
(Lost Legend)

Cyber era: year 11355 After thousands years of constant progressive developments. Catalyst came to Earth in a form of extraterrestrial cyan crystal, driving humans to the verge of extinction. In fear in another strike that may wipe the entirety of humanity. With what little remains, they formed STELLAR - The utmost elites humans could produce, boarding a grandest galactic vessel to venture towards endless galaxy in search of Catalyst origin. After countless years traveling through the endless expanse of starlit void. STELLAR had finally fallen. Leaving one miraculous survivor to carry it's impossible mission - Find and destroy Catalyst. Zyro, a forced recruit from the slums had only wanted to live in life. Nothing ambitious worth bragging about. However, never on his wildest dreams would he expected to find himself as the last remnant of STELLAR. Waking up in a world of magic and swords.

Caile · แฟนตาซี
69 Chs

Chapter 14: Scarlet beauty

He inhaled but no air came. The once composed soldier started to struggled for his life. Using his weak hands against the demon's grip.

He pulled, and pulled. But the demon's claw never bulge, deeming him unable to breath.

Knowing how ineffective his asthenic strength are. He gave up from pulling the demon's hands. And activated his retractable blade.

A silver dagger sprouted in Zyro's fist. It's sharp tip thrust against the demon's arm. However, it never hit its mark. For it was stop midway by one of the demon's unoccupied lower arm.

He tried to free his blade, but failed. It felt like moving an arm of steel, solid and unbending.

Robbed of air, Zyro's vision began to blurred.

His just too weak. From the start of it all, his been weak.

Perhaps it was due to the fact that the demon had fallen for his trap.

Lifting his left hand, as if aiming to help stuck struggling bladed right hand. Though, its real goal was to aim at the demon's wide plated chest.


A muffled airgun bang resounded, bursting a black bullet along a spray of slimy blue liquid.

Fired in a closed distance to his wide chest, while holding a victim. The demon failed to evade. Not like it'll do any damage.

The slimy, rotten liquid sprayed at the demon face and chest. Along with the bullet.

However, as expected. The bullet didn't do any damage. It just ignited a spark upon collision before bouncing off.

That spark though... Was enough ignition to set the flammable liquids all over the demon's front on fire.

A grin appeared on Zyro's face.

'Burn you bastard'

The flaming demon throw Zyro back, before heading to the bed.

Finally freed, Zyro activated the armor exoskeleton to full power. Dashing towards the door with augmented speed.

The demon paid him no mind as he grabbed the bed blanket to extinguish his burning front.

Perhaps if could see through the flame or had a nose, he would have smelled the expired drugs rotten stench, that drenched the fabric.

Instead of resolving his predicament, the fire rapidly spread. Crawling through the bed.

Despite being tricked, the demon just stand there for a moment, motionless. Indifferent to the flame burning his upper body.

Standing like a statue with his four arm hang down. The demonic knight look more menacing than ever. Like a knight from hell, with blazing head.

It was unknown if his suppressing his anger or thinking.


Running in the dark corridor outside, Zyro suppress himself from letting out a wicked laugh.

'Burn more you bastard!'

Zyro had a retractable blade on his right forearmed guard. While a airgun on the left with two spare bullets, which he used one.

When he entered the Gricks circular castle, he knew he had two enemies. The Gricks and the four-armed armored knight who can conceal himself.

Thus, Zyro made use of the two capsule of expired drugs. Originally, it effects numbed pain and altered the users brain to became fearless, confident and focus. Similar to drunk state. So It contain high amount of alcohol and some other chemicals. Sadly, it had long expired, reduce to a slimy rotten substance. Still, it's alcohol flammable side remain.

One of the capsule was use to fill the airgun barrel. Sealed by candle wax to spray out when fired to counter the invisible demon in close-ranged combat.

As for scaping the Gricks stronghold, Zyro wasn't too worried because of his armor.

The Cybernetic light suit his wearing specialized in stealth. Hence, the silent airgun and retractable dagger. Specially the soundless boots it possess, even if Zyro run through marble floor. The special foam under his boats won't produce sounds. Furthermore, it had night vision feature.

Furthermore, for some reason. The structure lightings were off. As if the power source was cut off, drowning the Gricks castle in darkness. Zyro didn't ponder why, as long as it benefited him.

Traversing through the dark corridors, dimly illuminated by azure moonlight radiance entering through windows and bouncing on the walls. Zyro's dark figure run in full speed, getting as far away as fast as he could from where their battle occurred.

He had drenched the room's bed as countermeasures if the four-armed demon came instead of the owner. Knowing full well the commotion it'll bring.

And now, that room is burning. Screaming for attention.

Thankfully, it seemed the four-armed demon had clear this are of patrolling seekers. For no one to interfere their earlier confrontation. Unfortunately for him, he failed and his efforts were wasted.

As Zyro navigated through the twist and turns of the dark corridors, he had come across patrolling seekers running towards the burning room direction. When this happens, Zyro will hide behind random rooms by breaking their ancient lock. Waiting them to pass before proceeding. At times, he'll just hide in cement pillars, blending in the dark or using random items he finds to create distractions.

It's easier said than done though.

