
(Lost Legend)

Cyber era: year 11355 After thousands years of constant progressive developments. Catalyst came to Earth in a form of extraterrestrial cyan crystal, driving humans to the verge of extinction. In fear in another strike that may wipe the entirety of humanity. With what little remains, they formed STELLAR - The utmost elites humans could produce, boarding a grandest galactic vessel to venture towards endless galaxy in search of Catalyst origin. After countless years traveling through the endless expanse of starlit void. STELLAR had finally fallen. Leaving one miraculous survivor to carry it's impossible mission - Find and destroy Catalyst. Zyro, a forced recruit from the slums had only wanted to live in life. Nothing ambitious worth bragging about. However, never on his wildest dreams would he expected to find himself as the last remnant of STELLAR. Waking up in a world of magic and swords.

Caile · แฟนตาซี
69 Chs

Chapter 31: Against an Alpha

Silence hang over them as the unknown guest draw near. Disturbed only by Pert's anxious heart beat and approaching footsteps.

They knew what trouble they brought themselves when they go against the plunderers. Those brute slaves wouldn't persist despite the mine rules banning them for no reason - they're not alone. Unfortunately, people here seem to share human mentality of being vengeful to those who harm them.

Zyro put on a stern expression. He had already anticipated this predicament. Although the two underlings intentionally hadn't catch them, they atleast track where they're going to spite. Added, Pert's home wasn't a secret to others.

Zyro look at the kid he had drag in his troubles. There exist better ways of solving the recent issue back then but Zyro's fortuitous discovery enable him. Forcing him to bear the present predicament of raging plunderers spite.

Although, guards would protect them from harm. They would not follow him all the time. Hence, he could only rely on himself until the conundrum is resolved.

Which was visiting them earlier than expected. Fortunately, it's greatly concerned violence. One of Zyro's specialty so he held some confidence in winning. Furthermore, the couple of hours of respite had allowed him to recover his energy.

Breaking the silence, Zyro spoke.

"Stay here"

Leaving that two words, he rose to his feet, making his way out through the curtain door to greet their guess.

Pert open and close his trembling mouth multiple times not knowing what to say but in end. He said nothing, aware that no words of his can aid his friend. Strangely though, his golden eyes followed Zyro's departing back with a mysterious glint of... Amusement?

Outside, Zyro saw a capacious area covered in uneven stony walls, dull torches radiated it's limited expanse, revealing bumpy and jagged earthly brown rocks allover. The same old cave interior his now sick of seeing.

A few meters away from one of the tunnel, a bright lantern glow greater than the surroundings. Held by a masculine arm of a man sheathed in leather chest armor over his tunic. His broad shoulders were exposed and an old fashioned boots adorned his foot.

'A guard?'

He marveled. Isn't their enemy the retarded slave plunderers? So why is this guard here?

Felling something amiss, unsure what's happening. Zyro decided to wait.

Facing a approaching man. Zyro narrowed his eyes, and soon. The guard face came into view. Crowning a mid brown short hair that wasn't neatly trimmed, a scar run down from his forehead blinding his left closed eye. His disheveled beard hang low as he stare at the young man. With his one, deep blood eye.

It's a Mine-guard, but not just any guard...

Zyro's gaze was focused on the man's cheek. Where an extremely detailed tribal tattoo of (A) can be seen.

His an Alpha. Possessing the very first Mark of ascension. A full pledge warrior with augmented power beyond mundanity. A person valued high in this mine and upper society.

Zyro's frown grew deeper... Then, realizing something. His eyes grew wide, his heart beat hasten.

He curse internally hoping his conclusion was mistaken.

The Plunderers had existed for many years from what he heard. Continuing their unruly crimes of pillaging the weak despite the entire forces of guards against them mere untamed slaves. Yet, even now their evil act persisted. Why? Of course they have some backing. To Zyro's nightmare, who stand before him might be the upper boss. An Alpha, and a guard at that.

Zyro let out a shaky breath. He had hear many tales of mundane people going against Alphas. All of it didn't end well.

Finally, the man halt his tracks near the young man.

With a amused tone, he ask.

"I've been told you harm one of my men..." He paused and chucked. As if remembering something funny "Balls? Haha! He came crying at me like a baby, Gods! I've seen it, You really doomed his happiness! Haha.."

His sole laughter echoed throughout the cavern for some time before slowly fading. He sighed let out a merry sigh, and look at the young man whose quietly watching him.

