
Answer and and surprise ✖️2

Sorry guys I'm Chang the typing to the old one I find it a little easier for me

Issei: so what's up guys and yes I'm also the author


Today was like every other day Sona kept a eye on me because of the incident with the gang and the weapons (it's funny though) I said if I can play chess with her she said only in lunch time so here I am playing chess with a cold beauty and devil, I walk in to the student council room and great everyone

Issei : Sona I heard your good at chess. I said as I sit in front of the chess bored

Sona : it's president to you Hyoudou, and yes I am good at chess.she said in a strict voice

Issei : ok president i want to play chess with you but I want to make a bet with you.

Sona :oh a bet what kind is it .she said as she walked to the table where I was sitting

Issei : well we call each other by our first names that's if I win , and if you win I'll do anything for the rest of the day .

Sona : that's fine by me but don't cry if you loses .

Issei :* chuckles * fine i won't .

After a 20 minutes of playing chess I won by a hair but I still won though I felt she was angry at me for some reason.

Issei : so Sona- stands up -it's not my place but you should smile it makes you more beautiful, later . I leave

Sona : *blushing* that idiot. She goes back to her chair and sits and back to work

I walk to the old school building where Rias is ,I go in and see the room where Gasper is and I continue I knock on the door of the club room , I get persimmon to go in and I see Rias and Akeno

Rias : come in Issei and take a sit

Issei : yeah thanks .

Rias : oh issei this is the vis president Akeno Himejima and Akeno this is Issei Hyoudou.

Akeno : so your issei nice to meet you.

Issei : nice to meet you too , so Rias what do you guys in this club and it's a nice room . I said as I look around

Rias : thanks ,we the occult research club we help people with things they can't do , so have you thought about my proposal.

Issei : have you thought of my proposal, and yes I have .

Rias : *looks at Akeno*nods *ok but you have decided on joining or your not joining ,that aside I want to ask why you confessed to me yesterday.

Issei : oh well I guess it was a perfect time or you want me to kneel and ask you out.i said as I kneel and say

Issei : would you got out with me Rias .

Rias : get up we'll have to go on few dates to make my answer so your on a trial period ok.

Issei : ok fine ill join but I see that miss Akeno has a question for me .

Akeno : how did you know I wanted to ask you a question.

Issei : because you and Rias nodded at the same time as you looked at each other so it's easy to see something is going on,so ask away.

Akeno :did you save me nine years ago.

Issei : *sigh* no that must of been leader of {dxd} , and no I don't know where he is he comes and goes.

Akeno : I see when was the last time you saw him . In a sad tone

Issei : like one year ago when he told me to come to this school.

Rias : wait issei you said leader so your part of {dxd}.

Issei : yeah and I kill strays in this town , and yes I know about the supernatural world, also I would like to keep this information a secret for the world .

Rias : why you must know how is my brother is and why keep it a secret.

Issei : yes I do but I want to live a some what a normal high school student , I'm tired of fight . I said as I look out the window

Akeno :* tired of fighting what does he mean * she said in her mind

Rias : ok but you know I'm someone from the supernatural world.

Issei : yeah a devil that's perfect in my eyes , that's why I said I somewhat normal student life.

Rias : ok I'll keep it a secret for now .

Issei : thanks and when do we go on the date to win your heart , also can I work here on my manga .

Rías : manga are you a artist or something. She said in a little shocked tone

Issei : and this is a other thing that must not be know by the students I'm Issei Hyoudou the author and creator of dragon ball /z and Naruto/shapuden . I said with a smile

Rias : your the author of those mangas !!!

Akeno : Rias are those mangas the ones you read .

Rias : yes

Issei : and then I must work hard on the animation of them for you - oops that slipped my mouth.

Rias : wait there's going to be animated !

Issei : yeah , here read this you too Akeno . I said as I gave them the only copies of 50 shades of gray

Akeno & Rias : whats this.

Issei : that's 50 shades of gray a book that I made and only for the two girls i find precious to my heart .

Rias : you confessed to me and now your going after Akeno

Akeno : ara~ara~ ara issei your not satisfied with Rias . She said in a seductive voice

Issei : did you think I would say everything to you girls just because , I love both of you and some other girls.

Rias : but your a human and you can only have one wife, what do you mean other girls .

Issei : that's where you wrong I'm not human no more And I would like to have as many wife's and a harem .

Rias : then what are you .

Issei : as much I want to tell you I can't leader said to not tell anyone that I'm not human , so I'm already breaking that rule with you girls .

Rias : fine let me read the book .

Issei : ok I left a note in the book for you , later I have to get back to class

*school bell rings *

I leave to my classroom , inside the club room Rias is reading the note

| dear Rias I'll capture your heart and slowly make you fall for me

P.s I look forward to our date |


The girls keep reading the book till you see smoke coming out of the girls


Akeno is not a sadistic girl no more (made a little)