
The beginning of a new story 2

Li Ban, carefully studied the old abandoned mines, he had to draw up a detailed memorandum. Explore all sorts of mining and production methods; find the secrets of forging and manufacturing steel armor and swords as possible Since the swords of the Tang empire were less strong than the BOSS Empires and the swords of even the kingdom of CAO. There was a lag in production technologies. To the Persians and their tributaries, the secrets of metal smelting came from Arabistan, where at the end of the fifth century they mastered this secret!

If Lee Ban could get this secret or a hint on how to make the tangible swords of the Tan empire - steel, then this would significantly increase the power of the empire and he would be given a well-deserved reward. Maybe they appointed him a young general or gave the land, peasants. He would become influential, wealthy and in power. What else is needed for a young and ambitious person! Fast fame and career advancement!