remain unmoving, and questioned the kid with an even voice.

"Do you think it's unusual?"

Pert stop.

"You mean the attack last night? Yes, it do seem unnatural. But so what, the Blinker or whatever it is are probably tired or stuffed after that. The possibility of the Blinker assaulting the caravan again was low today. We'll be safe, I think. Still, why did it suddenly annihilate every guards. Furthermore, it's not that I don't like it, but why is the caravan still delivering?"

The later question can be answered by a simple term - Profit. The Mine transport it's raw products to society occasionally to rid of unnecessary trivial trips. Which was done once monthly, and the bountiful profit was received along the process. Hence, in this time of disaster, Boss Boru are in desperate need for money to restore his business.

The former, though. Was difficult to answer. It had been bugging him, giving the feeling of unease.

Gazing at the bed of dead bodies with his cold obsidian eyes, Zyro slightly grit his teeth.

The Blinker was an beast in nature and mind. Wildlife thinking were feral yet simple, they Battle, adjust, and evolve for survival. Eating those things they could feed on, and sometimes spiting those who harm them if their capabilities allowed it.

The Blinker was a exceptional predator amongst it's peers, due to it's fairless swiftness. Therefore, why would it waste time hunting people of the mine. As if it's targeting this place specifically. For what?

Guilt seep into his heart.

For Zyro. The only prey who scaped it's gasps. If that's not it, then what. Beastial sentience know vengeful desires, science had proven it, so as this world nature. He could hit a random monster, and it will surely wish malice towards him. Eyeless Hounds, flat-biters, lions, even certain plants.

However, Zyro didn't even touch the Blinker, let alone, harm it. He merely did what needed to avoid death, fleeing from it's fatal trap. So why would it go this far to express it's wrath by hunting what seemed to be his kin's? Zyro was a slave inhabiting the Mining mountain. Likewise to the guards and slaves living here. The Blinker must have thought it's slathering his clan or something, all for the sake of revenge. Perhaps, by exposing himself to be killed by it, will finally extinguish it's rage, wounded pride, or something.

'Like hell I will, If I was right, then be it. I did it to live, nothing more.'

Zyro stayed silent for a couple of moment. Letting out a heavy sigh, he replied.

"I suggested not going right now. There's something wrong here."


He understands Pert's worries, if they missed this chance of visiting the village. They'll be waiting another month or more to get the supplies needed, which was inconvenient and a huge waste of time.

"It's better be safe than sorry, I'm not sure. I think that swift insect wanted to spite me. So I won't go."

With that, Zyro started making him way back into the cave.

Pert had no choice, he already stated his reasons that the blinker was either tired or stuffed by last night's feast. There's nothing in his disposal that could convince him to continue taking the risk.

With his usual smile, Pert utter a strange whisper thinking of the Blinker.

"That bug is such a bother."

At noon, the caravan returned earlier than expected. Bearing the news, that it's was devastated.