
(Lost Legend)

Cyber era: year 11355 After thousands years of constant progressive developments. Catalyst came to Earth in a form of extraterrestrial cyan crystal, driving humans to the verge of extinction. In fear in another strike that may wipe the entirety of humanity. With what little remains, they formed STELLAR - The utmost elites humans could produce, boarding a grandest galactic vessel to venture towards endless galaxy in search of Catalyst origin. After countless years traveling through the endless expanse of starlit void. STELLAR had finally fallen. Leaving one miraculous survivor to carry it's impossible mission - Find and destroy Catalyst. Zyro, a forced recruit from the slums had only wanted to live in life. Nothing ambitious worth bragging about. However, never on his wildest dreams would he expected to find himself as the last remnant of STELLAR. Waking up in a world of magic and swords.

Caile · แฟนตาซี
69 Chs

Chapter 46: Leaving


Code name: Zero

Status: Shackled trooper

Items: [Shroud of night] [Broken sword]

Mark: 0

Attributes: [Elite] [Technical mind] [Error]

Tittle: None


His current status presented as "Shackled trooper" for simplification. Right now, Zyro was a slaved soldier so he thought if fitted fine.

As for the items he possess, his cybernetic light armor was named by Aizra as [Shroud of night] informing him that it's the suit original name. Although, he have cool name ideas. Zyro didn't argue and moved on to his second possession. Which is the broken sword, nothing special. He have to suppress the urge to call the ravage blade "Trashy sword" and give it some pride, atleast. The old man keep blabbering about it's former glory, hinting the rusted weapon durability. So granting it importance wasn't a complete waste. Still, Zyro was still disappointed at the damned sword. He once tried sharpening it's rusted blade in stones to rid the dullness and resemble a lethal dagger to some extent. And indeed, it's material toughness proved it's worth. Even after hours of effort put into sharpening the broken sword, grinding many stones in the process. He only manage to clear it's rusts, while the edge bluntness remain. The steel which the blade is made of was just too tough to be stropped by mundane rocks. At this rate, Zyro will at least need months to achieve visible results in honing the stout steel. So he gave up. Zyro was content at the shroud of night retractable silver blade. But decided to keep the broken sword, as well. Dull as it may be, it do have potential usage.

And to spice things up, Zyro inputted descriptions. Although, it wasn't really important, he still added descriptions for the joy of it. Partially influenced by system anime's he watched. The problem though, Zyro was in-charge and can put whatever contents he wanted into his system. So the descriptions holds no surprised at all because his the one putting them, what the fun in reading it? Fortunately, Aizra was here to save the day! Zyro ordered her to input descriptions as she sees fit or whatever that technical programs of her can come up to.

Infact, his going to try it right now. Sitting comfortably on a corner, Zyro waited for a moment before concentrating on the shroud of night term.

[Shroud of night]

Item description: Made by humans of earth. Producer; Mel-tech, 155th generation cyber suits. Identification number: 1836734 2th Stealth edition series: Shroud of night.

He was disappointed, Aizra actually use the armor specs details without sprinkling creativity. Letting out a dissatisfied sigh, Zyro moved on to the next item.

[Broken sword]

Item description: Pursued by flying warriors, the fallen knight flee into the unknown ruins. Only to meet an ancient sage sealed in ravage chamber. Giving him a broken gift of his former glory.

Too fancy for a trashy weapon.

Zyro clicked his tongue. Thinking.

'I didn't know you have a poetic side, my dear Aizra.'

Her monotone, yet feminine voice resounded.

[If you were a proper master, you would have known. Sadly, your greatness holds no bonds.]

Zyro's eyes twitched.

'Are you saying I'm irresponsible? After all I done to raise you for years! Know that I accepted you no matter how bitchy you are And I have enough of your sarcasm.'

He shook his head and ordered her to be silent. Not wanting to hear her infuriating reply. Zyro then concentrated on the attributes section. Although, it's apparent that his a normal human. There are some aspects of his that separated him from mundanity.

Such as the attribute [Elite] Zyro conquered impossible trials that had taken the lives of many who fails. And proven himself worthy to live, to achieved this. Zyro not only have to be skilled in various styles of martial arts, expert handling myriads of weaponry and pushed his mind and body to the utmost limit to prevail against odds. Zyro was one of the elite the STELLAR project produced. He have skills and experience that surpass even veteran soldiers.


Attribute description: You are the most dangerous monster made by humans.

Zyro raise an eyebrow upon reading the audacious description. Although, it's true that he is outstanding among countless crops. Or else he wouldn't scape the hanging prison and survive till now. He swear, his human, not some kind of monster. Still, it's a bit of a surprise that Aizra view him as such.

Shrugging, Zyro moved on. His second attribute is [Technical mind]

[Technical mind]

Attribute description: You possess a flawless memory and knowledge beyond mundanity.

It was short but accurate.

Truth be told, Zyro was smarter than average. However, what made his brain surpass normality and granted him this attribute was Aizra, a now mental artificial intelligence that function similar to a synthetic mental illness. Sometimes effecting his thinking, leading him to psychopathic things. But overall, thanks to this. With the mental AI in his brain recording everything by the use of his body senses. His memory was nothing but perfect, even in unconscious state. Aizra will store everything and inform him about this information when needed. Added the original data's store within her program which can aid him depending on the circumstances.

Finally, his last attribute.


Attribute description: You are a anomaly in this world.

