
(BL) Adventure in another world with my sorcery encyclopedia

Yu Su, who perished during the apocalyptic era, found himself transported back to a primordial era. Upon arrival, he discovered that he was destitute. His birth mother had passed away, his father suffered from mental disabilities, and his younger brother exhibited signs of autism. The responsibility of survival now rested solely on Yu Su's shoulders. Nevertheless, he considered this life far superior to the apocalyptic era. Armed with determination, resourcefulness, and a mind teeming with extensive knowledge of the Sorcery Encyclopedia, he believed that no obstacle would be insurmountable. In this primordial era, treasures were abundant, waiting to be unearthed! In order to conceal his hidden supernatural abilities, Yu Su resorted to deception and claimed divine revelations. Gradually, he assumed the role of a deceitful deity, a remarkable imposter who captured the gods' attention. Unbeknownst to him, he had unwittingly become the gods' spokesperson in the mortal realm.

MyPen_22 · แฟนตาซี
283 Chs

Chapter 200

The all-around spirit isn't reliable; Yu Su can only try to find answers.

Carefully observing Lu Yan's recent actions, he found him acting strangely, often appearing hesitant but saying nothing.

This is completely unlike Lu Yan's usual personality, and Yu Su finds it odd.


While Yu Su was staring at Lu Yan, Lu Yan accidentally hit the door frame at home again. With his strength, Yu Su could feel the door frame shaking.

Yu Su frowned, walked up to Lu Yan, and looked at him. "What's wrong with you? You've been restless all day. Is there something you can't tell me?"

Their relationship is so close; is there anything he can't share with him?

Yu Su feels a bit inexplicably frustrated and annoyed.

Lu Yan is worried about the rumors outside; now the whole village knows that Yu Su will find out sooner or later. He doesn't want Yu Su to learn about his thoughts from others, so he has been thinking about what kind of opportunity to find to personally express his feelings to Yu Su.

However, he really doesn't have confidence. Will Yu Su distance himself after knowing his thoughts?

All of Lu Yan's anxiety is centered around Yu Su.

Now seeing the grievance in Yu Su's eyes, his heart panics. Ignoring everything else, he opens his mouth and says, "I..."

"Lord Yu Su!" Lu Shan's words are interrupted. He rushes up from below the mountain, looking anxious. "Someone has been bitten by a venomous snake, and the poison is too strong. The Mountain Chief and the others can't handle it!"

Yu Su immediately asked, "Where is the person?"

"In the mountains to the north, near the cliff," replied Yu Shan.

The cliff mentioned by Yu Shan was the steep one to the north of Yu Village, upstream from the river.

To the north of Yu Village, there were high mountains, and the river flowed down from the steep cliffs of the high mountains, rushing out onto the plains.

Due to the steep terrain, it had always been a barrier to the north of Yu Village.

Since connecting to the east bank of the river, villagers occasionally went to the mountains to the north for hunting. However, nothing major had happened until today.

Yu Su hurried there on his sword.

Seeing this, Lu Yan, who had something to say, had to hold back.

He gave a cold glance at Yu Shan, also soared on his sword to follow.

Yu Shan shivered; he knew he had probably interrupted the leader's good deeds. He didn't need to touch his cold neck to realize it.

But, how could he have known it would be so unfortunate.


Yu Su and Lu Yan arrived at the foot of the mountain near the cliff and saw a group of people gathered there.

They descended on their swords and approached.

"Make way, let me see," Yu Su said.

"Lord Yu Su is here, there's hope!" The villagers surrounding the injured person quickly cleared a path.

Yu Su walked to the injured person and found a snake bite on his leg. The wound was black, lips purple, and the breath extremely weak.

He first used spiritual power to protect the person's pulse, then carefully examined the toxins on his body.

Yu Su frowned slightly; the toxicity on this person acted quickly and was very strong. If he had arrived a moment later, the person would have been beyond saving.

"What did the snake that bit him look like?"

"It was a snake about the thickness of a thumb with red patterns on its body. After being shaken off, it escaped, and we couldn't find it."

The villagers couldn't name the snake, as they had never seen such a snake before.

Yu Su could only give the person a detox pill made from the honey of poisonous bees. However, the pill only temporarily suppressed the toxicity and couldn't completely remove it.

The strength of the snake's poison was evident.

Yu Su asked the all-around spirit, "Little Quanzhi, is there information on this type of snake in the database?"

[There are too many small red poisonous snakes, and the information is not detailed enough to determine which one it is. Generally, areas where such snakes appear will have antidotal herbs nearby. Look around, and you should be able to find some.]

Yu Su told the others, "I need to find that snake. Take him back, and everyone else should leave."

The crowd nodded, quickly carrying the injured person down the mountain.

Lu Yan: "Let's split up and search."

Yu Su nodded. After Lu Yan went east, he searched to the west.

Snakes generally prefer damp environments. The only damp area nearby was near the cliff. The snake might be hiding there.

Yu Su opened his spiritual sense, and the all-around spirit used its scanning function.

After searching for more than ten minutes, the all-around spirit suddenly said, "Over there."

It marked a location, and Yu Su took a glance. Holding his breath, he walked towards it.

The snake was quite clever, hiding in a small hole under a rock. The hole was particularly small, with rocks blocking it. It coiled up inside, almost without breathing. Even with spiritual sense scanning, it was hard to detect its presence, only a cheat-like tool like the all-around spirit could find it.

