
(HIATUS)Heavenly God's Extreme Pampering: Wife, Lets Get Married!

SILVER TIER WINNER OF WPC #155 [MATURE CONTENT ALERT] Excerpt- "It doesn't fit, dear try harder," Wang Lily said to her hubby. “Don’t worry, I know the size is right, it’ll fit my dear waifu” her husband assured her. Suddenly she screamed from pain, “Ouch! Stupid what you are doing, it hurts!" Her hubby tried appeasing her, “Haishh! How can this be, I know every inch of your body, my dear." The words said by her hubby made her feel hot. However, the next words of his made her whack his head. and she did hit him. "Maybe it is due to pregnancy your feet have become swollen." "Ouch! Ouch! Dear, why are you hitting me?" asked her husband making pitiful, puppy faces in front of her. "You are going to sleep outside tonight, how dare you call me fat!" Wang Lily angrily shouted and kicked her husband outside, successfully. "It was all your fault that I'm like this." “Dear, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it. Please listen to me at least.” her husband keep begging while banging the door. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It is said, "When two people are meant for each other, no time is too long, no distance is too far, no one can ever tear them apart." Wang Lily started her new life. She only remembered the way she died. But her will to live and the promise of the man, whom she can't remember helped her move forward with her life. With help of a cute little pet she slapped two faced bitches, her fiance and shut the mouth of people who were ridiculing her as an Ugly Trash. Countless beast started trembling in front of cute pet and heaven defying skills of her made the whole world kneel before her. With help of her black furnance, she can make rarest of rare medicines,pills or even poisons and beat shit out of the Great Alchemists. He, had lost her again last time. But this time he is fully prepared to make her his bride. He vowed to love, protect, and pamper her and have their revenge on all people who killed his beloved and separated them. Join the journey of our OP FL, how she starts her new life,, overcomes all the obstacles, kicks some asses, and stands at the top of the world with her beloved. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Author's Note: This is a sweet fluffy romance with cultivation, revenge, faceslaps. I'm new to writing so please provide the story reviews, feedback, comments if any. I'm open to all your suggestions. Contact: Insta: Akku_Nidz Discord: Akku_Nidz#2754

Akku_Nidz · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

I Died but Who Am I?

It is raining heavily. A man with a face that can astound anyone is sitting with his eyes closed in a cave at the top of the mountain.

A bolt of lightning struck on a residence, which gave a glimpse of a Phoenix, compelling the man in the cave to open his eyes. He smiled beautifully and whispered," Finally my dear we can be reunited again."

In the residence where lightning was struck; a girl is moaning on the bed in pain. The person who was looking after the girl gets anxious due to the sudden change in her condition, however, suddenly the girl opens her eyes and slowly tries assessing the situation she was in.

The girl tried to sit on the bed and her helper gave her a hand and then bombarded the girl with a series of her questions, "Miss, how you are feeling? Are you having any pain? Why suddenly did you start moaning? Shall I get you a physician?

The girl on the bed, with clueless expression all over her face, hesitantly asked, "Who am I? Where am I?"

These naive questions left the helper stunned and after a few minutes, she started muttering to herself and then crying, "What will I do now? My miss does not remember this lowly being? She does not remember who she is? What will happen to us now?..."

The girl on the bed interrupted her and said, "Please stop crying, you are so loud that it is hurting my head."

The helper hearing this stopped crying and blinked her large eyes towards her miss and asked hesitantly, "Miss do you not remember anything."

The girl on the bed thought the girl who is calling her Miss to be cute; however, she is also under a lot of turmoil of not being able to remember who and where she is?

She tries to recall her memories, but the more she tried the more her head hurt, and then due to intense pain she finally passed out.

The helper panicked after seeing her unconscious again and tried to wake her up, but someone entered the room with warm water and said to the helper, "Do not disturb the sleep of Miss. She has not healed from the injuries and needs to rest. Let's go, let her sleep peacefully."

When both girls left the room the girl on the bed opened her eyes again, however, now her eyes held some sharpness that was not there when she first woke up. She slowly tried to remember who she was, what happened to her, and where the hell is, she?

After trying to remember too hard, all she was able to recall was this that, 'A group of people cornered her and burned her alive, while they were saying you should not be alive your soul shall have to perish...'

However, she can't remember much of it and she even can't remember the faces of those bastards who were burning her alive. She is exceedingly angry now and vowed to take her revenge on those bastards.

After remembering those fragments, she was certain that after she died her soul has come to this body because her body frame does not look small in those fragments of her memory.

She asked herself, "Did I reincarnate like what happens in novels? However, what is a novel? Gosh! Now I feel like a shit I can't remember anything other than my death and should not I receive the memory of the body I am possessing. Now I don't know should I thank God for making me return to life again or show him my middle finger that I can't remember a shit."

She sighted again sorrowfully," How am I supposed to know the name of this body? It would be great if it were like my old life name, how beautiful that name was Wang Lily, but wait! How I know this name didn't I loose my memories."

"Ahh! Now I think it may be my instinct. Maybe I can remember slowly and adjust to this new life that God has given me."

"But where I am?"