Zyro was hesitant on adding this attribute due to it's vagueness. However, it do have some relatively mystical effect. One of which was him being able to intrude Depter sealed chamber that's supposedly hidden by a powerful veiling spell. He thought that similar situations might happen in the future, so to avoid confusion. Zyro decided inputting the inexplicit attribute. After all, he is undoubtedly an oddity in this world. An existence who shouldn't be here, but he is. Of course, achieving this was far from easy. In Aizra's calculation, Zyro surviving STELLAR downfall and miraculously landing on a habitable planet alive was 1 in a zillion chances. It's extreme luck.

'Luck my ass'

Perhaps it's what utterly drained all his luck. Deeming him to suffer endless misfortune in this new world.

Zyro gaze fall down on the empty "title" line. He put it their for further revision, because he wasn't completely sure what will his tabulating system become in the future.

Done studying his satisfactory work, Zyro rose up to his feet. Look around the ruined chamber before fixing his gaze at the seemingly asleep old man in a cross legged position, as if meditating. A small magic circle imprinted on the floor Infront of him, producing golden radiance.

After a while, Zyro softly inquired to gently wake the napping elder.

"Are they still there?"

The sage slowly open his pale purple eyes, look at him for a few moments. Then yawned with a jester.

"Are you in a hurry to abandon the frail old me?"

Zyro simply shrugged without replying to imply his seriousness.

"Not in the mood, are we?"

Depter smirked. Then began casting a spell without moving a single part of his frail body. He shut his eyes and concentrated in a proper meditating position, excluding translucent mana that soon formed into a five layered magic circle, the golden dye inferred it's superiority compared to the previous fire ball spell he casted.

Zyro attentively analyze the five layer magic circle, it's complexity making his head hurt. Not like there's any use for him on gasping the unfathomable language for he cannot utilize mana. However, there's no harm on using Aizra to save the new spell into his memory. Zyro had also "screen shot" the fire ball spell. Depter once told him that legitimate spell wasn't distributed freely, the rarer it is, the higher the value. Perch he might be able to sell spells in the future.

The golden circle floated in the air as it finished it's intricate weaving. The moment it's done, the center section separated. Smoothly move towards Depter forehead and halted. While the now four layer magic circle swiftly shoot-up. Effortlessly passing through thick stone ceiling without delay, disappearing from Zyro's sight.

One of the interesting facts he learned is that mana wasn't entirely physical. Unlike concentrated mana that take solid forms, when absorb by mages then extracted. Mana revert back into intangible state. Zyro thought that mana was really similar to light particles.

Depter suddenly spoke in stern tone.

"My vision is limited, from what I can see outside. They already left, but a few scouts remain loitering around. Can you?"

2 and a halve days had already passed since the Gricks arrive to begin their search. Apparently, their labor bear no fruits for the one they're looking for was hidden underground, obscured by a potent sealing spell. About now, the Gricks had mostly scanned the vast forest yet still failed to find the fallen knight. While the excessive deployed troops constantly consume resources. But at last, after a long wait, the Gricks army finally retreated.

Zyro thought for a few seconds, contemplating if it's okay to go now despite the sneaking scouts threat. However, is he in a state to hesitate? Unfortunately, no. He haven't eaten or drink for half a day now!

Although, he is trained to endure suffering and can resist the uncomfortable agony of bodily desires for a few more days... The problem is, waiting well only weaken him further and further. Until his drained of strength.

Zyro sighed.

"It's now or never"

The old mage hoarsely chuckled.

"Are you certain?"

Instead of replying, Zyro fearlessly walk under the gaping hole on the ceiling, where he entered from. Seeping red moonlight can be seen at the end of it. Giving a foreboding feeling in this dreadful night.

Looking up, Zyro began hesitating. Can he even leave? It's evident that Depter, despite possessing a undoubtedly high mark and considerable skills in sorcery was unable to leave this lonesome chamber due to the seal. What about him? What will happen if he tried to leave?

The old man whose watching him suddenly let out a raspy laugh from behind.

"Don't tell me you afraid? You look so frightening with that dark armor and rag. I never thought your the kind to hesitate. As I told you before, no one will bite you if you ever leave. But if you want, how about rotting here with me? It's not that bad."

Zyro spare him a indifferent glance before rolling his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. I know. It's do or die."

Saying that, Zyro gritted his teeth and suppress the creeping dread within him. Setting the exoskeleton at full power, he squatted and sprang up. Tightly grabbed onto a crevice, then pull himself up. If not thanks to the suit argumentation. Zyro would be needing to stand on the old man head to climbed out. Fortunately, he didn't have too.

After a minute or two, the figured or the fallen knight safely emerge from the dark hole under the two boulder.

As he stood up, he heard Depter raspy shout.

"Remember your promise, any delicacies will do. And if possible, bring some books too!"

In his two and a half day staying there, both decided on an agreement. Zyro, whose able to wander outside was obligated to bring food or whatever Depter desire within his capability, which wasn't much. But for a desperate old man, it's enough. In exchange, Depter will listen to his requests. Such as using magic spell to heal Zyro, the elderly mage had done this already to fix Zyro's broken left arm and treat other injuries. Depter wasn't profound on recovery spells, so the process took multiple sessions before completion. In a sense, Zyro unexpectedly found himself a "Doctor".

Inhaling the cold breeze of night, Zyro gaze around. The foreboding crimson radiance of the lonely blood dyed moon. Hinting a bad premonition that may happen tonight.

'Its just folktales, anyway.'

Zyro took a deep breath and dash away. Towards the Mine to quench his vengeful heart.