
(Dropped) Welcome To Tower Academy

(Series is paused) worlds, 13 different major races, 1 tower that resets every hundred years. But before one climb the tower, they must attend the Tower Academy. Tower and academies, the author sure is bold to use 2 different genres for one novel, well I'm the protagonist, Perseus Silver, so follow my life journey throughout this fictional story where 4th walls are broken and where I journey my way to conquer this tower and academy with my lovely female lead. And besides, apparently there are mythological figures who are actually real, man, this stuff sucks, but it's too late for regrets. So action, adventure, romance, comedy...I'm sure the author was lazy to write different novels so he just wrote all the genres into one...that dumb idiot better make me look good. P.S. Yes, there will be romance, but I can assure you that the mc will have no harem despite his wishes. Disclaimer: No copyright infringement is intended, I do not own the cover nor any rights to it, if the owner wants it removed, please contact me.

PerseusSilver · แฟนตาซี
183 Chs

Chapter 148: Last legs

Cordelia POV

The guy we're fighting is on his last legs, but his stamina and amount of mana is beyond impressive, but as expected from a nature spirit I guess, how is he not in our A class, he's holding us off very well.

His affinity is fire and I have an affinity with mostly ice and water, his complete opposite, but he's going over his limit to make his flames so high in temperature that my spells like evaporated the moment they get within a certain range. I think the reason why he isn't in the A class is because he's a bit older than most of the current students, so if he was at our age, his talent would be inferior, that's why he's not in the A class.

"I got an idea, first make the wind loud so he can't hear us." Acacia obliged and I whispered her my plans.

"Alright." she nodded and back away to charge up mana.

She's properly healed to almost perfect condition, we can play the long game and wait till our opponent to tire out and win, but that will give them a high morale see that it's possible, the longer this goes, the harder it is for our class in the next rounds.

I then channel up most of my mana to shoot this ice beam in their direction, but this time, I didn't want to pierce through his defenses, so I shoot a weak one, it created a lot of fog and make this makeshift smoke screen, with Acacia's wind , she blew it to his side of the field and blocked his vision. She then used the wind to boost her jump to stand on top of the pillar and she then channeled mana into her fist up there.

Once the smoke cleared, our opponent can no longer see Acacia, he kept pushing her back earlier with his spells and the heat he generated from his spell, making it so that if we approached and got in a certain range, we would have passed out from dehydration.

But as he realized I got the smokescreen on, he had to temporarily lowered his defenses and pull away his spells a bit, he then looked up once he sensed the amount of mana being generated on top of it, he can't see her since the pillar is wide enough to cover her body while he's standing on the ground.

As he turned, I charged in to keep him occupied, I shot a higher quality ice ball to the back of his head, he sensed that and got back to keeping me away with one hand as his other hand generated mana to shoot up there, but he can't cast fast enough as Acacia sent down a spell that split the pillar into 2 and broke the pillar giving us the win.

"Damn it." he cursed

"At least you can get third place if your class lost in the semi finals." Acacia taunted him once she landed back on the ground

"Well same can be said to you." he replied as he then left the area

That was too close for my own good, well the extra years of experience seemed to do his some good.


Perseus POV

"Whew, almost lost my money there."

"You sure are one interesting specimen, you know." Valentina commented

Her tone of speech has been getting more casual by the day she's attending this thing, it's not a good thing if she talks like this when she talk with her own people and stuff, but at this point, she's just gonna get infected by me and start swearing every sentence, I've been holding back this year fortunately.

Why? To make a good impression to everyone of course, once the public is used to me, I'll start slowly talking like my normal self again, well I'll try to improve since amongst the rankers, especially during the meeting, I got a reputation of having a mouth of a sailor.

Valentina excused herself to go get herself some snacks even though we convinced her not to do it herself and just let someone do it for her, but in the end, me and my sister accompany her to this buffet snack room.

As we got there, she took a plate and walked around while making small conversations.

"The SSS ranked chokuto you requested might take a while to find, even the king of the faeries are having a hard time acquiring an appropriate material." Valentina said

"You can always melt some of your national treasures." I joked

"Hah, funny, makes me want to kiss you." she grumbled as we then walked back

"I've never felt more of a third wheel till now." Diana complained

"Why you want him to flirt with you too?" Valentina asked "He do this with every beautiful woman he's with, you fit the minimum standard."

"I'm not that much of a playboy, sheesh, anyway, Diana, you sensed it too, right?"

I then used magic to created this small bubble around us to make sure no one can hear us.

"Yeah, I can feel the presence of that red jade, a lot of them." Diana answered "but not just that, a god, I can feel the presence of one."

"By this god, is this your so called admins or the true ones?" Valentina asked

"The true one." Diana answered "What do they even want for them to come here right now, this tournament was created in the first place allegedly to entertain the 13 admins who are to access who can be the next named, though the purpose is to mostly entertain the true gods, they are never down here in person though."

"Why not?" Valentina questioned as we headed back "Why do they not want to come in person to experience the atmosphere?"

"They feel inferior if they were to be seated with beings they deem as inferiors." I answered "Even some gods do that to their own children, it's like ours but worse, and due to how fast information can spread, some gods want to protect their status and so they do not come to watch this in person, so having a god here right now usually is bad news."