
Chapter Eight: The Verge

"Keep an Eye Out Roxy" Netro said lurking around as they walk down the street, no one was outside. It was like a ghost town, "Maxamine must be here, we have to get him out of the city Shinjuku can't be destoryed by him" Roxy cried out as Netro turned away "I know Roxy, we must find him quickly" Netro said as suddenly an mental arrow was shot from behind as Roxy Yelled out "Netro look out" She said as Netro closed his eyes he glitched the arrow and deleted it with his mind as he opened his eyes, his Pupils were light blue, like a chip filled with technology, "Very Good, I knew You'd Counter That" Maxamine said as he up rushes Netro as Roxy Gave him a Fire Punch in the face "Face Me Instead, Just Because I'm A Girl Doesn't Mean I'm Not Strong" She said as Maxamine laughed "You See, Your Plan Is what Made You All think It was the perfect Solution, but it's not" Maxamine said as Netro grunts "What Are You Talking About" Netro yelled at him as Maxamine Darkened himself as he looks At Netro "Hakai Suru wants to erase All of you, to make his own army like us" Maxamine said as He digs himself Into the ground as Netro And Roxy looks around "us, he's trying to capture us...we can't be capture we have to regroup with the others as fast as possible" Roxy said as Netro uses Fatal blades like electric lines and disintegrated the ground as he creates a giant hole underneath them, Maxamine jumps out and as Netro quickly uses a charge blast, Netro and Maxamine were both fighting, as Dust Surrounded them while Roxy was unable to locate Maxamine And Netro as she seen a windmill and Turned it on, the dust fades away as Maxamine Shrink'd Netro and putted him a Little Container as he yelled "Roxy Run, Now!!?" Netro said in a squeaky voice as Roxy cried as she tried to catch Maxamine "Hey, Give Me Back My Brother You Bastard" Roxy Cried Out As He Disappeared while her eyes widened

She grab her micro chip to call the others "Guys, is anyone there" Roxy said repeatedly as Unknown answered "Roxy, are you okay....is something wrong" Unknown said as Roxy cried out "I don't know but they took my brother away from me" Roxy said as Neely responded

"They took Zero, something isn't right"

Neely said as Verilan Heard over the earpiece that was given to him "guys I'm still alive in case your wondering, we need to regroup at Naturals House immediately" Verilan said as the others nodded, "They took silver and I'm guessing it was a trick, but why didn't they try to capture us, static what's so important about, Zero, Silver and Netro" Unknown said as Roxy cried out "How Are We Gonna Get them Back" Roxy shoved Unknown as Static yelled "I never said getting natural back was gonna br easy" Static Looks At Unknown as he pets Simba And Picks him up "There's nothing more I want, then to see my friend again" Unknown said as he puts the cat down as he draws out his sword "and I'm not gonna hold back anymore" Unknown grabs his sword by the tip of the blade as the others widened "Unknown, What are you Doing" Neely said as Unknown Broke his sword and it disintegrated, Unknown silent as he then spoke "I'm not going down Easy, I won't need this sword anymore" Unknown said as he closes his eyes and he transformed into a new outfit as it was more darker as it has his symbol as he tries to walk out the door but Neely Stopped him, he grabs his rist "Unknown, I know You would Risk putting your life on the line but, that's not why were here. Stop pretending that were the ones slowing you down" Neely said As Unknown looked at him "I've Seen Plenty of things That evil Has Done, and We Can't Let it Believe that Stopping is our only option" Unknown said as he looks down embarrassed "Natural once told me that the only way to get rid of your fear is to accept being in the darkness that surrounds, me... you, All of us, but this darkness has made all of us trapped, and were the light that hasn't been sparked up on embracing it" Unknown said as Neely and the others nodded "the darkness that surrounds deep inside is our fears, and right now they have Natural, Silver, Zero, and Netro" Unknown said "we're done hiding, we're done with plans, we're gonna stop then one way or anothe" Unknown Interupted by another voice "I haven't Seen you in awhile, what Have you been up to Unknown" she said as he turns around