
Chaos in the village(corrected)

The reason for everyone's shock was not because a level 4 was dead, they were surprised that even with that level of strength, the killer was able to kill him without giving the man a chance to fight back.

"Bors let me confirm something, have you moved anything in this room?" - Finn asked seriously.


"The fact that the room has no damage, means only one thing ..."

"The killer is level 5 or higher." - Concluded Aiz.

"Exactly. From the body, I can see that his neck is broken. After killing the man, the killer approached this bag that seemed to contain something. " -Said Finn, pointing to the broken bag nearby.

"Surely the killer was looking for something, and when she saw that the man didn't have it, she must have vented on the corpse. This is my hypothesis. " -Concluded Finn looking at the others.

"Well you say this but you could be the suspects too... ha-ha I'm kidding, you don't need to look at me like that Tione." -Feeling Tione's icy gaze, Bors wasn't brave enough to keep talking.

"You know we wouldn't do something like that. Anyway, it is better to close the city "-Said Finn as he got up.

"Don't you think the killer would have left by now?" -Asked Mark.

"Assuming she didn't find what she was looking for, she'll still be around. My intuition tells me. " - He said rubbing his thumb.

Hearing what he said, Mark looked at him strangely. The fact that he is basing his decision simply on intuition seemed stupid to him.

"Are you confused, Mark?" Riveria asked him seeing Mark's strange look.

"I can understand you since you have recently joined the Familia, but trust me. Finn's intuition has helped countless times, Loki says his intuition surpasses even that of the gods. " She said.

Looking at her, Mark could see the trust in her eyes.

After various preparations, they managed to gather all the people in the square where they would carry out the check.

"That was fast." -Riveria commented.

"Well, I said whoever wouldn't come, would be exiled. Now all that remains is to find the high-level adventurer. " -Said Bors simply.

"Haaa we have to control all these people." -Said Tiona wearily.

While the others were arguing, Mark and Finn were the only ones who wore a thoughtful expression.

"The situation is strange" (x2)

Looking surprised at each other. Finn was curious about Mark's doubt and asked him. - "What do you mean by strange?"

"If your hypothesis is true and that the killer is still here, the situation is obviously strange. Even knowing that the strongest members of the Loki Familia are here, no one tried to escape and they just gathered here. " - Mark spoke as he reflected.

"Where do you want to go with this." - Riveria asked confusedly.

Turning his head to Finn who seemed to have already understood, Mark continued.

"We assumed that the adventurer is at most at level 6 and it doesn't take a genius to understand that a level 6, against all of you, would have no escape."

Realizing where he wanted to go, Riveria exclaimed. - "It is impossible that the killer does not know, so it means ..."

"It means that the killer is sure we won't find out." - Finn said seriously.

As they argued, Mark checked the size of the aura of various people, but his eyes began to hurt to see all of these people's auras.

'Damn, my eyes are burning. Why can't I find her yet? She should be at least at level 6 '- He thought irritably, as he closed his eyes to rest them for a moment.

Trying to relax, he couldn't do it after the antics of Bors who yelled at the girls to undress, since the killer was assumed to be a woman. Of course, the female members of the Loki Familia would be in charge of control, but the female adventurers were interested in another.

"Hey, Finn why don't you search me?" "No, me first!" "You can check every inch of my body."

Seeing for the first time how Finn was struggling, Mark was about to laugh but stopped as soon as he felt the chill radiating from Tione.

"The captain can only touch me!" She screamed furiously as she threw the women away.

Seeing that it was impossible to calm his eyes there, Mark decided to go to a quieter place, where he could have another perspective.

--- POV Aiz ---

"Haaa Tione is only making the situation worse" -Lefiya told me wearily, as she stood next to me and I couldn't help but agree with her.

While I was checking the various people, I happened to look at the stairs, which lead to the upper part of the village. There I could see a frightened Chienthrope girl holding a package and the moment she realized I was looking at her she ran away.

'It could be!' - Seeing she was running away, I called Lefiya.

"Lefiya let's go!" -After calling her, I started running at full strength.

"AH! yes!" -Replied Lefiya, who still did not understand what was happening.

As I ran after her I could see that she was very fast, which was why I came up with an idea.

"Lefiya, I'll go around and take her to the other side. You keep chasing her.

"'Inhale' ok" -She answered with difficulty, as she ran.

