
(Lost Legend)

Cyber era: year 11355 After thousands years of constant progressive developments. Catalyst came to Earth in a form of extraterrestrial cyan crystal, driving humans to the verge of extinction. In fear in another strike that may wipe the entirety of humanity. With what little remains, they formed STELLAR - The utmost elites humans could produce, boarding a grandest galactic vessel to venture towards endless galaxy in search of Catalyst origin. After countless years traveling through the endless expanse of starlit void. STELLAR had finally fallen. Leaving one miraculous survivor to carry it's impossible mission - Find and destroy Catalyst. Zyro, a forced recruit from the slums had only wanted to live in life. Nothing ambitious worth bragging about. However, never on his wildest dreams would he expected to find himself as the last remnant of STELLAR. Waking up in a world of magic and swords.

Caile · แฟนตาซี
69 Chs

Chapter 15: Raven Flight

"Huff, Huff" His labored breathing reverberated inside his helmet.

Sprinting into the dark corridor of the Gricks circular castle, Zyro ran with all his might with silent steps, devoid of sound as it hit the marble floor.

Hoping that the girl's untrustworthy guidance to be true. If not...

He gritted his teeth.

Feeling his muscle burn under all the strain of his dead armor and accumulated fatigue. Zyro move forward, persisting to live another day.

It's only thanks to the short respites when hiding that let him catch his breath. But now, due to him being sighted in this area, the quantity of seekers searching the area grew. Making opportunity for respite fewer and fewer.

An eternity later, after the long arduous hiding and running, he reach the large opening the girl spoke of.

A capacious open area that seemed to be on top of the circular edifice. Brilliant stars and magnificent azure moon can be seen bare at the distant sky, along the cyclopean Crimson Tree displayed at the edifice center, It's leaves fluttering in the wind.

Under this magnificent scenery was a vast stretch of flat pristine stone. Where dozens airships parked. Diverse to the horrifying battle ships that rained flame, preventing their scape. The airships his seeing was gorgeously adorned with intricate designs, screaming the owners wealth and status.

The gorgeously designed airships bathed in the moon's radiance parked next to one another. The sails was mostly red with beautiful pattern of gold, silver and other tapestry with different color. As if luxurious boats.

It look more pleasing than horrifying. However, Zyro was not fooled. Luxury was always bond to tight security.

A mass of winged individuals gathered there, some in workers clothes and some fancy looking individuals carefully being assisted in boarding airships. Unlike the winged soldiers he had seen, this ones have bulking belly's rather than muscles. Their wings slightly redder than the others, the redder their wings are. The more guards surrounded them, but compared to the haughty prince, theirs fall short.

Zyro had expected this, In the presence of two scaped run-away criminals. of course they'll evacuate the none-combatants and important individuals.

Hiding some distance away, peeking at the mass of noble and guards with weary eyes. Zyro sigh in frustration.

On one hand, the girl guidance turn out to be true. On the other hand, what's Infront of him was more harrowing and far more grievous than the dark seekers his been hiding from. Obviously, the protectors of important individuals are elites of the crops.

Disguising was not even an option, due to the peoples here different anatomy - the Gricks had wings, while the poor looking ones that doesn't have wings had variety of hair color.

Leaning his back against the wall, he grimace and peek again. There had to be someway to scape this hellhole.

Narrowing his eyes to through the modish visor, Zyro analyze the primitive airships one after another with utter concentration, absorbing every detail as he calculate plans after plans. However, no matter how much he strained the brain of his. There seem to be no way.

There's just to many enemies guarding the luxurious ships. And even by some miracle, he manage to stole one. Hundreds of battle-ship await him ahead and below.

It was... Impossible.

'It have to be here'

Tightly closing his eyes, Zyro's gritted his teeth.

As thought adding greater weight, a clamor of footsteps resounded at some distance away, Nearing.

And this time, running was not an option anymore.