The Alpha cleared his throat, wipe his smile and voiced his in deep tone. Finally putting on a serious face.

"I commend your bravery and luck... well, your not actually in-luck. For you had offended me by your actions. But fear not, you only have to pay a broken arms and balls." He mocked with a smug face. Expecting Zyro to be grateful for his kindness.

Signaling to the young man to come nearer. "Come on now, save me the trouble and obediently gave your arm to be snap. I'll make it quick."

He demanded. But Zyro's impassiveness remain unshaken. He clearly understand his words thanks to Aizra. That's also why he isn't moving. If it were a norman teen the man is facing, Zyro would have obeyed. Sadly, his not.

His an elite STELLAR soldier that climbed through hell of hardship to get here. Someone who've sharpen his martial skill to the peak of human limit, someone who face merciless trials and pass and many more.

So why should he adhere to this man outrageous command?

'I wonder... How strong is an Alpha?'

Dark malice burn in Zyro's eyes. Of course he won't let the guard do as he please without a fight, his arms are too precious. Zyro wasn't completely confident but surely he had a chance. The first time Zyro had seen an ascended of the first Mark in the caravan. The Alpha was killed in an instant by some unknown beast rumored as the Blinker. So, if an Alpha can be killed that quick, they shouldn't be too strong, right?.

Seeing how stalwart the young man remained, amiss swept the Alpha's heart as he frowned. There's something terribly wrong with the teen Infront of him. Zyro gain quite a fame in his short days here due to his completely black hair. Deeming his as the most impure being known to everyone. Same reason, everyone disregard him as a dying slave with close to none racial talent, which in truth, absolutely none.

Racial talent is like a limb in this world. Hence, those who severely lack it are viewed similar to persons with disability.

In the man's mind. Zyro was a lesser ant than the normal ants namely slaves he easily crush. Yet despite facing an alpha. The young man's indifference never waver, his eyes beating murder without a hint of fear.

He sighed, irritated by the powerless courage.

"Are your going to stay there and make me come at you? Or are we gonna play chase?" The guard smirk, a little annoyed.

After staying silent all this time. Zyro's lips moved. Outing two, mere words in Influent beast language.

"Duck... You"

The man's deep crimson eyes turned serious, anger finding it's way to his gaze.

He gently put his lantern down and revealed a vicious smiled.

"Be it then!" Said the man as he lunged forward.

In that moment, Zyro understood the sheer power of an alpha. The guard foot force was comparable to Earth's fastest runner, traversing a few meters within seconds.

Already prepared, Zyro put on a boxing stance with clinched fist and side step. Evading the Alpha's pound aimed for his stomach. But not completely, the fist lightly graze his waist. Zyro felt like a he barely dodge a highspeed metal resulting a slight panging pain.

Zyro cursed. If that single punch had hit him, he'll be lifted off ground. Acknowledging the Alpha's inhumane strength, Zyro did not hold back his energy consumption and given it his all. Straining his muscles to it's limit. In exchange, Zyro had to end this battle as soon as possible.

Having miss, the Alpha throw another towards Zyro's head but was evaded again at hairs breath. Then, Zyro saw an opportunity, allowing him to lunch a left straight followed by a right towards the enemy jaw. Normally, it was enough to knock a norman man. Considering Zyro's expertise in boxing. Yet, the beared man was simply taken a back for a split second before shrugging.

Knowing his not fighting a normal enemy, Zyro wasn't surprised and exploit that second of distraction to lunch another attack. Performing a front kick aim to the solar plexus, burying his foot to the enemy lower chest. Causing him to stumble backward a little.

Zyro catch his breath, sweat dripping down his face. Only 3 seconds had past but the fatigue noticably raised.

His only saving grace is that, the Alpha wasn't as well trained warrior in combat than him. Albeit, The guard can throw a proper punches, he lack evasion and footing. He doesn't even show sighs of using kicks and feints.

On the other hand, Zyro excel in every aspect of combat. His superior technique had given him a huge advantage early. Allowing him to land 2 critical assault - jaw and solar plexus. Normally, hitting one of this weak points was enough to deal considerable damage.

However, the man stand as mighty as ever. Not showing any waver.

The alpha put his hand in his jaw, the cracked it. As if fixing.

"Your a slippery one. I wonder how long will that last." He spat.

Out of daze, the Alpha Guard lunge again as vicious as ever.

The fight continue.