
(HAITUS)New Soveregin Emergence

Athena a girl from the town ,Hexer, who has pure brutal strength and wants to control all five legions. Kami is a villager from the far north. He is apart of the sacred clan Izanagi, they are known as kind hearted and the purest people of the celestial world. Does Kami achieve his dream or will it perish into thin air. Will the two clash or join forces ??? When will they reach their maximum potential ??? Who will they meet along the way ??? Empires will be built and will perish in a blink of an eye. Who will come out alive and carry the next generation to the top. Where are the heroes of society. Is it the revolutionaries ??? Perhaps the wild hunt ??? Or is it the other legion’s ??? Maybe the infamous guilds of the western world that will take charge and rule the 7 dimensions ??? Find out more......

TheProfessor · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs

Chapter Fourteen: Patrol With Kai and Lin

Athena stared at Yi Zhong "i am with the wild hunt". Athena says in a ever so proud manner

Yi Zhong looked at Athena with a furrowed brow. " the wild hunt, hmmmmm" Yi Zhong said with mirth in his eyes, Yi Zhong began swinging his staff and then strikes Athena. She closes her eyes and felt a large gust of wind caressing her face. Suddenly she felt her arms and legs lossining up, Athena then slowly starts to open her eyes to see she is no longer subdued by the ropes. She quickly looks around for Yi however couldn't find a trace of him nor of the prisoners, she chuckles and began to wonder how he got out so quickly with all those prisoners Athena picks up her carbon black katana and walks out the mine shaft.

She was extremely disappointed in her strength and how she got beaten and taken by mere goblins. She knew that she can't just rely on Lilith and she needed to just keep getting stronger both physically and mentally.

Meanwhile, Klaus was attempting to gather his thoughts on the situation that had just occurred. He had decided to dismiss everything until he can clear things with his captain, Zeref. Klaus began making his way towards Athena.

"Hey Klaus we just finished the mission so, um now what" asked Athena.

"Make your way to the nearest village north from here. It should take around one hour on foot, I expect you there in thirty minutes. You better be there or else you will face a fate so terrible….. Well let's not go there. I have some business to attend to with a certain someone now fuck off and bother some one else. Said Klaus in a petrifying tone".

Athena started running through the forest, huffing and puffing she bursted out laughing as she began to reminisce her seven month training, In the forest of her hometown, Hexer, with her crazy master. She had to endure so much and ran almost ten times the amount she is running at this current moment in time. To Athena this was nothing in comparison to the amount she did whilst training in the forest. Within fifteen minutes she had reached the destination Klaus ordered her to get to.

Upon her arrival she felt an ominous force approaching the village but shrugged of the situation as mere coincidence or even Klaus approaching the village, and therefore had decided to buy something to eat as she was famished and parched due to the simple factoid she had nothing to eat or drink since her departure for her mission. She went inside a small restaurant and began ordering her food. She decided to order miso ramen alongside rice balls. She enjoyed her meal and felt so relieved and was back to one hundred percent suddenly she felt the baleful force once more she inhales and exhales and grabs tightly her Katana's grip.she slowly leaves the restaurant after paying what was due. As she left the restaurant she began looking around for the threatening force, at this very moment she bumps into a tall muscular, white haired man with black ominous eyes, and a large white lab coat that was taller than Athena herself. Athena could feel his blood lust as they both lock eyes for millisecond and then.........


Meanwhile in the crazed oni's barracks both Kai and Lin Qui had been tirelessly training with Rosalena. Huffing and puffing day in and day out honing their skills to reach their maximum potential. One day Rosalena decided to send Kai and Lin Qui out on patrol.

"KAI, LIN GET YOUR SORRY ASSES OVER HERE NOW" declares Rosalena captain of the crazed oni's, the two ran towards Rosalena and bowed their heads " Reporting for duty ma'am" both Kai and Lin Qui say in synchronicity.

"You both are on patrol, go out on the city and make sure no illegal activities occur on your watch. Dont disappoint me, you fucking brats also do not and i repeate myself do not use your Alchemy or any sort of power only use your brawn and brain got it."


Both Kai and Lin Qui both make their way to the nearest city. On their way there they have to cross a large snowy mountain. They both look up at the mountain and take a deep breath. They both begin their climb. Eventually they both reached a cave within the mountain they both took camp there and started a fire. they both sat there and waited for a few moments to regain some of their strength and stamina. Suddenly a large rumble occurred " an avalanche will take place in at any moment, we have to move out this instant" Kai said in a concerned manner they both quickly packed up their equipment and began climbing up the mountain at an extraordinary pace.

After only a few hours they passed the mountain and both saw the wondrous and glamorous city of the Ghul dynasty, Ashshore. They both entered the city, eyes wondering looking at the modern street life art and neon lights swallowed the city and large swarms of crowds never in their life have they seen this many people in one place buildings reached the skies and there was every type of food within the city. The two began searching for crime within the alleyways of Ashshore from alleyway to another alley way they negan clearing out drug dealers and criminals. After many hours they arrested and beat up over one hundred and fifty criminals. They both smiled and walked back towards their barracks. Before they even leave the city a man with a newsboy cap punches Kai and began choking Lin Qui. "pathetic the crazed oni's cant even take me on Roselena should be dissapointed in this new generation." he lets go of Lin and looks at Kai

"Both of you come at me" said the strange man. For a moment Kai was going to use his Lightning style but he heard the echoes of Rosalena which shocked him to his very core. Kai instantly leaps up into the air and attempts to punch the man, whilst Lin Qui runs behind the man bear hugs the man. The man chuckles and kicks Kai towards the mountain, and falls backwards, which squashed Lin Qui like a mere insect he quickly got up and grabs Lin's hair and thrust him towards the forest as well. The man then launches of the ground and instantly with pinpoint accuracy lands another punch on Kai he then repeatedly kicks and punches Kai, after finishing with Kai who was left lifeless. He decides to make his way towards Lin Qui, and starts smashing Lin's head on the floor rendering him unconscious. he then picks up both corpses and walks away to a small hut in the midst of the mountain