Worried that it might escape, Yu Su approached and directly cut out the portion of land where the snake was hiding with his sword.

Sensing something wrong, the snake tried to escape but was caught in a leather bag by Yu Su. He sealed the bag tightly, and the snake couldn't escape.

While Yu Su was feeling pleased, he didn't notice that as he walked past, the small thorns on the ground had cut a gash on his ankle. Pollen from small yellow flowers nearby fell on his wound, quickly disappearing into it.

[Master, check if there are any detoxifying herbs nearby.]

After the all-around spirit's reminder, Yu Su called Lu Yan back. After searching for a while, they found a plant with small red fruits.

After scanning and verification by the all-around spirit, it was almost certain that this was the detoxifying substance.

Yu Su picked some and returned to the village with Lu Yan.

After feeding the fruits to the bitten person, the poison quickly dissipated.

"Lord Yu Su..." The person, upon waking up and seeing Yu Su, teared up with excitement. He wanted to get out of bed to salute, but Yu Su refused, instructing him to rest.

The people from Shan Yang also breathed a sigh of relief, seeing that Yu Su easily resolved the situation. They felt ashamed of their own medical skills.

"You don't have to blame yourselves. The snake's poison is strong and rare. Without your measures to delay time until I arrived, he wouldn't have been saved."

Yu Su drew a picture of the plant for them. "This is the plant with detoxifying fruits. Have someone guard it, or dig up a few plants to plant. It might be useful in the future."

Shan Yang nodded and immediately sent people to take care of it.

Yu Su then took the snake in the leather bag to the alchemy room. He wanted to study the poison of this snake.

Lu Yan opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but seeing Yu Su busy, he had to keep quiet.

It seemed there was no time to talk today.

Placing the snake in a specially made cage, Yu Su noticed it was quite special. Not only were its patterns exquisite, but there was also a crown-like pattern on its head.

After locking it in the cage, the snake curled up in a corner, watching Yu Su vigilantly.

Looking into its small eyes, Yu Su sensed a bit of intelligence.

"What kind of snake is this?"

[There's no information in the database. Strange, it shouldn't be like this. My database is the most comprehensive on the entire continent.] The all-around spirit doubted life.

Since even the all-around spirit didn't know, Yu Su became more interested in studying it.

Moreover, this little thing seemed to understand human nature. He vaguely felt that this was no ordinary snake.

Yu Su became engrossed in the alchemy room. After a while, he suddenly felt a heat throughout his body.

"Weird, why is it so hot?" Yu Su opened all the windows in the room and took off his outer clothing, but not long after, he still felt hot. It wasn't a simple kind of heat, but a surge of restlessness and an impulse rising from the bottom of his heart.

Feeling something was off, Yu Su was about to carefully examine his body when he heard a knock on the door. Lu Yan was outside, asking, "Can I come in?"

"Come in," Yu Su said.

Lu Yan entered and saw Yu Su taking off his outer clothes.

Although it wasn't summer yet, the weather was getting warmer. Lu Yan didn't think much at first, but when he saw Yu Su's cheeks turning red and his condition not quite right, he realized something was wrong.

"What's wrong with you?"

He thought Yu Su was sick, quickly walked over, and reached out to touch Yu Su's forehead. "Fever?"


The moment his hand touched, Yu Su shivered all over.

Clearly, Lu Yan's palm was warmer than the average person's, but at this moment, Yu Su felt a cool sensation, making him shiver and instinctively follow Lu Yan's palm.

Seeing that Yu Su almost wanted to nestle into his arms, continuously chasing after his hand, Lu Yan was stunned. "What's wrong with you?"

"You feel so comfortable," Yu Su said, looking up. He hugged Lu Yan and rubbed against him.

Lu Yan took a sharp breath, his voice suddenly hoarse, "Yu Su?"

Yu Su made a sound, and when he looked up at him, his eyes were somewhat confused. Both eyes were watery, like there was a water flower blooming in his eyes, making Lu Yan lose his focus for a moment.

In this moment of distraction, Yu Su had already stood up by clinging to him, his hands wrapped around Lu Yan's neck, burying his head in Lu Yan's exposed neck, rubbing continuously.

"The place without clothes is more comfortable," Yu Su sighed. He didn't know what happened, but he just felt that Lu Yan's body was cool and refreshing. More importantly, there was a familiar scent that made him addicted. Thus, he couldn't help but want to breathe more, hugging tighter and rubbing more vigorously.

There was a restlessness surging in his body, but he couldn't find an outlet.

Yu Su, who was initially satisfied by hugging and rubbing against Lu Yan, suddenly became dissatisfied. Nasal passages were filled with discontent murmurs, "Don't wear clothes, I'm uncomfortable."

Yu Su's head buried in Lu Yan's neck, and his hands started pulling Lu Yan's clothes.

Even if Lu Yan was silly, he knew something was wrong with Yu Su's state at this moment. He immediately looked at the snake in the cage, which was staring at them coldly, as if it knew something.

The all-around spirit in Yu Su's mind was also at a loss. Things happened too quickly. When it realized that Yu Su might have been affected, it urgently called out to him in his consciousness.

[Master, wake up, you've been affected. Quickly take the antidote!]