"The girl who was calling me Miss, makes it seem like I'm someone rich or else why would she address me like that and her dress was somewhat conservative and mine is also like this."

"But looking at this room, it seems like I'm in some kind of room where animals would even not like to stay. Such a squalid and gloomy place."

"This looks like some ancient era?"

"Ahhh! Let's stop thinking about all of this for now or my head will burst out and I will not be alive to see tomorrow's sun."

"Well let's sleep and from tomorrow I will begin my new life in this new environment."

"Good night! Wang Lily and cheers to my new life."

The girl fell asleep fast the moment her head touched the pillow. However, after few hours she profusely started sweating and some scenes were started playing in her dreams – She is running at full speed with fear and anxiety written all over her face because she can avoid those people chasing her only until her energy is not depleted. Her wish was only to see him last time but it will not be fulfilled she knows this but still, the heart wants what it wants, even though it would be impossible, she thought. In the end, those people surrounded her, they were saying something but she can't understand it or she didn't want to. Those evil group of people then set fire to her body and started to leave the place and however before anyone left from there, she started screaming at the top of her lungs, "what crime did I commit to you all to be burned alive like this."

She started shouting with hatred toward them," Mark my words, let my soul perish or else I will become a ghost and haunt you all and your families to the eternity hahaha hahaha do not forget, do not forget...."She slowly started losing her consciousness, however, a blurry figure was seen running toward her but stopped by those evil people no not people they are worse than people. That figure was struggling to get close to her and embrace her burning body. Suddenly a power burst from that figure and all people who were holding that person were thrown miles away.

The person ran toward his dear woman who was on the door of death and held her burning body. The fire has damaged her whole body. She knew she can't be saved but still, there was a feeling of happiness in her heart that he came even though she cannot see him but still listen to him.

He was crying while whispering to her, "Don't worry my dear we will be reunited again and this time...…" Suddenly the woman in his arms went limp indicating she died, however, that person trembling while holding her didn't stop whispering, "Don't worry dear we will be reunited again and this time I will wait for you, pamper you, love you again and no one in the world will be able to harm you again."

The girl on the bed opened her eyes suddenly and touched the corner of her eyes, they were damped with tears and the same was with her pillow. She sits up on her bed and started reminiscing about her dream and the person who held the woman's body no not the woman body it should be her body because the dreams coincide with her memories but who was that person, why can't she remember him.

She tried remembering the face and voice of that person who held her body tenderly, but she felt a splitting headache, which led her to make low whimpering. While she is in pain with that damn headache the helper came with the bowl of water and said, "Miss, please wash up and have breakfast."

However, upon seeing her miss in pain she left the bowl on the table and hurriedly went toward her and asked," Miss are you okay? Is your head is still hurting? Please don't scare Ah Hua more."

Listening to the rambling of the girl who called herself Ah Hua, Wang Lily stared at the girl and her brain worked quickly,' First I think this girl called herself Ah Hua now how should I ask her to tell me my name, who am I and where is this place?'

After pondering for while she asked her, "Ah Hua, right?"

Ah Hua immediately answered, "Yes, Miss I'm Ah Hua your maid who is with you from the day of your birth." Then, asked her excitedly, "Miss do you remember everything?"

On that, she answered, "no", which made Ah Hua face filled with worry and anxiety.

After pondering for some time, she asked her maid, "Ah Hua, listens carefully, when I hit my head my memories became somewhat hazy that has made me unable to remember anything so will you please help me for now till my memories are recovered."

To this Ah Hua promptly answered, "Miss, Ah Hua is always on your side."

The girl asked her maid carefully in a low voice," What's my name, and who am I?"

Ah Hua answered her, "Miss, your name is Wang Lily..."

Listening to this name Wang Lily interrupted her maid, "Woah, did you say Wang Lily?"

Ah Hua said, "Yes."

Wang Lily became excited and, in her mind, there were several thoughts, 'Woah can you believe it I have the same name as my previous self, I'm so happy now I don't need to worry about getting used to another name, yeah.'

Her thoughts were interrupted by Ah Hua," Miss should I continue or is there any problem, did you remember anything."

In Ah Hua mind seeing Miss changing her faces from sad to be depressed to be excited when she told her the name was amusing because she became a gloomy person after the death of Madam now, looks like I must thank God for having her injured her head because now, she must have also forgotten all painful memories that she experienced since the death of her birth mother.

Wang Lily said suddenly," Hello! Ah Hua where's your mind is? By interrupting my thoughts now, you started thinking about something."

Ah Hua answered," it's nothing should I continue?"

Wang Lily said," Yes continue." However, the stomach of Wang Lily made loud growl noise interrupting them that Ah Hua said, "Miss let me bring you breakfast because you haven't eaten for days."

Wang Lily answered while being embarrassed," Yes, breakfast sounds nice."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Hello! Readers Akku_Nidz(AUTHOR) is here.

This is my first novel so please ignore the grammatical mistakes. I will try to minimize my faults but still, I'm not a pro when it comes to writing so please bear with me.

I'm open to all suggestions, feedback, and criticism.

Please vote and comment.

I'm submitting this novel for WPC #155 FL: New beginning.

Hope you all like it!

Akku_Nidzcreators' thoughts