He was positioned in a one-way corridor, with line of open windows facing the area outside. Opposite to it was a straight line of solid wall. Leaving him only two directions, left - which was headed to a arched gate outside the open area, that are heavily guarded. Right - where an approaching group was coming from. Trapping him in-between with no where to run. Except the window - which also leads outside.

After a second or two, he open his eyes. And once again, desperately look for it.

'It had to be here...'

Yet all he see's was a mass of soldiers, servants and nobles in the long line of transport airships.

"Tap, tap, tap..."

Hearing the boots against stone becoming louder, and louder. As thought it's counting his second left to live.

'It had to be here... It had to be...'

As if answering his prayers, he notice a distant silhouette at the end of the line of airships. It's dark figure blended in the veil of night, barely visible to the naked eye. Zyro only saw the shape of it, and that's all he needed to identify the object.

Unknowingly, a grinned found its way to his face.

There's only one thing that can take him away from this hell. And finally, he found it. And now, Zyro only needed to reach that thing.

'One last run to freedom' he thought, hearing an approaching footsteps, but his grin didn't falter. Zyro leaned back, calming his aching muscles and thought.

It's impossible.

That thing is atleast a thousand meters away from him. With countless enemies in his way, ready to doomed him if seen. Granted, his strength are limited, and utterly exhausted.

If anything, Zyro knew his limit more than anyone... A human body are just to weak.

"Tap, tap, tap..."

He closed his eyes listen at the closing group, as if it's counting down his approaching doom.

He sighed.

....And jump out of the open window and rush toward the crowds of winged people with all his might.

Not because of some stupid mindset such as "Break the limit" and miraculously defeat the enemy to reach his goal. Things don't work like that. If Zyro were to break his limit, he'll pathetically fall unconscious and die.

Because of his soundless steps, the Gricks wasn't able to notice his sudden charge. Making them a second too late.

Gritting his teeth, Zyro charge as fast as he could and without even giving the guards time to react. He rammed through them, before forcefully pulling an old man with orange, weathered wing with his right hand. The guards hastily reacted and lunge at him. At that moment, Zyro's left arm was already aimed somewhere, firing it's last bullet.


A chubby man suddenly fall to his knees, screaming while grabbing at his shoulder in pain. Hearing his cry, the nearby crowds turn their heads only to see the man's contorted face, in extreme distress.

While Zyro had already pointed his left hand in the old man's head.

"Don't attack you fools!" The hostage quickly understand his predicament and shouted in a language zyro can't understand, but know what it mean.

Seeing this, the guards abruptly halt their steps and put on a defensive formation. Watching black knight every move, as if his a ticking bomb that could explode any moment.

That tense pause made everyone realized what just happened - the chubby man was bleeding and crying in extreme pain. Unknown to others, that exaggerated suffering of the poor victim was caused by the remnants, expired drugs that once filled the air gun's barrel.

Which contains highly concentrated alcohol and other parlous chemical that are never meant for wounds. Thus, the bullet felt like a hot molted iron injected to his flesh.

However, by the looks of it, it was done by the Black knight - Zyro. Using some kind of ability triggered by his left hand. Currently, that hand are pointed at the old man's head, threatening his life.

Tense silence hang in the once clangorous area, broken only by Zyro's poor victim sobbing.

Noticing this, Zyro pull his hostage, signaling him to follow as he walk backwards. His left hand gradded the old man's white hair, it's not much but doable to prevent him from struggling. Even if he suddenly shook his head, zyro won't miss. Not like there's any bullet left, but the crowd thought different.

The victim and zyro walk side by side, the guards tried to follow them but was stop by the frightened old man. All Zyro have to do was tighten his grip to make the hostage speak, concealing his lack of understanding of their language. They past one airship after another in a normal pace, while that mass look at him with fear, anger and frustration. As if wanting to shout (Coward) but afraid to do so.

