
(Haitus) Blood Of the New Moon

Sick of seeing these cheesy low breed werewolves disgracing the monsters he admires, when Christian got the chance he took a bite out of their lives

Master_Livythan · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
26 Chs

Game Changing

Groaning, Christian sat up and started stretching, hearing various clicks and pops as a result. Opening his eyes he started looking around at what he believed was his mindscape but froze as he took in the several differences

When Christian first got his mindscape it looked just like an endless plain, with nothing but W'Christian in it unless he imagined something there and it would never last more than a day before it disappeared

But now he found himself in the middle of a giant forest with trees towering above him, at least that was his perspective from the floor. Standing and dusting himself, he finally noticed that he was clothed which is also something new, since he's always naked when he enters

' where are you '

[ by our lake ] raising his eyebrows at the response he heard he focused his senses and heard the sound of running water in the distance and took off in that direction, relishing the breeze on his face as he shot through the forest....wait breeze?

Dead stopping suddenly while also forgetting about his momentum as he slid and hit into several trees before he finally stopped, shaking off the debris he grabbed on the tree that stopped him and started climbing it's trunk and as he climbed he noted he was at least 80 m off the ground and he was only half way up and as he looked around he noticed this was one of the smaller trees

Reaching the crown of the tree, he stood up and admired the view as he listen to the leaves rustling in the wind before he felt sunlight shine through the leaves and touched his face

" what the fuck happened "


Staring at my reflection in lake's surface I took in the differences that happened to my body as well, I grew 2 inches now standing at 6'6, I didn't notice before but I must weigh at least 500 pounds at the moment but it's all been condensed so I only look slightly buffer than before

My previous silver hair has regained it's black color but it still has several silver streaks but it's gonna be a pain in the ass since it's now several feet long

' even after that she still has a mark on me ' I laughed mockingly as I held the silver locks

[ well at least she left us with a great benefit ] I heard a voice behind me and turned around to see a massive black wolf laying on a rock behind me

' and what would that be ' I asked while taking in his changes as well before I laughed when I saw the silver streak going down his spine

[ tch...for starters our mindscape is no longer a mindscape, it's now a small world 20*20km to be exact ] I nodded my head at his words just proved my earlier thoughts from the time I could actually feel the wind on my face since wind didn't even exist in here before, sometimes I wondered how we breathed

' but that doesn't make any sense unless.... ' I pondered before I looked to my chest and looked at the scar from the wound she gave me which far some reason wouldn't heal making me click my tongue in annoyance when I heard his sarcastic reply

[ ding ding ding, you're correct it's her lifeforce. Unless you were a cultivation protagonist, the amount of vitality contained in her blood would have blown us to dust, but it escaped our body and gave birth to this world that was our mindscape ] he looked at me in disdain while seeming to conveniently forget it was his fucking idea in the first place, shaking my head at how thick his skin was

I couldn't help but cringe while trying to picture how strong she actually is for her blood to be able to give life to a new world before a grin found itself unto my face

' you're still going to die anyway '

[ so we can now house people here, etc. On another note the biggest benefit of that entire mess would be our bodies. Previously, it didn't make a difference if we were in our human form or our wolf form, other than our instincts or aggression our strength was the same but now they have multipliers. At the moment I'm not sure if it was just her blood or if it was his flame that purified us, we need to remember to thank him before we rip him apart ] I couldn't help but grin in excitement as I heard what he said as I waited for him to continue

[ in our human form, our strength would be about 5 tons and our top speed would be 70 m/s. Now our wolf form gives us a *2 multiplier on strength and a *6 on speed, while our werewolf from is *4 and *3 so it's a more balanced form, each has their own uses ]

Raising my eyebrow at his words, I started pondering about our werewolf form as I've never tried it other than the teen wolf knock off one

[ now that that's out of the way, what are you going to do next ? Our strength before any of this shit had already outclassed anything in this world not to mention our current strength ] I heard him ask while staring directly at me

I stopped and actually thought to myself, what do I want? unless there's now some hidden entity never shown in the show like a dragon or some shit nothing here is a threat, the closest thing would be the nemeton or any thing like that and they have no physical power, several thoughts flashed in my mind before the show came to mind and I turned towards myself

" I want a war " I said as my eyes glowed brightly


sorry I'm late

question what do you guys want see? like I have couple ideas in mind but like I'm curious about you guys thoughts

Like should we groom Scott into a decent fight for his pack members

Should we go to war with the entire world

comment down below

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Master_Livythancreators' thoughts