Seeing that the plan was in place, I ran around the hill, where the steps were and the moment the girl was distracted by Lefiya, I jumped in front of her.

"EH!" - Realizing that the girl had no way out, she sat on the ground.

"Great job Aiz, should we take it back to the captain who is in the village?" -Lefiya asked me while looking at the girl.

"No! I beg you, don't take me back, I implore you! " -The girl cried in terror as she knelt on the ground.

Looking at me, Lefiya asked what we should do. - "... let's look for a quiet place to talk."

Upon hearing my words, the girl seemed to calm down and I had a chance to look at her. The girl had black hair, brown eyes, and light brown Chientrope ears on the sides of her head and tail. Walking to the area where the goods were stored, I was ready to ask questions, when I heard a noise from behind the boxes.

I was ready to draw my sword and Lefiya to cast the magic, but when I noticed who it was, I managed to breathe a sigh of relief.

"For a moment I thought it was the killer, what the heck are you doing here?" - Mark said irritably as he sat down holding his eyes.

"We found this girl, acting suspiciously while carrying something. You instead? Your eyes seem to hurt. " -I asked him worried. A level 1 shouldn't go around the 18th floor, especially in this situation.

"My eyes were hurting, so I came here to recover. Moving on to something more serious, why did you bring her here and not to the captain. " - He told me seriously.

"It seems she's afraid of going to the village, that's why I brought her here." -I told him.

Looking at me and then the girl, Mark asked me with a smiling face. - "Aiz, did anyone ever tell you, that you're stupid?"

"Eh?" -I thought I misunderstood.

'He just said that I'm stupid?'

"Didn't you hear me?" -He asked me again with a small smile.

Irritated by his words, I couldn't help but ask. - "Why are you calling me stupid?"

"Simple. First, you find a suspicious person and don't notify anyone. Second, you have not yet taken the object she is holding. Third, I bet you haven't even searched her. " -He siad while counting the various reasons.

"She didn't seem in a state to speak." - I countered.

"It doesn't change the fact that you could have easily knocked her out and brought her to the captain." -He siad as he got up and approached the girl.

"Now you, answer my questions. Ah don't lie, I'm pretty good at seeing if a person lies. " -He said with a small smile.

'I seem to see Finn' - I thought surprised, not seeing Lefiya's cold eyes looking at Mark.

"What's your name?"

"Lulune ..." -She said worriedly.



"Ok, why are you here, and what this package contains." -Asked Mark as he pointed to the package that was on the floor.

"Someone gave me a job, I should have waited for an armored man at the 18th-floor tavern and I should have taken this package for him, but I don't know what's in it! And I'm not the killer! " -Cried the girl.

"I know you are not the killer, you are too weak to defeat a level 4" - Mark simply said.

"Can you tell me about the person who made the request."

"I don't know who he was, he had a cloak on him and something that changed his voice, but since the pay was good I couldn't help but accept hehe" -The girl said foolishly.

"I think that's enough." -Seeming satisfied, Mark took the box and threw it at me, forcing me to take it involuntarily.

"Don't you want to open it." -I asked him strangely. He held the interrogation, so he should be curious.

"Are you telling a level 1 to open a mystery box that a level 5 or higher killer is looking for?" - He told me looking at me as if I were the stupidest person in all the world.

"I do it alone" -I said irritably. I thought only Loki could bother me, but I think she found a contender.

Opening the box, I saw that inside there was a sphere covered by a cloth. I slowly removed the cloth only to see a green sphere with a strange creature inside.

'What is this... Why I feel this strange sensation.' - I thought deeply, and the moment the being, that I thought was dead, looked me in the eye, my conscience momentarily darkened.

"Aiz!" - Seeing me fall, Lefiya took my body. "

How do you feel?" - She asked me worried.

"My head just hurts, don't worry." -I told her to calm her down. Anyway, what was that feeling from before?

"Aiz is better if I carry it, it seems to have a strange effect on you." -Lefiya told me with the stone in her hand.

'It seems that she is not afflicted by it' - Seeing that she did not suffer from any symptoms, I nodded to her proposal.

"Now that we're done here, it's better to come back, I don't think-"


While Mark was talking, there was the sound of the earth breaking apart.

Turning around we could see how plant monsters were born in the village, the same as the one we killed in the city.