But there's a hint of laughter their eyes, some even openly smile. Thinking, so what if you stole a airship? An army await you, it's a hopeless struggle.

Undeniably, it's true. Dozens of airship already responded and was watching him from afar. Awaiting him to take his captive, that'll give them excuse that the hostage life can not be save. Of course, it can only be done after they're away from the mass sight. To protect the military image, as they take down the desperate struggler.


After sometime, Zyro arrive at his destination. By now, he could clearly see his ride to salvation.

Near him, a aerial vehicle differ from this world winged boats.

It's the starship that had taken Zyro in this world. With body akin to dragon fly and well calculated proportions for aerial transformation and impact protection. Possessing four wide alloy wings, draw back with their end to the ship's tail. It was the very definition of technological beauty. However, The once polished intricate black surface was now a map of scratches and sunken marks. Telling the tale of its long and arduous adventure after Stellar's fall through the galaxy to reach unimaginable distance, ending to this planet.

As for why it's here, The Gricks probably taken it along his unconscious body. Not knowing what to do with it.

Zyro head to the starship's back where a hand print lock is located. He put his right hand on it, using the soldier code in his gloves as confirmation.

Seconds past, feeling dread grew within him if the ship didn't open, it's his last line of hope after all. But after sometime, a humming electric engine reverberated from within, followed by cracking of locks as the mechanical door open upwards, welcoming it's pilot in. In Zyro's eyes, it's like a door to heaven.

Boarding the starship, Zyro push a red bottom in the wall for manual closing, slowly bringing the iron hatch down. However, before it fully closed, he throw out the confused and fearful captive out. And heave a sigh of relief.

"I'm home... Raven"

It was the name he've given to his trusty starcraft.

Just as he said that, a clamor of arrows and spear hitting against steel resounded. But Zyro's figure was already shrouded within.

Taking the sight of the starship internals - it's a small room covered by sturdy alloy walls. With single hibernation pod at the side, along with large, secured storage containers taking most of the space. Zyro could only smile on what's inside those things.

However, he did not have time to appreciate all this mechanic creation as he hastily head towards the starship's control. Sitting at the pilot sit.

Being short on time, knowing just how magically powerful the enemies weapon are. Although, Raven's body were designed to withstood penetration snipers and even a mini nuclear. But he did not dare understate the enemy.

Recalling how to pilot a starship, Zyro started operating the complicated controls.

"Prepare for take off" He commanded

The ships controls lit up one by one coming back to life, illuminating the ship interior. outside, it's four folded wing spread out, producing creaking sound, Each back of the wing glowed blue, as the electric thrusters produce force. Humming as it lifted the aircraft body of the ground.

Zyro hold on the modern control wheel, raise the aircraft to hover higher. With a grin, he said.

''I still have to show this birds how to fly''

The aircraft thrusted with insane speed, leaving a tail of blue, quickly exiting the Gricks circular castle. And swiftly passing the flying boats.

The awaiting airships crew was left with shock expressions, they could have swear that no airship could take off that fast.

Zyro who's quite satisfied with his act heave a sigh of relief, Humans are indeed weak, but that didn't stop them from flying higher and faster than birds whom born with wings.

Finally, Zyro could see ahead. He have a bunch of questions to answer in this world, and a mission to complete. His memory are still fragmented, but by phasing them together, he atleast remember one important event. Rather, the last event, the fall of STELLAR. The astronomical starship that ventured the deepest part of the galaxy as well as humanity's greatest creation are gone. With only one soldier remaining, (Zyro) to find the catalyst. A mission meant for hundreds elites armed with the highest grade weaponry to complete.

Although, currently, all he could thought of was getting out the Gricks territory and sleeping.

Just as he past the edge of the island, the internal lights dim, and off themselves one by one. As well as the electric thrusters died down, Zyro yro blink a couple times before realizing what just happened.

"Damned luck!, why can't you humans create infinite electricity!" Complain zyro as the metal aircraft plunged down in the night forest.