It takes instinct, good judgement, superior intellect, and tons of experience.

Which Zyro have despite his young age.

Qualifications to be part of humanities grand, galactic expedition aren't just given. One had to pass hellish trials... Merciless trials to create not just a astronaut or soldier. But monsters.

Zyro was one of those monsters.

If he had a choice, Zyro would never want to go there. But the only choice he had was death or succeed.

Nevertheless, it was all in the past. Who knows how much time had past? Hundreds, or maybe thousands of years. Zyro didn't know.

But if there's something his dying to know though. Is that, where is it?

Hiding beside a pillar with his back against the wall as he waited three seekers to pass the path his heading.

A notification resounded inside the helmet.

[Main battery had reach 0%]

[Switching to emergency power]

Zyro gritted his teeth.

'This is bad'

His been using his exoskeleton full power to leave the area quickly due to the burning room. In cost of his suit draining.

Although there's emergency reserve, it won't last long. And when all charge run out...

Zyro sighed, refusing to think about it and decrease the energy output to save what little charge left.

At that moment, his fear came true. Perhaps it's misfortune, but Zyro didn't care about the crap.

A foreign shout was heard behind him.

Zyro didn't even turn back to look for he knew they won't shout for no reason... He was sighted.

He dashed forward without hesitation, already expecting this situation to occured. Despite all his expertise and gear for stealth. He remain human through and thought. Without inhumane senses or multiple eyes. His bound to make mistakes.

Zyro sprinted in full speed, hearing distant voices behind. Fortunately, the Gricks Circular castle was enormous in size. With complicated internals, which Zyro use to his advantage. Added, the Gricks chasing him seems slow on their foot.

That's to be expected, why would they run if they have wings to fly. However, it became their flaw, weakening their legs. Still, their wings remain but the corridors width aren't meant for flying.

Maybe it's to banned flying inside the castle internals.

After sometime, he've made some distance, almost losing them.

However, Zyro never felt the slightest joy. For he knew a heart-breaking news is about to come.

And it did.

[Power off]

As if gravity intensified, his body became heavy allover. As a pressing pressure assaulted him from above. His soundless steps slowed, demanding force from his muscles.

Now, with exoskeleton dead. He'll be bearing it full weight. Although, technological advancement reduce cyber suits mass to limit. Zyro's dead armor still amount to 25 kilo, equal to half sack of rise. What's worse, the bless of night vision is gone.

Just as his luck got worse, his path finally collide with someone. A door suddenly open Infront where he was running toward, his eyes darted left and right to search for turns. But there was none, it's a straight one way corridor with line of doors. Breaking a lock without augmentation of exoskeleton will take to long.

As the dark wooden door open out, Zyro's frenzied mind suddenly calm down at the sight of the opener.

A girl in a black nightgown with pale skin appeared before his eyes, her silky hair painted in blood red, that seemed to luster the moon's light even though dark. Her crimson eyes glow with pure innocence that make anyone want to protect her and keep her all to themselves. She's like beautiful red spirit lost in a dark ruin, waiting for a prince to save her and be showered with love and care that she rightfully deserve.

However, zyro was no prince.

Instead of thinking "beautiful" the first thing his mind thought of was "Information and opportunity" as he manually release the silver sword with a hidden button. And without hesitation, pointed it at the girl neck. In just a second without giving the beauty a chance to react, a silver point was steadily touching her soft pristine neck. Ready to pierce a hole anytime, while the girl stare at him with puppy eyes, as if she was bullied by someone and in need of comfort.

"Where's the evacuating airships" He said coldly, with a demanding tone like that of a general to his soldier.

Right now, Zyro's desire to survive swallowed everything unnecessary. The little time and strength he have left barely gave him a chance of survival, let alone, leave this place.

However, there's the language issue. But chances aren't Zero. The girls seem to be a noble, surely she's knowledgeable enough to know the language he've spoken. Like his neighbor.

After a brief silence, the girl eyes turn lucid, aware of her position and reply in his language.

"Go straight ahead, turn to the right and you'll see a stair. Go up, and head straight, there's a large opening to the side. Head there and you'll see the royal ships parked." Her voice was that of an angel guiding a soul to heaven, calm and warming.

As the girl speak, zyro observe her expression with stolid heart. He saw confidence with a mix of confusion and a bit of fear. When he put his attention in the girl lips, he can't help but notice two sharp fangs. It strangely added to her charm, making one want to be bitten by her.

"Repeat" He Ordered like a expert criminal demanding millions in exchange for his hostage.

"Go straight....." The beauty was startled for a moment, before quickly repeating her words.

In Zyro's knowledge, an instant made-up lie is easy to forget. Due to the maker not fully understanding what they're saying, so zyro made her repeat herself. Making sure that she fully understand the routes she's pointing, while he confirm the confidence in her words.

He doesn't have the luxury of time to consider other methods to extract more reliable answer. Like it or not, he have no choice but to hope it's true.

After reducing the possibility of her lying, zyro quickly pull her and strike the back of her neck with his elbow. Knocking the girl unconscious before sending her back into the room, close the door and run forward.

The interrogation only lasted for one minute, but he could already hear the company's coming.